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Clinton Corpse Collection

......"I've investigated a lot of crimes over the last 32 years, including murders. Any criminal investigator with the slightest bit of experience and training could easily see (and most have seen) the many flaws, holes and gaps in the so-called Vince Foster "murder" investigation by, of all the federal law enforcement agencies, the Park Police. But, when one does a little more checking into the past of Bill and Hillary Clinton, they will find a long path of former friends, associates and business partners of the Clinton's who have died young and under mysterious circumstances. The following is a partial list of those whose blood cries out for justice.
Kevin Ives and Don Henry: Died August 1987. Reportedly, they had stumbled upon the Arkansas Mena Drug Operation (many stories and articles have been written about Clinton's affiliation with the Mena Mafia) It was first reported that these two young boys died as a result of falling asleep on a railroad track. It was later revealed that Ives had received a crushed skull prior to being placed on the tracks and Henry had been stabbed to death. The following 7 deaths were all of people who reportedly had knowledge and information concerning the mysterious, unsolved murders of Kevin Ives and Don Henry:

Keith Coney:died July 1988 from injuries sustained from a motorcycle accident. Some reports indicated that he was being chased by an unidentified vehicle.
Keith McKaskle: died Nov. 1988 from multiple stab wounds
Greg Collins: died Jan. 1989 from a gunshot wound to the head. No suspect was ever found.
Jeff Rhodes: died April 1989 from a gunshot wound to the head. His body was burned and thrown in a dumpster.
James Milam: died 1989. His death was ruled as being from natural causes, until his head was later recovered from a trash bin!
Richard Winters: died July 1990 from injuries sustained during a robbery attempt. He was a suspect in the death of Kevin Ives and Don Henry. Some reports claim the robbery was only a setup.
Jordan Kettleson: died June 1990. He died from gunshot wounds and was found sitting in his truck.
Suzanne Coleman: died when Clinton served as Arkansas Attorney General. She was alleged to have been "romantically" involved with Clinton. Although she died from a gunshot to the back of her head, the death was ruled a suicide! She was pregnant at the time of her death.
Alan Sandorf:died 1991. Sandorf was an employee of NSA (National Security Agency). He was reportedly providing info. to Danny Casolaro, who was an independent reporter investigating the INSLAW case (INSLAW involved Justice Dept. theft, cover-ups, missing records, fraud and gov. corruption of all sorts) Sandorf's body was found in the back seat of a car at the Washington National Airport.
Dennis Eisman: shot to death in 1991. Eisman was an attorney, who was also working on the INSLAW case.
Danny Casolaro: found dead in a Virginia motel room in 1992. His arms had been slashed multiple times. Casolaro was an independent investigative reporter who had extensive files and information on the INSLAW case against the Justice Dept. and other "high ranking" government officials. Even though his body was found, his files and documentations were said to have never been located!
Victor Raiser II: died in 1992 from an unexplained airplane crash. He was co-chairman of the "Clinton for President" campaign. Montgomery Raiser, his son, also involved with the Clinton campaign was killed in the plane crash with his father and 5 other people.
Ian Spiro: died in 1992. His wife and 3 children were found murdered in their home. They had been shot to death (execution style) Several days later Spiro's body was found in the Borego Desert. His autopsy revealed the cause of death as cyanide poisoning. He held files and evidence to produce before a grand jury in the INSLAW proceedings.
Paul Tully: died 1992 from unknown causes. His body was found in a motel room in Little Rock Arkansas. He was supposedly one of Clinton's closest friends, and served as the National Democratic Committee Chairman.
Jim Wilhite: died 1992 in a one person skiing accident. Wilhite had close ties to Clinton and was a former associate of Mack Mclarty (long time friend and counselor of Bill Clinton)
Paula Gober: died 1992 from an unwitnessed one car accident. She traveled with Clinton and was his speech interpreter for the deaf for 4 years.
Paul Wilcher: died 1993 from an "undetermined cause". He was a Washington attorney, who was investigating gov. corruption in the Mena Arkansas drug running organization and the BATF assault in the Waco ordeal. He had turned in a lengthy affidavit to Janet Reno only 3 weeks prior to his mysterious death! His body was found in a Washington apartment. His reports and documents have never been released.
Robert Williams, Todd McKeehan, Conway LeBleau and Steve Willis: all died in 1993 from identical gunshot wounds to their left temples. They were the only BATF agents killed in Waco, Texas during the Branch Davidian raid. They also just happen to have been Clinton bodyguards!
Scott Reynolds, William Barkley, Brian Hassley and Tim Sabel: all died in a "freak" helicopter crash in 1993, All 4 men had served as Clinton bodyguards. The helicopter crash site, near Quantico Virginia was barred from reporters and a video of the crash site, taken by a fire fighter, was seized by military officials.
Gary Rhodes, William Robertson, William Desberger and Robert Kelly: all died in another helicopter crash in 1993. This one occurred in Germany and the cause was never determined. All 4 men were Clinton Bodyguards. They, along with 8 other men who were associated with Clinton's previous visit to the U.S.S. Roosevelt, died within a 4 month period!
Vince Foster: died 1993 from a gunshot wound to the head. Long time "friend" of Hillary (Bill too) Clinton. He was the White House Deputy Counsel at the time of his murder....oh!. excuse me, suicide. Why do so many people who know the Clinton's want to kill themselves? I may add another page later to explain my many reasons for believing Foster's death to have been a murder and a sloppy cover up attempt. Many people, including some Republican Congressmen, have tried (as recently as July 1998) to get the Clinton Justice Dept. to re-open the investigation into Vincent Foster's death.
Jon Parnell Walker: died 1993 from injuries received after "falling" from an apartment balcony at the top of the Lincoln Towers. This was a place in which Vince Foster was reported to use as a getaway! Walker was an investigator for the RTC (Resolution Trust Corporation) who was investigating the Whitewater affair and the Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan bankruptcy scandal. Walker was attempting to have the investigation moved from Arkansas to Washington at the time of his alleged slip off the top of the Lincoln Towers.
Luther (Jerry) Parks: died from multiple gunshot wounds in 1993. His body was found by an intersection on I-10 outside Little Rock. He was the head of the Security Team at Clinton's National Campaign Headquarters in Arkansas. He had compiled a large file involving illicit activities (including sexual affairs) by Bill Clinton.
By the way,just prior to his death, his house was burglarized and all of his files and photos on Clinton and "friends" were stolen! Nothing else was taken. Jerry's 23 year old son, Gary Parks, stated to The "London Sunday Telegraph,"..."they had my father killed to save Bill Clinton's political career!" With 9 bullets having been removed from his body, the suicide theory has not yet been applied to this one!

Stanley Heard and Steven Dickson: died 1993 in an unexplained airplane crash near the Dulles airport. Dickson was counsel to Heard, who was the chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Committee. Heard had also known and treated Clinton's mother and other Clinton family members.
Ed Willey: died from a gunshot wound in 1993. He was a Clinton fund raiser and the husband of Kathleen Willey, another lady who fell victim to a sexual attack by Sicko Willie. His death was ruled....what else? A suicide, of course. It has been reported that he died the same day Mrs. Willey was "groped" by Clinton in the ORAL office.
Gandy Baugh: died 1994. Of course, it was another suicide. Baugh was an attorney for Dan Lasater (Clinton's long time comrade from Arkansas, who was later convicted on criminal charges, including drugs). Baugh's law partner, not to be out-done, decided to commit his suicide exactly a month later!
Herschell Friday: died in 1994. He was a member of Clinton's Presidential Finance Committee. The airplane he was flying in committed suicide by blowing itself up in mid flight!
Bill Shelton: died 1994. He was an Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Furguson (we'll get to her momentarily). Shelton did a "trick suicide". He shot himself in the back of the head while visiting Kathy's grave!
Kathy Furguson: died 1994. You guessed it. Suicide, by a gunshot to the head. Kathy, a hospital worker was recently divorced from Danny Furguson, another Arkansas State Trooper. Danny was also Clinton's co-defendant in the "Paula Jones" sexual harassment lawsuit. Kathy was known to be a little "too open" about sharing information with folks about Clinton's 3rd rate romances. Danny Furguson spared himself from a possible "suicide" when he changed his mind and decided that he did not escort Paula Jones to Clinton's motel room after all!
Stanley Huggins: died 1994 after a "short illness". He had been a member of a large Memphis law firm and the head investigator probing into the suspicious loan and banking practices of the Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan.
Calvin Walraven: died 1994. He was a 24 yr. old, and one of the state's main witnesses against Jocelyn Elder's son, who was up on drug charges. His body was found in his Arkansas apartment with a gunshot to the head. Even though the authorities never called it a suicide, the Little Rock P.D. said there was "no foul play suspected".
By the way, Jocelyn Elders was the "let's make marijuana legal and criminalize tobacco" Surgeon General, who was hand picked by Willie Boy! No need for her to commit suicide. She apparently came into the Surgeon General's position already brain-dead!

