Armed Resistance in the Civil Rights Movement

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
On his first visit to Martin Luther King Jr.'s house in Montgomery, Alabama, the journalist William Worthy began to sink into an armchair. He snapped up again when nonviolent activist Bayard Rustin yelled, "Bill, wait, wait! Couple of guns on that chair!" Worthy looked behind him and saw two loaded pistols nestled on the cushion. "Just for self-defense," King said.
I’d have to say in those days anybody south of the Mason Dixon line was well acquainted with guns, and self defense isn’t quite the same as promoting violence as an answer
I’d have to say in those days anybody south of the Mason Dixon line was well acquainted with guns, and self defense isn’t quite the same as promoting violence as an answer

Praise be to Jesus you weren't here during the Revolution.
(By the way, are you Canadian?)
Praise be to Jesus you weren't here during the Revolution.
(By the way, are you Canadian?)

Now, now Jack, no need to be mean, insinuating he is a damn Canadian.....

Interesting OP......

Will have to look into that a bit more..........

I don't think it was ever a one lane approach. You had plenty of others w/ other ideas, including the Black Panthers out of Oakland & Malcolm X etc.....
There was a time when most of the left understood the importance of having gun rights. MLK certainly understood it.

Strangely, Antifa understands this, while a lot of the mainstream left wants to diminish these rights or outright end them.
This is what's wrong with America, too many fucking Canadians!

trump is saving the worst for last...

Bannon will break it out a month before the election & trump will pop up @ some hotel or casino & announce they are bringing in whiskey & beer, their rapists & drunks, we need a wall...........!!!!