Arnt you embarrased if you supported Iraq???


Well-known member
Basically the Iraq study group fount that what everyone becides Bush and those who blindly followed him (admitedly a lot of Americans) knew. If you topple Saddam the region will be destabalized and Iraq will be worse off.

Bush's father knew it. I knew it. Those who worked for Bush's father knew it. Colin Powell knew it.

Why dident you?
Saw a Marine Major on CNN, I think, that was saying that most of the things they "recommend" have long been implemented.
I will always support what's being done in iraq. The surrender monkeys report means nothing. The good parts have already been implimented and the bad parts will be ignored. nothing new there.

Iraq is a front in the war. Like afganistan. Its important to get a strong government established there. Whether that can happen is in doubt as they have to stop the sunni - shea fued. Just pulling out will be turning iraq over to iran who will will absorb it like syria is trying to absorb lebanon.

The war with saddam has been over for a long time. the war with alqeda and al sadr and the sunni baathist is what is being fought now. Its a different war. It was unexpected because Bush and his administration failed to study islam and the region. He's busy playing politics in the region instead of using the military to do their job.

The war is being run by lawyers and political correctness, not the military.

And the propaganda war is being badly lost. alqueda and iran know how to use our media and they do it very effectively. Especially since the media is so determined to make Bush look bad that nothing else concerns them. Any story that makes the military or the administration look bad gets front page news, whether its true or not.

There are two wars going on here. The war in iraq and afganistan and the war with Bush by the libs and the media.
The surrender monkeys report means nothing.

Surrender monkeys like James Baker? ROFLMAO!

Iraq is a front in the war.

Its a debacle that shows the inability to think effectively in strategic terms of many of the fuckwits that hang about the WH.

Everyone pointed out that invading Iraq was a piss poor idea, but unfortunately the bullet-headed morons in the US / UK regimes thought they knew better.

Now they are in a pile of shite and wriggling hard...
I will always support what's being done in iraq. The surrender monkeys report means nothing. The good parts have already been implimented and the bad parts will be ignored. nothing new there.

Iraq is a front in the war. Like afganistan. Its important to get a strong government established there. Whether that can happen is in doubt as they have to stop the sunni - shea fued. Just pulling out will be turning iraq over to iran who will will absorb it like syria is trying to absorb lebanon.

The war with saddam has been over for a long time. the war with alqeda and al sadr and the sunni baathist is what is being fought now. Its a different war. It was unexpected because Bush and his administration failed to study islam and the region. He's busy playing politics in the region instead of using the military to do their job.

The war is being run by lawyers and political correctness, not the military.

And the propaganda war is being badly lost. alqueda and iran know how to use our media and they do it very effectively. Especially since the media is so determined to make Bush look bad that nothing else concerns them. Any story that makes the military or the administration look bad gets front page news, whether its true or not.

There are two wars going on here. The war in iraq and afganistan and the war with Bush by the libs and the media.

You mean the report from the panel Bush put together and called for, the report Bush says he will take ideas from and impliment?
The war is being run by lawyers and political correctness, not the military.

Well if it was a REAL war perhaps the military could/would run it....
Darn! Toby is back!
Sorry tobes, you are still on ignore so I can't see what you said, but welcome back anyway.
I should correct myself a bit, the title of this thread is misleading if you dont look deeper and read the first post.

I support Iraq, I dont and did not support what the president did when he lead an invasion into Iraq.
Of course the are, why do you think more claim to be libertarians now ?

I think its embarrassing the way my fellow Americans acted in the three to four years after 9-11. I always thought Americans would meet adversity bravery and with honor... we did not, we acted out of fear and hostlity. We are paying for it now, I just wish we had been more reasonable and acted in our best interests then!
I think its embarrassing the way my fellow Americans acted in the three to four years after 9-11. I always thought Americans would meet adversity bravery and with honor... we did not, we acted out of fear and hostlity. We are paying for it now, I just wish we had been more reasonable and acted in our best interests then!

Well said , and I fully agree. When I first realized we were going to invade Iraq, my feelings of disbelief, We are the USA we don't act this way. That sounded like something one of the Axis of evil powers would do.
To sum it up we have been acting very unamerican under Bush.
The war is being run by lawyers and political correctness, not the military.

No it's not. It's being ran by incompetents like Geo. W Bush and Anthony Bliar...

You can't fuck up, and then try to blame everybody else....
Sure you can. Almost every mid-level manager I've ever worked with has tried it. Many of 'em get away with it, too. It's very American.

The British way is just to fiddle the stats so that the mistake is hidden well enough to not be found out... :)
Its worse that a simple fuck up when EVERYONE but you and the yes-men you surrounded yourself with knew it was a fuck up and they told you so!

Bush has all the simptoms of a drunk. He has a problem with Iraq and although almost ALL of those around him told him so he refused to accept it or admit it! Infact he fired those who disagreed with him (those who tried to get him to accept he has a problem) and continued down the road to ruin!
Its worse that a simple fuck up ....

Simple people screw things up royally when placed in positions of authority.