Dr. Ronald Rogers:died 1994 from yet another bizarre plane crash. He was on the way to do an interview with a reporter for the "London Sunday Telegraph" about some of the scandalous and secret dealings of Bill Clinton.
Ron Brown: died 1996. Brown was the Secretary of Commerce and the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee. He died along with 39 others in a plane crash, on the way to Croatia. The plane crash was originally reported to have been caused by bad weather. After independent sources revealed that there was no bad weather, the reports cited pilot error and navigational equipment failure as the cause.
Brown was very close to being indicted over financial fraud schemes etc., and had publicly announced that he was willing to make a deal with the prosecution. Many allegations have came out about Brown's missing, lost or stolen autopsy records containing x-rays that clearly showed a "bullet hole" in the back of Brown's head and bullet fragments inside his skull! If it's ever proven, I wonder if they'll also attribute that to pilot error?

Barbara Wise:died 1996. Barbara was a 14 year employee with the Department of Commerce. She was an associate of Johnny Huang (financial and trade scandals, etc.) During the time rumors were circulating around Washington about Huang's possible involvement in illegal activities, the body of Barbara Wise was found in her Dept. of Commerce office. Her body was severely bruised and semi- nude. No official cause of death was ever released.
Charles Meissner: died 1996. He was the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for International Economic Policy. He placed Johnny Huang on a Commerce Dept. Contract that allowed Huang to maintain a security clearance. Soon thereafter, Meissner was killed in the same plane crash along with Ron Brown.
Admiral Jerry Boorda: died 1996. Admiral Boorda was the Chief of Naval Operations. He supposedly went home for lunch one day and, rather than have his scheduled interview with the Newsweek Magazine that afternoon, he decided to shoot himself twice in the chest.
William Colby: died 1996. Former Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby was feared by many "insiders" because of the information Colby was allegedly writing about for his new book. He had already went public with information about illegal spying on American citizens and other CIA activities that embarrassed the agency. Colby was reported missing by neighbors. A massive search was conducted and the only thing recovered was Colby's canoe. He had left his house unlocked, his computer on and his lunch only partially eaten. Colby was known for his tidiness, but his house was said to have been in complete disarray. His wife stated that Colby never, never went out in his canoe without a life jacket on. But, several days later his body was discovered in the water in an area previously, thoroughly searched. He was not wearing a life-jacket. His book was never completed either.
Mary Mahoney: died 1997. Mary was a former intern working in the White House for Bill Clinton. Rumors were said to have been circulating that a former intern was about to go public about being sexually harassed by Bill Clinton. Mahoney was working in a coffee shop in Georgetown, when gunmen entered. Mahoney's two associates were taken into a separate room and shot. Mary Mahoney's body contained five bullets. No money was taken. Murders never solved.
Ron Miller: died 1997. Ron Miller was the man who tape recorded Gene and Nora Lum and turned the tapes over to the congressional oversight investigators. The Lums were arrested, convicted and sentenced to prison for campaign violations by fraudulently concealing their identity and the size of their political contributions. Ron Miller, a very healthy man was suddenly struck very ill and died within days. The medical examiner's office in Oklahoma refused to release blood test results. Many believe Miller's death was a result of Ricin poisoning.
Sandy Hume: died 1998. Sandy had worked for Fox News for 3 weeks. he was the son of Brit Hume, journalist and Fox News reporter. Sandy was previously a reporter for the Hill Magazine. The Magazine had been the one to break the story about congressional in-fighting involving the Speaker of the House and Rep. Paxon in 1997. Oddly enough Representative Paxon resigned within 24 hours after the announced death of Sandy Hume. There was and still remains a total media blackout concerning the death of Sandy Hume. The 28 year old go-getter, news digging reporter was known to get a head start on the "inside" dirt within the Washington establishment. Apparent suicide was the only comment supposedly released about his tragic and untimely death."
Clinton Corpse Collection

......"I've investigated a lot of crimes over the last 32 years, including murders. Any criminal investigator with the slightest bit of experience and training could easily see (and most have seen) the many flaws, holes and gaps in the so-called Vince Foster "murder" investigation by, of all the federal law enforcement agencies, the Park Police. But, when one does a little more checking into the past of Bill and Hillary Clinton, they will find a long path of former friends, associates and business partners of the Clinton's who have died young and under mysterious circumstances. The following is a partial list of those whose blood cries out for justice.
Kevin Ives and Don Henry: Died August 1987. Reportedly, they had stumbled upon the Arkansas Mena Drug Operation (many stories and articles have been written about Clinton's affiliation with the Mena Mafia) It was first reported that these two young boys died as a result of falling asleep on a railroad track. It was later revealed that Ives had received a crushed skull prior to being placed on the tracks and Henry had been stabbed to death. The following 7 deaths were all of people who reportedly had knowledge and information concerning the mysterious, unsolved murders of Kevin Ives and Don Henry:

Keith Coney:died July 1988 from injuries sustained from a motorcycle accident. Some reports indicated that he was being chased by an unidentified vehicle.
Keith McKaskle: died Nov. 1988 from multiple stab wounds
Greg Collins: died Jan. 1989 from a gunshot wound to the head. No suspect was ever found.
Jeff Rhodes: died April 1989 from a gunshot wound to the head. His body was burned and thrown in a dumpster.
James Milam: died 1989. His death was ruled as being from natural causes, until his head was later recovered from a trash bin!
Richard Winters: died July 1990 from injuries sustained during a robbery attempt. He was a suspect in the death of Kevin Ives and Don Henry. Some reports claim the robbery was only a setup.
Jordan Kettleson: died June 1990. He died from gunshot wounds and was found sitting in his truck.
Suzanne Coleman: died when Clinton served as Arkansas Attorney General. She was alleged to have been "romantically" involved with Clinton. Although she died from a gunshot to the back of her head, the death was ruled a suicide! She was pregnant at the time of her death.
Alan Sandorf:died 1991. Sandorf was an employee of NSA (National Security Agency). He was reportedly providing info. to Danny Casolaro, who was an independent reporter investigating the INSLAW case (INSLAW involved Justice Dept. theft, cover-ups, missing records, fraud and gov. corruption of all sorts) Sandorf's body was found in the back seat of a car at the Washington National Airport.
Dennis Eisman: shot to death in 1991. Eisman was an attorney, who was also working on the INSLAW case.
Danny Casolaro: found dead in a Virginia motel room in 1992. His arms had been slashed multiple times. Casolaro was an independent investigative reporter who had extensive files and information on the INSLAW case against the Justice Dept. and other "high ranking" government officials. Even though his body was found, his files and documentations were said to have never been located!
Victor Raiser II: died in 1992 from an unexplained airplane crash. He was co-chairman of the "Clinton for President" campaign. Montgomery Raiser, his son, also involved with the Clinton campaign was killed in the plane crash with his father and 5 other people.
Ian Spiro: died in 1992. His wife and 3 children were found murdered in their home. They had been shot to death (execution style) Several days later Spiro's body was found in the Borego Desert. His autopsy revealed the cause of death as cyanide poisoning. He held files and evidence to produce before a grand jury in the INSLAW proceedings.
Paul Tully: died 1992 from unknown causes. His body was found in a motel room in Little Rock Arkansas. He was supposedly one of Clinton's closest friends, and served as the National Democratic Committee Chairman.
Jim Wilhite: died 1992 in a one person skiing accident. Wilhite had close ties to Clinton and was a former associate of Mack Mclarty (long time friend and counselor of Bill Clinton)
Paula Gober: died 1992 from an unwitnessed one car accident. She traveled with Clinton and was his speech interpreter for the deaf for 4 years.
Paul Wilcher: died 1993 from an "undetermined cause". He was a Washington attorney, who was investigating gov. corruption in the Mena Arkansas drug running organization and the BATF assault in the Waco ordeal. He had turned in a lengthy affidavit to Janet Reno only 3 weeks prior to his mysterious death! His body was found in a Washington apartment. His reports and documents have never been released.
Robert Williams, Todd McKeehan, Conway LeBleau and Steve Willis: all died in 1993 from identical gunshot wounds to their left temples. They were the only BATF agents killed in Waco, Texas during the Branch Davidian raid. They also just happen to have been Clinton bodyguards!
Scott Reynolds, William Barkley, Brian Hassley and Tim Sabel: all died in a "freak" helicopter crash in 1993, All 4 men had served as Clinton bodyguards. The helicopter crash site, near Quantico Virginia was barred from reporters and a video of the crash site, taken by a fire fighter, was seized by military officials.
Gary Rhodes, William Robertson, William Desberger and Robert Kelly: all died in another helicopter crash in 1993. This one occurred in Germany and the cause was never determined. All 4 men were Clinton Bodyguards. They, along with 8 other men who were associated with Clinton's previous visit to the U.S.S. Roosevelt, died within a 4 month period!
Vince Foster: died 1993 from a gunshot wound to the head. Long time "friend" of Hillary (Bill too) Clinton. He was the White House Deputy Counsel at the time of his murder....oh!. excuse me, suicide. Why do so many people who know the Clinton's want to kill themselves? I may add another page later to explain my many reasons for believing Foster's death to have been a murder and a sloppy cover up attempt. Many people, including some Republican Congressmen, have tried (as recently as July 1998) to get the Clinton Justice Dept. to re-open the investigation into Vincent Foster's death.
Jon Parnell Walker: died 1993 from injuries received after "falling" from an apartment balcony at the top of the Lincoln Towers. This was a place in which Vince Foster was reported to use as a getaway! Walker was an investigator for the RTC (Resolution Trust Corporation) who was investigating the Whitewater affair and the Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan bankruptcy scandal. Walker was attempting to have the investigation moved from Arkansas to Washington at the time of his alleged slip off the top of the Lincoln Towers.
Luther (Jerry) Parks: died from multiple gunshot wounds in 1993. His body was found by an intersection on I-10 outside Little Rock. He was the head of the Security Team at Clinton's National Campaign Headquarters in Arkansas. He had compiled a large file involving illicit activities (including sexual affairs) by Bill Clinton.
By the way,just prior to his death, his house was burglarized and all of his files and photos on Clinton and "friends" were stolen! Nothing else was taken. Jerry's 23 year old son, Gary Parks, stated to The "London Sunday Telegraph,"..."they had my father killed to save Bill Clinton's political career!" With 9 bullets having been removed from his body, the suicide theory has not yet been applied to this one!

