APP - As we approach 2020 Presidential election

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Look for the left to do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING they can to try to derail President Trump. If they can't keep him from re-election, they will do all they can to retake the Senate as that is what would keep him from fully reshaping the Judiciary.

The Access Hollywood tape is nothing compared to what the left is going to throw at President Trump and his supporters leading into November. I foresee false flags a plenty from leftist sympathizers. The left is cornered and scared. They are not constrained by morals, dignity or traditional norms. They will do anything and everything to regain power and Lord help us if they ever do. They no longer hide who they are. They are the enemy of the American people. They despise the US Constitution. They despise individualism. They despise freedom of speech. And most importantly they despise all of us who love the US Constitution, individualism and freedom of speech.

It is more important than ever that we stay vigilant. Have each other's backs and more importantly have President Trump's back. As I begin to watch him and events unfold, I am more convinced than ever Donald Trump was sent by God. He was an imperfect savior of the United States, but a savior he was.

There is no telling the destruction a Clinton 2.0 Presidency would have wrought on our country.


What good had this "reshaped" judiciary done for us? They still uphold the power of the State above all else
. They still spy on us without consequences or oversight. They still steal our property. There is no meaningful difference between the judiciary of 2010 and today.
What good had this "reshaped" judiciary done for us? They still uphold the power of the State above all else
. They still spy on us without consequences or oversight. They still steal our property. There is no meaningful difference between the judiciary of 2010 and today.

The state wasn't built up overnight. It won't be torn down overnight and not without a fight.
Well that all they have done since he threw his hat in the ring so i doubt they will stop.
The question is just how fed up is the mushy middle with this foolishness.
I think America has had enough and if the GOP just plays the voice of reason they win back the house.
Well that all they have done since he threw his hat in the ring so i doubt they will stop.
The question is just how fed up is the mushy middle with this foolishness.
I think America has had enough and if the GOP just plays the voice of reason they win back the house.

I can just share with you my circle of friends and acquaintances. I know many people who were outwardly hostile to Trump in 2016 and did not vote for him, but they have told me that they are voting for him in 2020. Their reasons vary. Still many of them to not "approve" of Trump and they aren't crazy about the Tweets, but they can't ignore his successes.

The one thing all of them have in common regarding their change in support for Trump is the democrat party. For some it was the assault on Kavanaugh. For others, it is impeachment and for others it is that they think the democrat party has come completely unhinged and their candidates would push us towards Venezuela.

Now how much of this is happening on a grander scale then my small little corner of the country? I can't tell you. We have Grind who did not vote for Trump and is now fully on board. We can speculate lots of things like minority support. While I am hopeful, I can't put any stock into it until the votes are counted. Will blacks turn out in big enough numbers to crush the democrat party? Will the peer pressure be too great for them as the election draws near?

We will see
I can just share with you my circle of friends and acquaintances. I know many people who were outwardly hostile to Trump in 2016 and did not vote for him, but they have told me that they are voting for him in 2020. Their reasons vary. Still many of them to not "approve" of Trump and they aren't crazy about the Tweets, but they can't ignore his successes.

The one thing all of them have in common regarding their change in support for Trump is the democrat party. For some it was the assault on Kavanaugh. For others, it is impeachment and for others it is that they think the democrat party has come completely unhinged and their candidates would push us towards Venezuela.

Now how much of this is happening on a grander scale then my small little corner of the country? I can't tell you. We have Grind who did not vote for Trump and is now fully on board. We can speculate lots of things like minority support. While I am hopeful, I can't put any stock into it until the votes are counted. Will blacks turn out in big enough numbers to crush the democrat party? Will the peer pressure be too great for them as the election draws near?

We will see
That's me too. I considered Trump the third worst candidate in'16.
But you're right... I cannot ignore his successes in addition to what the Democratic Party has become which is completely unhinged since Nov. '16 and they've gotten worse since then. There are too many examples for me to list here although the latest is their new alliance with Iranian mullahs.
I now openly say I will vote for Trump this year.