atheist support murder

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
Atheism and Child Murder
by Dinesh D’Souza
Peter Singer is a calm, lucid and able debater, and our debate at Biola University in Los Angeles on April 25 was lively and hard-fought. Not for nothing is Singer considered a world-class philosopher and advocate. To watch the debate go to and click on my AOL blog.

Singer praised me for not simply making assertions of faith or hurling Bible passages at him but rather for using reason and argument to make my case . And I complimented Singer for stepping, so to speak, into the lion’s den. (Biola actually stands for Bible Institute of Los Angeles.) Unlike the pusillanimous Richard Dawkins, who doesn’t dare to debate me even at his home campus of Oxford, Singer was brave to come to a Christian campus to dispute the resolution “God: Yes or No.” The audience of 3,000 was mostly though not exclusively Christian.

So perhaps atheism has found an able advocate. But unbelievers may want to think twice before lining up behind Singer, who argues in favor of infanticide, euthanasia and (this is not a joke) animal rights! One of Singer’s interesting proposals concerns what may be called “fourth trimester” abortions, i.e. the right to kill one’s offspring even after birth!

all atheists should be rounded up and executed

yours truly,

spurtmark, did you lie about going to college??
cause you are one dumb fuck.

you're so stupid you can't even see who i am making fun of....i would have thought putting "mark" on the end of my name would make it simply even a backwards, couldn't pass 5th grade, inbred like you would get it
I didn't even read it spurtage, I saw athiest and murder and decided your a redneck worth laughing at.
I didn't even read it spurtage, I saw athiest and murder and decided your a redneck worth laughing at.

an educated person would have read it, but in reality...what is amusing is that you called me "spurtmark"....indicating that you did in fact read it, you just lack the educated reading comprehension to figure it out
an educated person would have read it, but in reality...what is amusing is that you called me "spurtmark"....indicating that you did in fact read it, you just lack the educated reading comprehension to figure it out

"It the same old shit over and over again, it never get any better though."
The problem with your argument is that when religious people say moral things, it's usually because they are flagrantly ignoring their doctrine. Hey Christian women, getting beat up by your man? Remember to turn the other cheek!

Atheists have no doctrine, so they more often arrive at correct conclusions.
The problem with your argument is that when religious people say moral things, it's usually because they are flagrantly ignoring their doctrine. Hey Christian women, getting beat up by your man? Remember to turn the other cheek!

Atheists have no doctrine, so they more often arrive at correct conclusions.

lol....nice troll