Stanley Heard and Steven Dickson: died 1993 in an unexplained airplane crash near the Dulles airport. Dickson was counsel to Heard, who was the chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Committee. Heard had also known and treated Clinton's mother and other Clinton family members.
Ed Willey: died from a gunshot wound in 1993. He was a Clinton fund raiser and the husband of Kathleen Willey, another lady who fell victim to a sexual attack by Sicko Willie. His death was ruled....what else? A suicide, of course. It has been reported that he died the same day Mrs. Willey was "groped" by Clinton in the ORAL office.
Gandy Baugh: died 1994. Of course, it was another suicide. Baugh was an attorney for Dan Lasater (Clinton's long time comrade from Arkansas, who was later convicted on criminal charges, including drugs). Baugh's law partner, not to be out-done, decided to commit his suicide exactly a month later!
Herschell Friday: died in 1994. He was a member of Clinton's Presidential Finance Committee. The airplane he was flying in committed suicide by blowing itself up in mid flight!
Bill Shelton: died 1994. He was an Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Furguson (we'll get to her momentarily). Shelton did a "trick suicide". He shot himself in the back of the head while visiting Kathy's grave!
Kathy Furguson: died 1994. You guessed it. Suicide, by a gunshot to the head. Kathy, a hospital worker was recently divorced from Danny Furguson, another Arkansas State Trooper. Danny was also Clinton's co-defendant in the "Paula Jones" sexual harassment lawsuit. Kathy was known to be a little "too open" about sharing information with folks about Clinton's 3rd rate romances. Danny Furguson spared himself from a possible "suicide" when he changed his mind and decided that he did not escort Paula Jones to Clinton's motel room after all!
Stanley Huggins: died 1994 after a "short illness". He had been a member of a large Memphis law firm and the head investigator probing into the suspicious loan and banking practices of the Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan.
Calvin Walraven: died 1994. He was a 24 yr. old, and one of the state's main witnesses against Jocelyn Elder's son, who was up on drug charges. His body was found in his Arkansas apartment with a gunshot to the head. Even though the authorities never called it a suicide, the Little Rock P.D. said there was "no foul play suspected".
By the way, Jocelyn Elders was the "let's make marijuana legal and criminalize tobacco" Surgeon General, who was hand picked by Willie Boy! No need for her to commit suicide. She apparently came into the Surgeon General's position already brain-dead!

Dr. Ronald Rogers:died 1994 from yet another bizarre plane crash. He was on the way to do an interview with a reporter for the "London Sunday Telegraph" about some of the scandalous and secret dealings of Bill Clinton.
Ron Brown: died 1996. Brown was the Secretary of Commerce and the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee. He died along with 39 others in a plane crash, on the way to Croatia. The plane crash was originally reported to have been caused by bad weather. After independent sources revealed that there was no bad weather, the reports cited pilot error and navigational equipment failure as the cause.
Brown was very close to being indicted over financial fraud schemes etc., and had publicly announced that he was willing to make a deal with the prosecution. Many allegations have came out about Brown's missing, lost or stolen autopsy records containing x-rays that clearly showed a "bullet hole" in the back of Brown's head and bullet fragments inside his skull! If it's ever proven, I wonder if they'll also attribute that to pilot error?

Barbara Wise:died 1996. Barbara was a 14 year employee with the Department of Commerce. She was an associate of Johnny Huang (financial and trade scandals, etc.) During the time rumors were circulating around Washington about Huang's possible involvement in illegal activities, the body of Barbara Wise was found in her Dept. of Commerce office. Her body was severely bruised and semi- nude. No official cause of death was ever released.
Charles Meissner: died 1996. He was the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for International Economic Policy. He placed Johnny Huang on a Commerce Dept. Contract that allowed Huang to maintain a security clearance. Soon thereafter, Meissner was killed in the same plane crash along with Ron Brown.
Admiral Jerry Boorda: died 1996. Admiral Boorda was the Chief of Naval Operations. He supposedly went home for lunch one day and, rather than have his scheduled interview with the Newsweek Magazine that afternoon, he decided to shoot himself twice in the chest.
William Colby: died 1996. Former Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby was feared by many "insiders" because of the information Colby was allegedly writing about for his new book. He had already went public with information about illegal spying on American citizens and other CIA activities that embarrassed the agency. Colby was reported missing by neighbors. A massive search was conducted and the only thing recovered was Colby's canoe. He had left his house unlocked, his computer on and his lunch only partially eaten. Colby was known for his tidiness, but his house was said to have been in complete disarray. His wife stated that Colby never, never went out in his canoe without a life jacket on. But, several days later his body was discovered in the water in an area previously, thoroughly searched. He was not wearing a life-jacket. His book was never completed either.
Mary Mahoney: died 1997. Mary was a former intern working in the White House for Bill Clinton. Rumors were said to have been circulating that a former intern was about to go public about being sexually harassed by Bill Clinton. Mahoney was working in a coffee shop in Georgetown, when gunmen entered. Mahoney's two associates were taken into a separate room and shot. Mary Mahoney's body contained five bullets. No money was taken. Murders never solved.
Ron Miller: died 1997. Ron Miller was the man who tape recorded Gene and Nora Lum and turned the tapes over to the congressional oversight investigators. The Lums were arrested, convicted and sentenced to prison for campaign violations by fraudulently concealing their identity and the size of their political contributions. Ron Miller, a very healthy man was suddenly struck very ill and died within days. The medical examiner's office in Oklahoma refused to release blood test results. Many believe Miller's death was a result of Ricin poisoning.
Sandy Hume: died 1998. Sandy had worked for Fox News for 3 weeks. he was the son of Brit Hume, journalist and Fox News reporter. Sandy was previously a reporter for the Hill Magazine. The Magazine had been the one to break the story about congressional in-fighting involving the Speaker of the House and Rep. Paxon in 1997. Oddly enough Representative Paxon resigned within 24 hours after the announced death of Sandy Hume. There was and still remains a total media blackout concerning the death of Sandy Hume. The 28 year old go-getter, news digging reporter was known to get a head start on the "inside" dirt within the Washington establishment. Apparent suicide was the only comment supposedly released about his tragic and untimely death."
I see that many Libs have read my post, butt naturally they have nothing to say because what can they say about all those people who died and who were connected to The Hillary and Bubba. Why don't you Libs at least deny everything like you normally do, or attack me? Bring it!
Why should we? It's just conspiracy theory bullshit. I'm sure that your boys have tried and failed to pin at least some of this crap on the Clintons. That's why they had to settle for a blowjob.
Why should we? It's just conspiracy theory bullshit. I'm sure that your boys have tried and failed to pin at least some of this crap on the Clintons. That's why they had to settle for a blowjob.
This will all come out if "The Hillary" runs for Prez. If it was just a few people who died under mysterious circumstances, then I might agree, but there are too many unanswered questions and too many bodies.
He supposedly shot himself in the head, in a car in a Park. The windows were rolled up but ho bullet was found, and there were no broken windows, tell me about it.

