Watching the 1998 movie again, for the umpteenth time, and I still love it.

With all the "problems" that we on earth are currently facing, the possibility of the earth being struck (again) by a killer asteroid; is to me, the scariest.
Watching the 1998 movie again, for the umpteenth time, and I still love it.

With all the "problems" that we on earth are currently facing, the possibility of the earth being struck (again) by a killer asteroid; is to me, the scariest.

I don't see that as being that much of a danger as long as there is enough warning. It should be relatively easy to send a probe that crashes on the surface and changes the trajectory enough to avoid Earth. Of course if there is only weeks or months warning then that won't be feasible. It has already been done with the Deep Impact mission in 2005.
I don't see that as being that much of a danger as long as there is enough warning. It should be relatively easy to send a probe that crashes on the surface and changes the trajectory enough to avoid Earth. Of course if there is only weeks or months warning then that won't be feasible. It has already been done with the Deep Impact mission in 2005.

The conditions for an impact to change the trajectory would have to be perfect.
It's not just the size of the impact; but you also have to figure in the sized of the object, it's composition, and it's speed.
Just look at the projected damage that a refrigerator size object can cause. Now figure in whether it's ice, iron ore, or something else.
It's not the ones we know about, that cause me the most worry; but instead those that might be heading our way, hiding in the suns light.
Such an object might give us only weeks, if not days, of a warning.
The conditions for an impact to change the trajectory would have to be perfect.
It's not just the size of the impact; but you also have to figure in the sized of the object, it's composition, and it's speed.
Just look at the projected damage that a refrigerator size object can cause. Now figure in whether it's ice, iron ore, or something else.
It's not the ones we know about, that cause me the most worry; but instead those that might be heading our way, hiding in the suns light.
Such an object might give us only weeks, if not days, of a warning.

The vast majority of near Earth objects are detected by radar tracking.
Watching the 1998 movie again, for the umpteenth time, and I still love it.

With all the "problems" that we on earth are currently facing, the possibility of the earth being struck (again) by a killer asteroid; is to me, the scariest.

Every conservative needs something to fear...your choice is weird but...
The conditions for an impact to change the trajectory would have to be perfect.
It's not just the size of the impact; but you also have to figure in the sized of the object, it's composition, and it's speed.
Just look at the projected damage that a refrigerator size object can cause. Now figure in whether it's ice, iron ore, or something else.
It's not the ones we know about, that cause me the most worry; but instead those that might be heading our way, hiding in the suns light.
Such an object might give us only weeks, if not days, of a warning.

Wait,lol I should have kept reading.
Every conservative needs something to fear...your choice is weird but...

When one's heart is not right, there is cause for fear and uncertainty. All the bluster is but a front. There is a scared little boy inside. Afraid of non-whites. Afraid of gays. Afraid of losing everything. Afraid of shadows. Typical of racists and bigots.
When one's heart is not right, there is cause for fear and uncertainty. All the bluster is but a front. There is a scared little boy inside. Afraid of non-whites. Afraid of gays. Afraid of losing everything. Afraid of shadows. Typical of racists and bigots.

Must be what your addiction counsler must have been telling you, in order for you to try and get yourself to take resposibility for your anti-social behavior
Watching the 1998 movie again, for the umpteenth time, and I still love it.

With all the "problems" that we on earth are currently facing, the possibility of the earth being struck (again) by a killer asteroid; is to me, the scariest.

Thanks for the tip about the movie. I had not seen it before so I just watched it on You Tube.

At least you can suggest decent movies. ;)

Good Night.
Every conservative needs something to fear...your choice is weird but...

How about morons like you? Should I be affraid that you're going to ruin a good movie thread straight off the left cliff EVERY FUCKING TIME SOMEONE STARTS ONE!!!
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How about morons like you? Should I be affraid that you're going to run a good movie thread straight off the left cliff EVERY FUCKING TIME SOMEONE STARTS ONE!!!

Did you see Legends of the Fall? How about House of the Spirit? WTF are you talking about? Oh wait, I get it, a Bruce Willis flick is a "good" movie.
If this is really about defending Freedom,
1. He doesn't need your help.
2. He is the worst offender on the whole site, in terms of unprovoked verbal assault.

Funny, when you occasionally make a gaffe, which you do, do you see me calling you a moron? How about responding in kind?
Interestingly, I have noticed that you make many more posts about posters than the topics posted. You are a lot like xxxx in that way, which explains your uncalled for defenses of him.
Did you see Legends of the Fall? How about House of the Spirit? WTF are you talking about? Oh wait, I get it, a Bruce Willis flick is a "good" movie.
If this is really about defending Freedom,
1. He doesn't need your help.
2. He is the worst offender on the whole site, in terms of unprovoked verbal assault.

Funny, when you occasionally make a gaffe, which you do, do you see me calling you a moron? How about responding in kind?
Interestingly, I have noticed that you make many more posts about posters than the topics posted. You are a lot like xxxx in that way, which explains your uncalled for defenses of him.

What do you mean by gaffe? When you first responded to my post, I had the word "ruin" mis-spelled, which constitutes a gaffe of sorts.

On the other hand, I don't frequently rush into an off topic thread about, say, a movie, and start going off about political bullshit. I'd be to tempted refute your comments about the politics of fear in relation to global catastrophes discussed in movies such as Armageddon, Deep Impact, and 2012, but that would be fucking stupid, since that's not what this thread is supposed to have been about.
What do you mean by gaffe? When you first responded to my post, I had the word "ruin" mis-spelled, which constitutes a gaffe of sorts.

On the other hand, I don't frequently rush into an off topic thread about, say, a movie, and start going off about political bullshit. I'd be to tempted refute your comments about the politics of fear in relation to global catastrophes discussed in movies such as Armageddon, Deep Impact, and 2012, but that would be fucking stupid, since that's not what this thread is supposed to have been about.

Damn smartboy, forget to take your pill today?
Clearly I was reffering to MY gaffe, that of rune-ing an otherwise perfectly good movie thread (in your not so humble opinion).
My question therefore, is why do you call me a moron when I make a gaffe? I don't treat you that way.

Now, aside from that, how did I derail the thread? I mentioned two most awesome movies, and poked a little bit of fun at an incredibly obnoxious blowhard at the same time. This is a political website after all.

So, to recap; have you seen either of the movies I mentioned?

By the way, this was in the OP; With all the "problems" that we on earth are currently facing, the possibility of the earth being struck (again) by a killer asteroid; is to me, the scariest.

Therefore my comments were hardly offtopic nor uncalled for.

Nice fail.