As I was saying...


Oderint dum metuant


RE Dachshund's closed thread...

Let's be real, here.

I doubt that Joe Biden personally is doing any harm, except maybe to the ice cream supply.

He appears to be a feckless figurehead manipulated by the Obama retreads who infest the White House and the federal bureaucracy.

Why would anyone want to hurt an old man with fading faculties?

That would be the act of an idiot, and even DEMOCRATS (who generally fit the bill) don't seem to dislike him that much.

He's not really personally responsible for the actions the government takes.

He's just their fall guy, a lightning rod, someone to take the blame.

The men and women behind the curtain are ringing the bells in Oz.

Obama knew what he was doing when he expanded Senior Executive Service by Executive Order.

It was a masterstroke, and it was what perpetuated, if not created, the Deep State, IMO.

If you doubt me, read up: https://obamawhitehouse.archives.go...-order-strengthening-senior-executive-service

What Obama did in the waning days of his Reign or Error was to create a long-lived cadre of dedicated DEMOCRAT ideologues in senior positions throughout the already-entrenched federal bureaucracy.

It was an act of evil genius (although I suspect Rahm Emanuel may have thought it up).

Not only would this corps of highly-placed saboteurs survive many presidential transitions (because they aren't elected or appointed), they'd be in place to hobble and obstruct any future GOP president's agenda from inside the belly of the beast.

Remember: elected/appointed officials come and go, but the bureaucrat class stays, and it grows.


And NO questions or comments that could be misconstrued by the easily confused, please.

If you need help understanding that, PM me for details.