Got proof? Bring it. I have no issue with crooked Democrats getting Punished. I have no issue with crooked Republicans getting about you? Are you brave enough to point your twisted finger at your own?

For example....I think Weiner is a scumbag who shouldn't run for dog catcher....he's doubled down on his unethical behavior. I can forgive one misstep....but not two when it we put our trust in.

So if you have more than innuendo and paranoid delusions about the Clintons....bring it...and take it to the Justice Department.
Why should we? It's just conspiracy theory bullshit. I'm sure that your boys have tried and failed to pin at least some of this crap on the Clintons. That's why they had to settle for a blowjob.

I hate to agree with you, but alas. Same as the birther stuff with Obama. Sorry, that became moot after the first election.

These 'corpses' and Clintons? Gag, if there was any 'there' there, would have been nailed by now.
I have a hard time believing the Clintons could have pulled off all of the wreckage on that list. As for Foster, I've always just found it to be an amusing conspiracy. Looks like we have another magic bullet!
Got proof? Bring it. I have no issue with crooked Democrats getting Punished. I have no issue with crooked Republicans getting about you? Are you brave enough to point your twisted finger at your own?

For example....I think Weiner is a scumbag who shouldn't run for dog catcher....he's doubled down on his unethical behavior. I can forgive one misstep....but not two when it we put our trust in.

So if you have more than innuendo and paranoid delusions about the Clintons....bring it...and take it to the Justice Department.
Take it to AG Holder so he can get the Fast and Furious denial gang to investigate it? OMyass, you know that where there is smoke, there is fire, and I do not think that The Hillary will run for Prez because of her past, there are just too many issues following her around. The Libs really need to run Bigga Mouth Biden....LOL
Clinton Corpse Collection

......"I've investigated a lot of crimes over the last 32 years, including murders. Any criminal investigator with the slightest bit of experience and training could easily see (and most have seen) the many flaws, holes and gaps in the so-called Vince Foster "murder" investigation by, of all the federal law enforcement agencies, the Park Police. But, when one does a little more checking into the past of Bill and Hillary Clinton, they will find a long path of former friends, associates and business partners of the Clinton's who have died young and under mysterious circumstances. The following is a partial list of those whose blood cries out for justice.
Kevin Ives and Don Henry: Died August 1987. Reportedly, they had stumbled upon the Arkansas Mena Drug Operation (many stories and articles have been written about Clinton's affiliation with the Mena Mafia) It was first reported that these two young boys died as a result of falling asleep on a railroad track. It was later revealed that Ives had received a crushed skull prior to being placed on the tracks and Henry had been stabbed to death. The following 7 deaths were all of people who reportedly had knowledge and information concerning the mysterious, unsolved murders of Kevin Ives and Don Henry:

Keith Coney:died July 1988 from injuries sustained from a motorcycle accident. Some reports indicated that he was being chased by an unidentified vehicle.
Keith McKaskle: died Nov. 1988 from multiple stab wounds
Greg Collins: died Jan. 1989 from a gunshot wound to the head. No suspect was ever found.
Jeff Rhodes: died April 1989 from a gunshot wound to the head. His body was burned and thrown in a dumpster.
James Milam: died 1989. His death was ruled as being from natural causes, until his head was later recovered from a trash bin!
Richard Winters: died July 1990 from injuries sustained during a robbery attempt. He was a suspect in the death of Kevin Ives and Don Henry. Some reports claim the robbery was only a setup.
Jordan Kettleson: died June 1990. He died from gunshot wounds and was found sitting in his truck.
Suzanne Coleman: died when Clinton served as Arkansas Attorney General. She was alleged to have been "romantically" involved with Clinton. Although she died from a gunshot to the back of her head, the death was ruled a suicide! She was pregnant at the time of her death.
Alan Sandorf:died 1991. Sandorf was an employee of NSA (National Security Agency). He was reportedly providing info. to Danny Casolaro, who was an independent reporter investigating the INSLAW case (INSLAW involved Justice Dept. theft, cover-ups, missing records, fraud and gov. corruption of all sorts) Sandorf's body was found in the back seat of a car at the Washington National Airport.
Dennis Eisman: shot to death in 1991. Eisman was an attorney, who was also working on the INSLAW case.
Danny Casolaro: found dead in a Virginia motel room in 1992. His arms had been slashed multiple times. Casolaro was an independent investigative reporter who had extensive files and information on the INSLAW case against the Justice Dept. and other "high ranking" government officials. Even though his body was found, his files and documentations were said to have never been located!
Victor Raiser II: died in 1992 from an unexplained airplane crash. He was co-chairman of the "Clinton for President" campaign. Montgomery Raiser, his son, also involved with the Clinton campaign was killed in the plane crash with his father and 5 other people.
Ian Spiro: died in 1992. His wife and 3 children were found murdered in their home. They had been shot to death (execution style) Several days later Spiro's body was found in the Borego Desert. His autopsy revealed the cause of death as cyanide poisoning. He held files and evidence to produce before a grand jury in the INSLAW proceedings.
Paul Tully: died 1992 from unknown causes. His body was found in a motel room in Little Rock Arkansas. He was supposedly one of Clinton's closest friends, and served as the National Democratic Committee Chairman.
Jim Wilhite: died 1992 in a one person skiing accident. Wilhite had close ties to Clinton and was a former associate of Mack Mclarty (long time friend and counselor of Bill Clinton)
Paula Gober: died 1992 from an unwitnessed one car accident. She traveled with Clinton and was his speech interpreter for the deaf for 4 years.
Paul Wilcher: died 1993 from an "undetermined cause". He was a Washington attorney, who was investigating gov. corruption in the Mena Arkansas drug running organization and the BATF assault in the Waco ordeal. He had turned in a lengthy affidavit to Janet Reno only 3 weeks prior to his mysterious death! His body was found in a Washington apartment. His reports and documents have never been released.
Robert Williams, Todd McKeehan, Conway LeBleau and Steve Willis: all died in 1993 from identical gunshot wounds to their left temples. They were the only BATF agents killed in Waco, Texas during the Branch Davidian raid. They also just happen to have been Clinton bodyguards!
Scott Reynolds, William Barkley, Brian Hassley and Tim Sabel: all died in a "freak" helicopter crash in 1993, All 4 men had served as Clinton bodyguards. The helicopter crash site, near Quantico Virginia was barred from reporters and a video of the crash site, taken by a fire fighter, was seized by military officials.
Gary Rhodes, William Robertson, William Desberger and Robert Kelly: all died in another helicopter crash in 1993. This one occurred in Germany and the cause was never determined. All 4 men were Clinton Bodyguards. They, along with 8 other men who were associated with Clinton's previous visit to the U.S.S. Roosevelt, died within a 4 month period!
Vince Foster: died 1993 from a gunshot wound to the head. Long time "friend" of Hillary (Bill too) Clinton. He was the White House Deputy Counsel at the time of his murder....oh!. excuse me, suicide. Why do so many people who know the Clinton's want to kill themselves? I may add another page later to explain my many reasons for believing Foster's death to have been a murder and a sloppy cover up attempt. Many people, including some Republican Congressmen, have tried (as recently as July 1998) to get the Clinton Justice Dept. to re-open the investigation into Vincent Foster's death.
Jon Parnell Walker: died 1993 from injuries received after "falling" from an apartment balcony at the top of the Lincoln Towers. This was a place in which Vince Foster was reported to use as a getaway! Walker was an investigator for the RTC (Resolution Trust Corporation) who was investigating the Whitewater affair and the Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan bankruptcy scandal. Walker was attempting to have the investigation moved from Arkansas to Washington at the time of his alleged slip off the top of the Lincoln Towers.
Luther (Jerry) Parks: died from multiple gunshot wounds in 1993. His body was found by an intersection on I-10 outside Little Rock. He was the head of the Security Team at Clinton's National Campaign Headquarters in Arkansas. He had compiled a large file involving illicit activities (including sexual affairs) by Bill Clinton.
By the way,just prior to his death, his house was burglarized and all of his files and photos on Clinton and "friends" were stolen! Nothing else was taken. Jerry's 23 year old son, Gary Parks, stated to The "London Sunday Telegraph,"..."they had my father killed to save Bill Clinton's political career!" With 9 bullets having been removed from his body, the suicide theory has not yet been applied to this one!

