As expected, tRump's blog goes "bust".


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Just like Rump casinos, Rump University, Rump steaks and a plethora of other Rump business "busts", Rump's blog has bit the dust.

Rump had this to say about his blog in the beginning:
"This is meant to be a temporary way of getting my thoughts and ideas out to the public without the Fake News spin, but the website is not a platform,".

Translation: "This blog is my avenue to fabricate spew lies and distorted facts without being fact-checked by the news media. Sadly, poor participation indicates that my ever faithful "band of idiots" following is diminishing".
And rightys said it was going to change the world. Just wait for his incredible blog to come out. It has come and gone, just like trump.
Just like Rump casinos, Rump University, Rump steaks and a plethora of other Rump business "busts", Rump's blog has bit the dust.

Rump had this to say about his blog in the beginning:
"This is meant to be a temporary way of getting my thoughts and ideas out to the public without the Fake News spin, but the website is not a platform,".

Translation: "This blog is my avenue to fabricate spew lies and distorted facts without being fact-checked by the news media. Sadly, poor participation indicates that my ever faithful "band of idiots" following is diminishing".

Guess he forgot the cardinal rule of business: know thy customers. #TRE45ON's "customers," the cult, don't care for paragraphs and find too many words over 130 characters too intimidating. It's a good thing he loves the poorly-educated. lol