APP - At least it did before it was invaded


I found this piece interesting if confusing. If this is true what piece are we all missing, well not us but the.... Could it be Gaddafi spelled his own doom? Obviously an educated citizenry is always a problem for a nation's elite who wish to control the populace without force. "If we convince enough people, until the majority of people think that what we want to do is the right thing to do, that act of convincing magically transforms any wrong-thing-to-do into the-right-thing-to-do."** Our own corporate managed nation may one experience the same paradoxical development. Americans may one day say, 'I don't care that your products are cheap, they do me no good where I live, keep them.' Ok, let's be serious now...

"Libya provides a complete education to all students free of cost to them, from the kindergarten level up through the university level. - At least it did before it was invaded."

"...[W]omen in that Islamic nation get a complete education for free, are cared for at no cost when their health is an issue, and can work in humane conditions, and wonder of wonders, women can drive automobiles in Libya."

Dredd Blog: MOMCOM And The Sins of Libya

**from dreddblog