Stanley Heard and Steven Dickson: died 1993 in an unexplained airplane crash near the Dulles airport. Dickson was counsel to Heard, who was the chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Committee. Heard had also known and treated Clinton's mother and other Clinton family members.
Ed Willey: died from a gunshot wound in 1993. He was a Clinton fund raiser and the husband of Kathleen Willey, another lady who fell victim to a sexual attack by Sicko Willie. His death was ruled....what else? A suicide, of course. It has been reported that he died the same day Mrs. Willey was "groped" by Clinton in the ORAL office.
Gandy Baugh: died 1994. Of course, it was another suicide. Baugh was an attorney for Dan Lasater (Clinton's long time comrade from Arkansas, who was later convicted on criminal charges, including drugs). Baugh's law partner, not to be out-done, decided to commit his suicide exactly a month later!
Herschell Friday: died in 1994. He was a member of Clinton's Presidential Finance Committee. The airplane he was flying in committed suicide by blowing itself up in mid flight!
Bill Shelton: died 1994. He was an Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Furguson (we'll get to her momentarily). Shelton did a "trick suicide". He shot himself in the back of the head while visiting Kathy's grave!
Kathy Furguson: died 1994. You guessed it. Suicide, by a gunshot to the head. Kathy, a hospital worker was recently divorced from Danny Furguson, another Arkansas State Trooper. Danny was also Clinton's co-defendant in the "Paula Jones" sexual harassment lawsuit. Kathy was known to be a little "too open" about sharing information with folks about Clinton's 3rd rate romances. Danny Furguson spared himself from a possible "suicide" when he changed his mind and decided that he did not escort Paula Jones to Clinton's motel room after all!
Stanley Huggins: died 1994 after a "short illness". He had been a member of a large Memphis law firm and the head investigator probing into the suspicious loan and banking practices of the Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan.
Calvin Walraven: died 1994. He was a 24 yr. old, and one of the state's main witnesses against Jocelyn Elder's son, who was up on drug charges. His body was found in his Arkansas apartment with a gunshot to the head. Even though the authorities never called it a suicide, the Little Rock P.D. said there was "no foul play suspected".
By the way, Jocelyn Elders was the "let's make marijuana legal and criminalize tobacco" Surgeon General, who was hand picked by Willie Boy! No need for her to commit suicide. She apparently came into the Surgeon General's position already brain-dead!

Dr. Ronald Rogers:died 1994 from yet another bizarre plane crash. He was on the way to do an interview with a reporter for the "London Sunday Telegraph" about some of the scandalous and secret dealings of Bill Clinton.
Ron Brown: died 1996. Brown was the Secretary of Commerce and the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee. He died along with 39 others in a plane crash, on the way to Croatia. The plane crash was originally reported to have been caused by bad weather. After independent sources revealed that there was no bad weather, the reports cited pilot error and navigational equipment failure as the cause.
Brown was very close to being indicted over financial fraud schemes etc., and had publicly announced that he was willing to make a deal with the prosecution. Many allegations have came out about Brown's missing, lost or stolen autopsy records containing x-rays that clearly showed a "bullet hole" in the back of Brown's head and bullet fragments inside his skull! If it's ever proven, I wonder if they'll also attribute that to pilot error?

Barbara Wise:died 1996. Barbara was a 14 year employee with the Department of Commerce. She was an associate of Johnny Huang (financial and trade scandals, etc.) During the time rumors were circulating around Washington about Huang's possible involvement in illegal activities, the body of Barbara Wise was found in her Dept. of Commerce office. Her body was severely bruised and semi- nude. No official cause of death was ever released.
Charles Meissner: died 1996. He was the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for International Economic Policy. He placed Johnny Huang on a Commerce Dept. Contract that allowed Huang to maintain a security clearance. Soon thereafter, Meissner was killed in the same plane crash along with Ron Brown.
Admiral Jerry Boorda: died 1996. Admiral Boorda was the Chief of Naval Operations. He supposedly went home for lunch one day and, rather than have his scheduled interview with the Newsweek Magazine that afternoon, he decided to shoot himself twice in the chest.
William Colby: died 1996. Former Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby was feared by many "insiders" because of the information Colby was allegedly writing about for his new book. He had already went public with information about illegal spying on American citizens and other CIA activities that embarrassed the agency. Colby was reported missing by neighbors. A massive search was conducted and the only thing recovered was Colby's canoe. He had left his house unlocked, his computer on and his lunch only partially eaten. Colby was known for his tidiness, but his house was said to have been in complete disarray. His wife stated that Colby never, never went out in his canoe without a life jacket on. But, several days later his body was discovered in the water in an area previously, thoroughly searched. He was not wearing a life-jacket. His book was never completed either.
Mary Mahoney: died 1997. Mary was a former intern working in the White House for Bill Clinton. Rumors were said to have been circulating that a former intern was about to go public about being sexually harassed by Bill Clinton. Mahoney was working in a coffee shop in Georgetown, when gunmen entered. Mahoney's two associates were taken into a separate room and shot. Mary Mahoney's body contained five bullets. No money was taken. Murders never solved.
Ron Miller: died 1997. Ron Miller was the man who tape recorded Gene and Nora Lum and turned the tapes over to the congressional oversight investigators. The Lums were arrested, convicted and sentenced to prison for campaign violations by fraudulently concealing their identity and the size of their political contributions. Ron Miller, a very healthy man was suddenly struck very ill and died within days. The medical examiner's office in Oklahoma refused to release blood test results. Many believe Miller's death was a result of Ricin poisoning.
Sandy Hume: died 1998. Sandy had worked for Fox News for 3 weeks. he was the son of Brit Hume, journalist and Fox News reporter. Sandy was previously a reporter for the Hill Magazine. The Magazine had been the one to break the story about congressional in-fighting involving the Speaker of the House and Rep. Paxon in 1997. Oddly enough Representative Paxon resigned within 24 hours after the announced death of Sandy Hume. There was and still remains a total media blackout concerning the death of Sandy Hume. The 28 year old go-getter, news digging reporter was known to get a head start on the "inside" dirt within the Washington establishment. Apparent suicide was the only comment supposedly released about his tragic and untimely death."

This thing here was circulating before Bubba ran in 92, he ran two election campaigns, if there were any truth to any of this it would've come out long ago.
Clinton Corpse Collection

......"I've investigated a lot of crimes over the last 32 years, including murders. Any criminal investigator with the slightest bit of experience and training could easily see (and most have seen) the many flaws, holes and gaps in the so-called Vince Foster "murder" investigation by, of all the federal law enforcement agencies, the Park Police. But, when one does a little more checking into the past of Bill and Hillary Clinton, they will find a long path of former friends, associates and business partners of the Clinton's who have died young and under mysterious circumstances. The following is a partial list of those whose blood cries out for justice.
Kevin Ives and Don Henry: Died August 1987. Reportedly, they had stumbled upon the Arkansas Mena Drug Operation (many stories and articles have been written about Clinton's affiliation with the Mena Mafia) It was first reported that these two young boys died as a result of falling asleep on a railroad track. It was later revealed that Ives had received a crushed skull prior to being placed on the tracks and Henry had been stabbed to death. The following 7 deaths were all of people who reportedly had knowledge and information concerning the mysterious, unsolved murders of Kevin Ives and Don Henry:

