APP - As always there is way more to the story



In the wake of Roseanne Barr's unfortunate and unnecessary comments about Obama gal pal Valerie Jarrett, the one thing that has nagged at me is why did Roseanne single out Jarrett? She isn't involved with any policy anymore. The inappropriate comments notwithstanding, the target seemed very random.

Well it appears that Roseanne was tweeting about the Obama's and their newly found $50 million deal with Netflix.

Apparently the Obama's did not take kindly to the criticism and rumor is that they were lobbying ABC to do something about it. Maybe Roseanne got word that it was Obama gal pal Valerie Jarrett who was lobbying ABC against her? Again, it doesn't excuse what Roseanne tweeted, but it might explain the genesis of the tweet.

Too bad Rosanne didn't seem to consider the likelihood that she'd be called a racist for saying Jarret resembled a character in a Planet of the Apes.