As many expected it seems the next pandemic is being launched now (bird flu)


ButterMilk Man

REPORT: Dr. McCullough warns the bird flu response is a GIANT threat to the food supply.“They’re coming on farms with hazmat suits doing mass PCR testing of healthy animals. All that’s going to do is raise a false case count and create orders for MASS CULLING.”It gets worse.
says, “They want mass vaccination.”The FDA has already cleared the Audenz bird flu vaccine WITHOUT human trial data.Even worse, CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) currently has a self-replicating vaccine specifically for bird flu.

I live on a farm in Quebec. During Covid, govt came to my house asking to test my deer for Covid. I laughed them off my property. If govt agents show up wanting to test your animals for 'Bird Flu' DO NOT LET THEM. If ANY tests come back positive, false or not, they'll mark your animals for SLAUGHTER....THEIR GOAL IS TO HAVE US STARVE AND FORCE US TO BUY LAB GROWN MEAT.


Control the food control the people.
I would tell any farmer or rancher that if the government comes and wants to "check" your animals to tell them to get bent and go get a warrant.
In America bird flu has always been a spring thing I the Regime is claiming that it is ramping up for summer.

Something to notice:

More than a million laying hens died in a massive fire at a huge poultry farm in Farina, IllinoisThe farm is one of the largest chicken egg production enterprises in the country.Against the backdrop of bird flu intensifying in the United States, a new increase in prices for eggs and chicken in the region is expected.