Keith Coney:died July 1988 from injuries sustained from a motorcycle accident. Some reports indicated that he was being chased by an unidentified vehicle.
Keith McKaskle: died Nov. 1988 from multiple stab wounds
Greg Collins: died Jan. 1989 from a gunshot wound to the head. No suspect was ever found.
Jeff Rhodes: died April 1989 from a gunshot wound to the head. His body was burned and thrown in a dumpster.
James Milam: died 1989. His death was ruled as being from natural causes, until his head was later recovered from a trash bin!
Richard Winters: died July 1990 from injuries sustained during a robbery attempt. He was a suspect in the death of Kevin Ives and Don Henry. Some reports claim the robbery was only a setup.
Jordan Kettleson: died June 1990. He died from gunshot wounds and was found sitting in his truck.
Suzanne Coleman: died when Clinton served as Arkansas Attorney General. She was alleged to have been "romantically" involved with Clinton. Although she died from a gunshot to the back of her head, the death was ruled a suicide! She was pregnant at the time of her death.
Alan Sandorf:died 1991. Sandorf was an employee of NSA (National Security Agency). He was reportedly providing info. to Danny Casolaro, who was an independent reporter investigating the INSLAW case (INSLAW involved Justice Dept. theft, cover-ups, missing records, fraud and gov. corruption of all sorts) Sandorf's body was found in the back seat of a car at the Washington National Airport.
Dennis Eisman: shot to death in 1991. Eisman was an attorney, who was also working on the INSLAW case.
Danny Casolaro: found dead in a Virginia motel room in 1992. His arms had been slashed multiple times. Casolaro was an independent investigative reporter who had extensive files and information on the INSLAW case against the Justice Dept. and other "high ranking" government officials. Even though his body was found, his files and documentations were said to have never been located!
Victor Raiser II: died in 1992 from an unexplained airplane crash. He was co-chairman of the "Clinton for President" campaign. Montgomery Raiser, his son, also involved with the Clinton campaign was killed in the plane crash with his father and 5 other people.
Ian Spiro: died in 1992. His wife and 3 children were found murdered in their home. They had been shot to death (execution style) Several days later Spiro's body was found in the Borego Desert. His autopsy revealed the cause of death as cyanide poisoning. He held files and evidence to produce before a grand jury in the INSLAW proceedings.
Paul Tully: died 1992 from unknown causes. His body was found in a motel room in Little Rock Arkansas. He was supposedly one of Clinton's closest friends, and served as the National Democratic Committee Chairman.
Jim Wilhite: died 1992 in a one person skiing accident. Wilhite had close ties to Clinton and was a former associate of Mack Mclarty (long time friend and counselor of Bill Clinton)
Paula Gober: died 1992 from an unwitnessed one car accident. She traveled with Clinton and was his speech interpreter for the deaf for 4 years.
Paul Wilcher: died 1993 from an "undetermined cause". He was a Washington attorney, who was investigating gov. corruption in the Mena Arkansas drug running organization and the BATF assault in the Waco ordeal. He had turned in a lengthy affidavit to Janet Reno only 3 weeks prior to his mysterious death! His body was found in a Washington apartment. His reports and documents have never been released.
Robert Williams, Todd McKeehan, Conway LeBleau and Steve Willis: all died in 1993 from identical gunshot wounds to their left temples. They were the only BATF agents killed in Waco, Texas during the Branch Davidian raid. They also just happen to have been Clinton bodyguards!
Scott Reynolds, William Barkley, Brian Hassley and Tim Sabel: all died in a "freak" helicopter crash in 1993, All 4 men had served as Clinton bodyguards. The helicopter crash site, near Quantico Virginia was barred from reporters and a video of the crash site, taken by a fire fighter, was seized by military officials.
Gary Rhodes, William Robertson, William Desberger and Robert Kelly: all died in another helicopter crash in 1993. This one occurred in Germany and the cause was never determined. All 4 men were Clinton Bodyguards. They, along with 8 other men who were associated with Clinton's previous visit to the U.S.S. Roosevelt, died within a 4 month period!
Vince Foster: died 1993 from a gunshot wound to the head. Long time "friend" of Hillary (Bill too) Clinton. He was the White House Deputy Counsel at the time of his murder....oh!. excuse me, suicide. Why do so many people who know the Clinton's want to kill themselves? I may add another page later to explain my many reasons for believing Foster's death to have been a murder and a sloppy cover up attempt. Many people, including some Republican Congressmen, have tried (as recently as July 1998) to get the Clinton Justice Dept. to re-open the investigation into Vincent Foster's death.
Jon Parnell Walker: died 1993 from injuries received after "falling" from an apartment balcony at the top of the Lincoln Towers. This was a place in which Vince Foster was reported to use as a getaway! Walker was an investigator for the RTC (Resolution Trust Corporation) who was investigating the Whitewater affair and the Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan bankruptcy scandal. Walker was attempting to have the investigation moved from Arkansas to Washington at the time of his alleged slip off the top of the Lincoln Towers.
Luther (Jerry) Parks: died from multiple gunshot wounds in 1993. His body was found by an intersection on I-10 outside Little Rock. He was the head of the Security Team at Clinton's National Campaign Headquarters in Arkansas. He had compiled a large file involving illicit activities (including sexual affairs) by Bill Clinton.
By the way,just prior to his death, his house was burglarized and all of his files and photos on Clinton and "friends" were stolen! Nothing else was taken. Jerry's 23 year old son, Gary Parks, stated to The "London Sunday Telegraph,"..."they had my father killed to save Bill Clinton's political career!" With 9 bullets having been removed from his body, the suicide theory has not yet been applied to this one!

Stanley Heard and Steven Dickson: died 1993 in an unexplained airplane crash near the Dulles airport. Dickson was counsel to Heard, who was the chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Committee. Heard had also known and treated Clinton's mother and other Clinton family members.
Ed Willey: died from a gunshot wound in 1993. He was a Clinton fund raiser and the husband of Kathleen Willey, another lady who fell victim to a sexual attack by Sicko Willie. His death was ruled....what else? A suicide, of course. It has been reported that he died the same day Mrs. Willey was "groped" by Clinton in the ORAL office.
Gandy Baugh: died 1994. Of course, it was another suicide. Baugh was an attorney for Dan Lasater (Clinton's long time comrade from Arkansas, who was later convicted on criminal charges, including drugs). Baugh's law partner, not to be out-done, decided to commit his suicide exactly a month later!
Herschell Friday: died in 1994. He was a member of Clinton's Presidential Finance Committee. The airplane he was flying in committed suicide by blowing itself up in mid flight!
Bill Shelton: died 1994. He was an Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Furguson (we'll get to her momentarily). Shelton did a "trick suicide". He shot himself in the back of the head while visiting Kathy's grave!
Kathy Furguson: died 1994. You guessed it. Suicide, by a gunshot to the head. Kathy, a hospital worker was recently divorced from Danny Furguson, another Arkansas State Trooper. Danny was also Clinton's co-defendant in the "Paula Jones" sexual harassment lawsuit. Kathy was known to be a little "too open" about sharing information with folks about Clinton's 3rd rate romances. Danny Furguson spared himself from a possible "suicide" when he changed his mind and decided that he did not escort Paula Jones to Clinton's motel room after all!
Stanley Huggins: died 1994 after a "short illness". He had been a member of a large Memphis law firm and the head investigator probing into the suspicious loan and banking practices of the Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan.
Calvin Walraven: died 1994. He was a 24 yr. old, and one of the state's main witnesses against Jocelyn Elder's son, who was up on drug charges. His body was found in his Arkansas apartment with a gunshot to the head. Even though the authorities never called it a suicide, the Little Rock P.D. said there was "no foul play suspected".
By the way, Jocelyn Elders was the "let's make marijuana legal and criminalize tobacco" Surgeon General, who was hand picked by Willie Boy! No need for her to commit suicide. She apparently came into the Surgeon General's position already brain-dead!

Dr. Ronald Rogers:died 1994 from yet another bizarre plane crash. He was on the way to do an interview with a reporter for the "London Sunday Telegraph" about some of the scandalous and secret dealings of Bill Clinton.
Ron Brown: died 1996. Brown was the Secretary of Commerce and the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee. He died along with 39 others in a plane crash, on the way to Croatia. The plane crash was originally reported to have been caused by bad weather. After independent sources revealed that there was no bad weather, the reports cited pilot error and navigational equipment failure as the cause.
Brown was very close to being indicted over financial fraud schemes etc., and had publicly announced that he was willing to make a deal with the prosecution. Many allegations have came out about Brown's missing, lost or stolen autopsy records containing x-rays that clearly showed a "bullet hole" in the back of Brown's head and bullet fragments inside his skull! If it's ever proven, I wonder if they'll also attribute that to pilot error?

