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It appears the 45 tyrant is setting up the Border Protection Commissioner to commit a felony with some claim that this premediated felony that this tyrant 45 is conning him to commit is ok and go for it because the 45 tyrant will be there to protect him as in some abuse of his tyrannical power pardon. Anyone with one ounce of intelligence should know 45 is not a man of his word but a liar and deplorable demagogue who would use someone to do his will and then give them the shaft and pretend he knows nothing about them. Consider all of his devoted cronies who have been charged, indicted, imprisoned, sentenced and under investigation thus far. I hope this commissioner takes extreme caution at accepting bribes from the devil that could end up destroying his entire career and most likely freedom as a criminal against humanity, and stick with protecting federal law against this lawless 45 tyrant. 45 is not worth the risk at betraying U.S. law in favor of his felonious and treasonous atrocities against the law and humanity.
source: cnn .com
source: cnn .com