LOL! The industrialist accuses the socialist of perverting economics? That's the funniest thing I've read in months.
You're the one who needs some sort of imaginary, mystical crutch to prop up your weak, emotionally derived and self-serving opinions. You're the one so convinced he's going to come up one of the winners that he's willing to consign eighty or ninety percent of the human race to subservient and menial status, just to support himself and his elite brethren.
It's you free-market types who treat labor as a resource only and, hence, the cost of labor as a liability. You tell yourselves otherwise, of course, but lack the intellectual honesty to really look at the consequences of your selfish preferences.
Nationalism is even worse, subjugating diversity to the demands of an authoritarian solidarity designed to maintain the status quo at all costs. Nationalism is the single most destructive and, frankly, evil tool ever devised by human elitists. Which is to say, the wealthy, of course.