Barbara Wise:died 1996. Barbara was a 14 year employee with the Department of Commerce. She was an associate of Johnny Huang (financial and trade scandals, etc.) During the time rumors were circulating around Washington about Huang's possible involvement in illegal activities, the body of Barbara Wise was found in her Dept. of Commerce office. Her body was severely bruised and semi- nude. No official cause of death was ever released.
Charles Meissner: died 1996. He was the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for International Economic Policy. He placed Johnny Huang on a Commerce Dept. Contract that allowed Huang to maintain a security clearance. Soon thereafter, Meissner was killed in the same plane crash along with Ron Brown.
Admiral Jerry Boorda: died 1996. Admiral Boorda was the Chief of Naval Operations. He supposedly went home for lunch one day and, rather than have his scheduled interview with the Newsweek Magazine that afternoon, he decided to shoot himself twice in the chest.
William Colby: died 1996. Former Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby was feared by many "insiders" because of the information Colby was allegedly writing about for his new book. He had already went public with information about illegal spying on American citizens and other CIA activities that embarrassed the agency. Colby was reported missing by neighbors. A massive search was conducted and the only thing recovered was Colby's canoe. He had left his house unlocked, his computer on and his lunch only partially eaten. Colby was known for his tidiness, but his house was said to have been in complete disarray. His wife stated that Colby never, never went out in his canoe without a life jacket on. But, several days later his body was discovered in the water in an area previously, thoroughly searched. He was not wearing a life-jacket. His book was never completed either.
Mary Mahoney: died 1997. Mary was a former intern working in the White House for Bill Clinton. Rumors were said to have been circulating that a former intern was about to go public about being sexually harassed by Bill Clinton. Mahoney was working in a coffee shop in Georgetown, when gunmen entered. Mahoney's two associates were taken into a separate room and shot. Mary Mahoney's body contained five bullets. No money was taken. Murders never solved.
Ron Miller: died 1997. Ron Miller was the man who tape recorded Gene and Nora Lum and turned the tapes over to the congressional oversight investigators. The Lums were arrested, convicted and sentenced to prison for campaign violations by fraudulently concealing their identity and the size of their political contributions. Ron Miller, a very healthy man was suddenly struck very ill and died within days. The medical examiner's office in Oklahoma refused to release blood test results. Many believe Miller's death was a result of Ricin poisoning.
Sandy Hume: died 1998. Sandy had worked for Fox News for 3 weeks. he was the son of Brit Hume, journalist and Fox News reporter. Sandy was previously a reporter for the Hill Magazine. The Magazine had been the one to break the story about congressional in-fighting involving the Speaker of the House and Rep. Paxon in 1997. Oddly enough Representative Paxon resigned within 24 hours after the announced death of Sandy Hume. There was and still remains a total media blackout concerning the death of Sandy Hume. The 28 year old go-getter, news digging reporter was known to get a head start on the "inside" dirt within the Washington establishment. Apparent suicide was the only comment supposedly released about his tragic and untimely death."

Usually stuff this crazy only comes out towards the end of an election and the party is losing BAD!.....Is this a sign that the party is already desperate and losing?

Also written by this same loony toon "Southern Cop" not to be confused with a Northern....cop...;
"You see, Halloween is about more than masks and candy. It did not come into existence by fluke or mistake, and don’t believe the fables. It’s also not confined to any particular month or day! It came into being when the first human woke up in the middle of the night and became acutely aware that the darkness hid much more than the sunlight! "

Politically stupid people are the ones that will believe anything if they are bias enough.
Last edited:
Clinton Corpse Collection

......"I've investigated a lot of crimes over the last 32 years, including murders. Any criminal investigator with the slightest bit of experience and training could easily see (and most have seen) the many flaws, holes and gaps in the so-called Vince Foster "murder" investigation by, of all the federal law enforcement agencies, the Park Police. But, when one does a little more checking into the past of Bill and Hillary Clinton, they will find a long path of former friends, associates and business partners of the Clinton's who have died young and under mysterious circumstances. The following is a partial list of those whose blood cries out for justice.
Kevin Ives and Don Henry: Died August 1987. Reportedly, they had stumbled upon the Arkansas Mena Drug Operation (many stories and articles have been written about Clinton's affiliation with the Mena Mafia) It was first reported that these two young boys died as a result of falling asleep on a railroad track. It was later revealed that Ives had received a crushed skull prior to being placed on the tracks and Henry had been stabbed to death. The following 7 deaths were all of people who reportedly had knowledge and information concerning the mysterious, unsolved murders of Kevin Ives and Don Henry:

Keith Coney:died July 1988 from injuries sustained from a motorcycle accident. Some reports indicated that he was being chased by an unidentified vehicle.
Keith McKaskle: died Nov. 1988 from multiple stab wounds
Greg Collins: died Jan. 1989 from a gunshot wound to the head. No suspect was ever found.
Jeff Rhodes: died April 1989 from a gunshot wound to the head. His body was burned and thrown in a dumpster.
James Milam: died 1989. His death was ruled as being from natural causes, until his head was later recovered from a trash bin!
Richard Winters: died July 1990 from injuries sustained during a robbery attempt. He was a suspect in the death of Kevin Ives and Don Henry. Some reports claim the robbery was only a setup.
Jordan Kettleson: died June 1990. He died from gunshot wounds and was found sitting in his truck.
Suzanne Coleman: died when Clinton served as Arkansas Attorney General. She was alleged to have been "romantically" involved with Clinton. Although she died from a gunshot to the back of her head, the death was ruled a suicide! She was pregnant at the time of her death.
Alan Sandorf:died 1991. Sandorf was an employee of NSA (National Security Agency). He was reportedly providing info. to Danny Casolaro, who was an independent reporter investigating the INSLAW case (INSLAW involved Justice Dept. theft, cover-ups, missing records, fraud and gov. corruption of all sorts) Sandorf's body was found in the back seat of a car at the Washington National Airport.
Dennis Eisman: shot to death in 1991. Eisman was an attorney, who was also working on the INSLAW case.
Danny Casolaro: found dead in a Virginia motel room in 1992. His arms had been slashed multiple times. Casolaro was an independent investigative reporter who had extensive files and information on the INSLAW case against the Justice Dept. and other "high ranking" government officials. Even though his body was found, his files and documentations were said to have never been located!
Victor Raiser II: died in 1992 from an unexplained airplane crash. He was co-chairman of the "Clinton for President" campaign. Montgomery Raiser, his son, also involved with the Clinton campaign was killed in the plane crash with his father and 5 other people.
Ian Spiro: died in 1992. His wife and 3 children were found murdered in their home. They had been shot to death (execution style) Several days later Spiro's body was found in the Borego Desert. His autopsy revealed the cause of death as cyanide poisoning. He held files and evidence to produce before a grand jury in the INSLAW proceedings.
Paul Tully: died 1992 from unknown causes. His body was found in a motel room in Little Rock Arkansas. He was supposedly one of Clinton's closest friends, and served as the National Democratic Committee Chairman.
Jim Wilhite: died 1992 in a one person skiing accident. Wilhite had close ties to Clinton and was a former associate of Mack Mclarty (long time friend and counselor of Bill Clinton)
Paula Gober: died 1992 from an unwitnessed one car accident. She traveled with Clinton and was his speech interpreter for the deaf for 4 years.
Paul Wilcher: died 1993 from an "undetermined cause". He was a Washington attorney, who was investigating gov. corruption in the Mena Arkansas drug running organization and the BATF assault in the Waco ordeal. He had turned in a lengthy affidavit to Janet Reno only 3 weeks prior to his mysterious death! His body was found in a Washington apartment. His reports and documents have never been released.
Robert Williams, Todd McKeehan, Conway LeBleau and Steve Willis: all died in 1993 from identical gunshot wounds to their left temples. They were the only BATF agents killed in Waco, Texas during the Branch Davidian raid. They also just happen to have been Clinton bodyguards!
Scott Reynolds, William Barkley, Brian Hassley and Tim Sabel: all died in a "freak" helicopter crash in 1993, All 4 men had served as Clinton bodyguards. The helicopter crash site, near Quantico Virginia was barred from reporters and a video of the crash site, taken by a fire fighter, was seized by military officials.
Gary Rhodes, William Robertson, William Desberger and Robert Kelly: all died in another helicopter crash in 1993. This one occurred in Germany and the cause was never determined. All 4 men were Clinton Bodyguards. They, along with 8 other men who were associated with Clinton's previous visit to the U.S.S. Roosevelt, died within a 4 month period!
Vince Foster: died 1993 from a gunshot wound to the head. Long time "friend" of Hillary (Bill too) Clinton. He was the White House Deputy Counsel at the time of his murder....oh!. excuse me, suicide. Why do so many people who know the Clinton's want to kill themselves? I may add another page later to explain my many reasons for believing Foster's death to have been a murder and a sloppy cover up attempt. Many people, including some Republican Congressmen, have tried (as recently as July 1998) to get the Clinton Justice Dept. to re-open the investigation into Vincent Foster's death.
Jon Parnell Walker: died 1993 from injuries received after "falling" from an apartment balcony at the top of the Lincoln Towers. This was a place in which Vince Foster was reported to use as a getaway! Walker was an investigator for the RTC (Resolution Trust Corporation) who was investigating the Whitewater affair and the Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan bankruptcy scandal. Walker was attempting to have the investigation moved from Arkansas to Washington at the time of his alleged slip off the top of the Lincoln Towers.
Luther (Jerry) Parks: died from multiple gunshot wounds in 1993. His body was found by an intersection on I-10 outside Little Rock. He was the head of the Security Team at Clinton's National Campaign Headquarters in Arkansas. He had compiled a large file involving illicit activities (including sexual affairs) by Bill Clinton.
By the way,just prior to his death, his house was burglarized and all of his files and photos on Clinton and "friends" were stolen! Nothing else was taken. Jerry's 23 year old son, Gary Parks, stated to The "London Sunday Telegraph,"..."they had my father killed to save Bill Clinton's political career!" With 9 bullets having been removed from his body, the suicide theory has not yet been applied to this one!

