Art and the Limit of Science


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Science has almost nothing to say about ethics, and can teach us little about politics.

The defining characteristics of art are instead that it is perceived by the senses, and that it challenges us to understand the world differently. When we engage with art, we step out of the bubble that social media and our other experiences have created around us; we put our prior expectations to one side; and truly try to understand the artwork before us. A work of art is never what we want it to be – it is independent of the meaning we project upon it. To understand a work of art, we must attempt to receive what it is trying to say.
But as various voices called the word of God (that is, the Bible) into disrepute from the eighteenth century onwards, the stable footing that monotheistic religion offered the West crumbled away. We Westerners were left perplexed. If not to God, where do we now turn for knowledge and moral guidance?

Many would say that science has been passed this baton. So we must understand the limits of science.
"In his book The Gay Science (1882) Nietzsche famously claimed that “God is dead! God remains dead! And we have killed him!” (p.120). However, we must remember that Nietzsche is lamenting the death of God not celebrating it. God was once the pillar of truth and morality, and as long as we followed the word of God, we could rest easy knowing we were on the right path. But as various voices called the word of God (that is, the Bible) into disrepute from the eighteenth century onwards, the stable footing that monotheistic religion offered the West crumbled away. We Westerners were left perplexed. If not to God, where do we now turn for knowledge and moral guidance?"
The human heart is where we find the connection

When you place that connection into some heaven in the sky MAN no one will ever see it makes people disregard the humans around them

Some of the most selfish and hate filled people I have met were deeply religious people

It’s doesn’t matter if the religion began with a good intention

It’s who it draws in today

Recently there are very bad examples in religion

It’s their fault people are walking away from organized religion