At Least The Aussies Get It Right


Junior Member
We need more politicians standing out and making this point.

>AUSTRALIA'S Muslim leaders have been "read the riot act" over the need to denounce any links between Islam and terrorism.

The Howard Government's multicultural spokesman, Andrew Robb, yesterday told an audience of 100 imams who address Australia's mosques that these were tough times requiring great personal resolve.
Mr Robb also called on them to shun a victim mentality that branded any criticism as discrimination.

"We live in a world of terrorism where evil acts are being regularly perpetrated in the name of your faith," Mr Robb said at the Sydney conference.

"And because it is your faith that is being invoked as justification for these evil acts, it is your problem.

"You can't wish it away, or ignore it, just because it has been caused by others.

"Instead, speak up and condemn terrorism, defend your role in the way of life that we all share here in Australia.",,20425347-661,00.html
What bullshit. Islam is a problem but no more of a problem than the white faced, suit wearing christians who conduct terrorism using the proxy of their military.
I read this post too. we need him to come here and run for office. He says it like it is.
anyoldpigiron is on my ignore list as he never has anything relavent to say. he's just an islamist appologist.

When it comes to having an ally to back us give me the aussies any day.
What bullshit. Islam is a problem but no more of a problem than the white faced, suit wearing christians who conduct terrorism using the proxy of their military.

what are you saing ? only white people are christian ?

anyway, the diffrence is, we do speek out aginst christians that use christianity as a tool of terror.
anyoldpigiron is on my ignore list as he never has anything relavent to say. he's just an islamist appologist.

I'm an atheist opposed to all religion you brain-dead fuckwit.

Ignore any voice that opposes you, that's a good tactic as we see you disappear up your own backside....
anyway, the diffrence is, we do speek out aginst christians that use christianity as a tool of terror.

When have christians stood up to the 'end-timers'?
You guys are both biased, you just happen to be ridiculously biased in the other direction...

How am I biased exactly?

I consider both to be basket cases, mental disorders of the highest order.

The truth is that both sides use terror, one the poor man's way, the other the rich man's....
The Catholics constantly stand up to the "end-timers"... They don't necessarily fall into the rapture group.