Asshat having sex!


Sorry for the heart attack.

Anyway, here's my biographical portrait of Asshat:

His dad was an overpaid union worker for Ford who worked on the Ford Pinto. Whenever the car was cancelled and Toyato took over, his dad lost his job, and Asshat has blamed foreigners for half of his problems since then.

In school he was a brilliant student, who often made surprisingly accurate projections about how our world worked... except whenever he was talking about foreigners.

Then, whenever he was 20, he feel in love with this beautiful Jewish girl. Unfortunately, she wouldn't go out with him, so he became embittered with women and blamed all Jews. He now blames Jews for the other half of his problems

40 years later... here he is, living alone with his mom and typing on JPP all day.

What the hell.............

Sorry for the heart attack.

Anyway, here's my biographical portrait of Asshat:

His dad was an overpaid union worker for Ford who worked on the Ford Pinto. Whenever the car was cancelled and Toyato took over, his dad lost his job, and Asshat has blamed foreigners for half of his problems since then.

In school he was a brilliant student, who often made surprisingly accurate projections about how our world worked... except whenever he was talking about foreigners.

Then, whenever he was 20, he feel in love with this beautiful Jewish girl. Unfortunately, she wouldn't go out with him, so he became embittered with women and blamed all Jews. He now blames Jews for the other half of his problems

40 years later... here he is, living alone with his mom and typing on JPP all day.


This from the kid who said he had 'orgasmic shits' in the Pizza Hut' rest room...go and AHZ should do a double date...then compare notes........... :rolleyes: :cof1:
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Sorry for the heart attack.

Anyway, here's my biographical portrait of Asshat:

His dad was an overpaid union worker for Ford who worked on the Ford Pinto. Whenever the car was cancelled and Toyato took over, his dad lost his job, and Asshat has blamed foreigners for half of his problems since then.

In school he was a brilliant student, who often made surprisingly accurate projections about how our world worked... except whenever he was talking about foreigners.

Then, whenever he was 20, he feel in love with this beautiful Jewish girl. Unfortunately, she wouldn't go out with him, so he became embittered with women and blamed all Jews. He now blames Jews for the other half of his problems

40 years later... here he is, living alone with his mom and typing on JPP all day.


Stunningly inaccurate... Quit obsessing over me. Aspire to be as great as me, that is a more productive use of your time.
This from the kid who said he had 'orgasmic shits' in the Pizza Hut' rest room...go and AHZ should do a double date...then compare notes........... :rolleyes: :cof1:

I never said I had Orgasmic shits in Pizza hut.

In fact, this is the first time I've mentioned Pizza Hut at this site.

Link please? It's rather annoying, you posting that same stupid, made up remark in repsonce to everything I post, no matter how stupid it is in the context. Stop drinking and posting, BB.
His jewish girlfriend insisted that he be circumcised ? :shock:

:ouch: Sure am glad my momma did not insist on that one...I was born at the end of WWII...I think she was worried about a now I am a bullet vs torpedo...or is that the other way around?:cof1:
I never said I had Orgasmic shits in Pizza hut.

In fact, this is the first time I've mentioned Pizza Hut at this site.

Link please? It's rather annoying, you posting that same stupid, made up remark in repsonce to everything I post, no matter how stupid it is in the context. Stop drinking and posting, BB.

STFU, you pre-ejaculatory homunculus.
Really...short memory huh..........

I never said I had Orgasmic shits in Pizza hut.

In fact, this is the first time I've mentioned Pizza Hut at this site.

Link please? It's rather annoying, you posting that same stupid, made up remark in repsonce to everything I post, no matter how stupid it is in the context. Stop drinking and posting, BB.

So does anyone else remember this infamous comment from water not that long ago?..if no one remembers I will let it go....:rolleyes:

I don't remember it, but I take your word for it over watermarks anyday.

I am just too lazy to search it out and post it...maybe he will get a reprieve...or not...depnds on his nonsense! I am hungry and dinna is a callin' ...catch y'all later!
I am just too lazy to search it out and post it...maybe he will get a reprieve...or not...depnds on his nonsense! I am hungry and dinna is a callin' ...catch y'all later!

I said that I heard the door banging and someone moaning whenever I knocked on the door of a Pizza INN bathroom, and then I said, "I dunno, maybe they were just having a passionate shit or something". Stop drinking while reading posts.
I never said I had Orgasmic shits in Pizza hut.

In fact, this is the first time I've mentioned Pizza Hut at this site.

Link please? It's rather annoying, you posting that same stupid, made up remark in repsonce to everything I post, no matter how stupid it is in the context. Stop drinking and posting, BB.
It was very, very funny though. I mean, I really was laughing out loud. My kids wanted me to explain why I was laughing.