Stanley Heard and Steven Dickson: died 1993 in an unexplained airplane crash near the Dulles airport. Dickson was counsel to Heard, who was the chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Committee. Heard had also known and treated Clinton's mother and other Clinton family members.
Ed Willey: died from a gunshot wound in 1993. He was a Clinton fund raiser and the husband of Kathleen Willey, another lady who fell victim to a sexual attack by Sicko Willie. His death was ruled....what else? A suicide, of course. It has been reported that he died the same day Mrs. Willey was "groped" by Clinton in the ORAL office.
Gandy Baugh: died 1994. Of course, it was another suicide. Baugh was an attorney for Dan Lasater (Clinton's long time comrade from Arkansas, who was later convicted on criminal charges, including drugs). Baugh's law partner, not to be out-done, decided to commit his suicide exactly a month later!
Herschell Friday: died in 1994. He was a member of Clinton's Presidential Finance Committee. The airplane he was flying in committed suicide by blowing itself up in mid flight!
Bill Shelton: died 1994. He was an Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Furguson (we'll get to her momentarily). Shelton did a "trick suicide". He shot himself in the back of the head while visiting Kathy's grave!
Kathy Furguson: died 1994. You guessed it. Suicide, by a gunshot to the head. Kathy, a hospital worker was recently divorced from Danny Furguson, another Arkansas State Trooper. Danny was also Clinton's co-defendant in the "Paula Jones" sexual harassment lawsuit. Kathy was known to be a little "too open" about sharing information with folks about Clinton's 3rd rate romances. Danny Furguson spared himself from a possible "suicide" when he changed his mind and decided that he did not escort Paula Jones to Clinton's motel room after all!
Stanley Huggins: died 1994 after a "short illness". He had been a member of a large Memphis law firm and the head investigator probing into the suspicious loan and banking practices of the Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan.
Calvin Walraven: died 1994. He was a 24 yr. old, and one of the state's main witnesses against Jocelyn Elder's son, who was up on drug charges. His body was found in his Arkansas apartment with a gunshot to the head. Even though the authorities never called it a suicide, the Little Rock P.D. said there was "no foul play suspected".
By the way, Jocelyn Elders was the "let's make marijuana legal and criminalize tobacco" Surgeon General, who was hand picked by Willie Boy! No need for her to commit suicide. She apparently came into the Surgeon General's position already brain-dead!

Dr. Ronald Rogers:died 1994 from yet another bizarre plane crash. He was on the way to do an interview with a reporter for the "London Sunday Telegraph" about some of the scandalous and secret dealings of Bill Clinton.
Ron Brown: died 1996. Brown was the Secretary of Commerce and the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee. He died along with 39 others in a plane crash, on the way to Croatia. The plane crash was originally reported to have been caused by bad weather. After independent sources revealed that there was no bad weather, the reports cited pilot error and navigational equipment failure as the cause.
Brown was very close to being indicted over financial fraud schemes etc., and had publicly announced that he was willing to make a deal with the prosecution. Many allegations have came out about Brown's missing, lost or stolen autopsy records containing x-rays that clearly showed a "bullet hole" in the back of Brown's head and bullet fragments inside his skull! If it's ever proven, I wonder if they'll also attribute that to pilot error?

Barbara Wise:died 1996. Barbara was a 14 year employee with the Department of Commerce. She was an associate of Johnny Huang (financial and trade scandals, etc.) During the time rumors were circulating around Washington about Huang's possible involvement in illegal activities, the body of Barbara Wise was found in her Dept. of Commerce office. Her body was severely bruised and semi- nude. No official cause of death was ever released.
Charles Meissner: died 1996. He was the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for International Economic Policy. He placed Johnny Huang on a Commerce Dept. Contract that allowed Huang to maintain a security clearance. Soon thereafter, Meissner was killed in the same plane crash along with Ron Brown.
Admiral Jerry Boorda: died 1996. Admiral Boorda was the Chief of Naval Operations. He supposedly went home for lunch one day and, rather than have his scheduled interview with the Newsweek Magazine that afternoon, he decided to shoot himself twice in the chest.
William Colby: died 1996. Former Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby was feared by many "insiders" because of the information Colby was allegedly writing about for his new book. He had already went public with information about illegal spying on American citizens and other CIA activities that embarrassed the agency. Colby was reported missing by neighbors. A massive search was conducted and the only thing recovered was Colby's canoe. He had left his house unlocked, his computer on and his lunch only partially eaten. Colby was known for his tidiness, but his house was said to have been in complete disarray. His wife stated that Colby never, never went out in his canoe without a life jacket on. But, several days later his body was discovered in the water in an area previously, thoroughly searched. He was not wearing a life-jacket. His book was never completed either.
Mary Mahoney: died 1997. Mary was a former intern working in the White House for Bill Clinton. Rumors were said to have been circulating that a former intern was about to go public about being sexually harassed by Bill Clinton. Mahoney was working in a coffee shop in Georgetown, when gunmen entered. Mahoney's two associates were taken into a separate room and shot. Mary Mahoney's body contained five bullets. No money was taken. Murders never solved.
Ron Miller: died 1997. Ron Miller was the man who tape recorded Gene and Nora Lum and turned the tapes over to the congressional oversight investigators. The Lums were arrested, convicted and sentenced to prison for campaign violations by fraudulently concealing their identity and the size of their political contributions. Ron Miller, a very healthy man was suddenly struck very ill and died within days. The medical examiner's office in Oklahoma refused to release blood test results. Many believe Miller's death was a result of Ricin poisoning.
Sandy Hume: died 1998. Sandy had worked for Fox News for 3 weeks. he was the son of Brit Hume, journalist and Fox News reporter. Sandy was previously a reporter for the Hill Magazine. The Magazine had been the one to break the story about congressional in-fighting involving the Speaker of the House and Rep. Paxon in 1997. Oddly enough Representative Paxon resigned within 24 hours after the announced death of Sandy Hume. There was and still remains a total media blackout concerning the death of Sandy Hume. The 28 year old go-getter, news digging reporter was known to get a head start on the "inside" dirt within the Washington establishment. Apparent suicide was the only comment supposedly released about his tragic and untimely death."

Oh the desperation!

Oh the insanity!

Oh's just another SJ psychotic rant.
Why should we? It's just conspiracy theory bullshit. I'm sure that your boys have tried and failed to pin at least some of this crap on the Clintons. That's why they had to settle for a blowjob.
It's called "The Wall" theory. Through enough shit on the wall and maybe some of it will stick.