Atheists Spin on Evolution...

It has always amazed me how so-called Atheists will argue the theory of evolution as a basis for origin, and attempt to refute creationism with it. They seem to totally disregard the basic fundamental, that evolution deals with speciation, not origin.... but don't let the facts get in the way of a good anti-God rant!

I personally think they make a terrible mistake in not accepting both theories. Yes, I believe in creationism as well as evolution. In fact, I think evolution might be the best example and evidence of God's creationism tools. Particularly when you look at it from an open-minded standpoint, and consider, if evolution theory is true, then it all began with something happening. Regardless of your beliefs, at some point, some force put all of this into motion, and it could not have happened otherwise.

Even when you think of the miracle of evolution, the very thought that random alleles can, over time, form and co-mingle, go through the natural selection processes, and survive... in fact, grow... into new species! According to Atheists, this all just happened by random chance, there was no hand in it whatsoever... all the billions of life forms, all the billions of possible combinations of elements... it just all fell into place exactly as it needed to, in order to produce a world where everything is in harmonious balance... the food chain and circle of life all work flawlessly, and this all just happened to work out this way.

The Earth has a defined rotation around the Sun, with a distinct wobble of its axis... this provides the Earth with seasons. Seasons so delicately balanced, an abundance of various life forms can exist. Not only can they exist, some of them could never exist if it weren't specifically because of the seasons. Trees and plant life, for instance... would not exist, if there were no seasons. Without trees and plant life, our planet would not function, they provide the soil with minerals and the atmosphere with oxygen. Without the geothermal warming and cooling of the atmosphere because of Earth's wobble, there would also be no evaporative effect of the moisture on the planet.... no rain... again, vital to the delicate life-cycle of nature.

Atheists have supposedly convinced themselves, this all happened by random chance. Despite the overwhelming odds of any such thing ever randomly occurring to such a degree, billions of times in a row. It completely contradicts the law of averages, but again... why let facts get in the way of God bashing? We still can't escape the fact that, something happened to cause all of this. Some force put all of it into motion at some point in time... something created time.

Evolution can explain a lot of things, but there are a lot of things about evolution, we simply don't know or understand. For instance.... The Chicken. A rather simple and efficient life form... Assuming evolutional theory.... how do you suppose this life form evolved into existence?.... it has a brain the size of a pea... it's only essential function in life is to find and consume protein... it only has sense enough to get into a tree at night and roost, and it exists as a small-boned, high-protein source of food for many other life forms. There are more chickens on the planet than humans, believe it or not. Now, I suppose the alleles just randomly decided to align themselves into a convenient food source for other life forms, but I really don't understand why they would make that choice. Evolution doesn't really explain that.

We see differing degrees of life forms all around us, and we naturally assume we are the most intelligent, but are we really? Certainly, we are more advanced and technologically superior to other creatures, but ants have a telepathic form of communication we don't have, bees have an organizational and societal structure more disciplined and efficient than ours.... dogs can hear better... owls can see better... We have cognitive thought going for us, but they have determined that many species of primates are capable of this. Humans have one distinguishing characteristic from all other life forms, they have spirituality. A spiritual understanding that other species of life simply do not have. This makes us different, and I submit, it's the most profound thing to make us unique and superior among all other life forms. It certainly isn't by random chance, the only species to have spiritual understanding, is the species most advanced.
for the record...I have absolutely no problem in believing that God had something to do with this at all
DIXIE: "Evolution can explain a lot of things, but there are a lot of things about evolution, we simply don't know or understand. For instance.... The Chicken. A rather simple and efficient life form... Assuming evolutional theory.... how do you suppose this life form evolved into existence?.... it has a brain the size of a pea... it's only essential function in life is to find and consume protein... it only has sense enough to get into a tree at night and roost, and it exists as a small-boned, high-protein source of food for many other life forms. There are more chickens on the planet than humans, believe it or not. Now, I suppose the alleles just randomly decided to align themselves into a convenient food source for other life forms, but I really don't understand why they would make that choice. Evolution doesn't really explain that."

You sir, are an idiot.

Chickens aren't an "natural evolutionary lifeform". Natural evolution has nothing to do with chickens, therefore natural evolution doesn't have to explain chickens.

Chickens are domesticated animals, selectively bred and developed by humans over thousands of years. They are docile (i.e., "stupid") and domesticated, because that's the way humans selectively bred them from their wild fowl ancestors thousands of years ago.
You sir, are an idiot.

Chickens aren't an "natural evolutionary lifeform". Natural evolution has nothing to do with chickens, therefore natural evolution doesn't have to explain chickens.

Chickens are domesticated animals, selectively bred and developed by humans over thousands of years. They are docile (i.e., "stupid") and domesticated, because that's the way humans selectively bred them from their wild fowl ancestors thousands of years ago.

Sometimes his stupidity really is almost breathtaking in its breadth and depth.
DIXIE: "Evolution can explain a lot of things, but there are a lot of things about evolution, we simply don't know or understand. For instance.... The Chicken. A rather simple and efficient life form... Assuming evolutional theory.... how do you suppose this life form evolved into existence?.... it has a brain the size of a pea... it's only essential function in life is to find and consume protein... it only has sense enough to get into a tree at night and roost, and it exists as a small-boned, high-protein source of food for many other life forms. There are more chickens on the planet than humans, believe it or not. Now, I suppose the alleles just randomly decided to align themselves into a convenient food source for other life forms, but I really don't understand why they would make that choice. Evolution doesn't really explain that."

You sir, are an idiot.

Chickens aren't an "natural evolutionary lifeform". Natural evolution has nothing to do with chickens, therefore natural evolution doesn't have to explain chickens.

Chickens are domesticated animals, selectively bred and developed by humans over thousands of years. They are docile (i.e., "stupid") and domesticated, because that's the way humans selectively bred them from their wild fowl ancestors thousands of years ago.

Dixie, do you understand that cocker spaniels, chickens, and teacup chihuahuas were selectively bred by humans over thousands of years? That humans selectively bred desired characteristics in these animals - such as docility, size, and domestication - from their wild canine and fowl ancestors?

Did you really think chickens and tea cup chihuahuas are a result of natural evolution, and that it somehow puzzles you how natural evolution could explain how these docile and somewhat stupid creatures could possibley survive in the wild?
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DIXIE: "Evolution can explain a lot of things, but there are a lot of things about evolution, we simply don't know or understand. For instance.... The Chicken. A rather simple and efficient life form... Assuming evolutional theory.... how do you suppose this life form evolved into existence?.... it has a brain the size of a pea... it's only essential function in life is to find and consume protein... it only has sense enough to get into a tree at night and roost, and it exists as a small-boned, high-protein source of food for many other life forms. There are more chickens on the planet than humans, believe it or not. Now, I suppose the alleles just randomly decided to align themselves into a convenient food source for other life forms, but I really don't understand why they would make that choice. Evolution doesn't really explain that."

You sir, are an idiot.

Chickens aren't an "natural evolutionary lifeform". Natural evolution has nothing to do with chickens, therefore natural evolution doesn't have to explain chickens.

Chickens are domesticated animals, selectively bred and developed by humans over thousands of years. They are docile (i.e., "stupid") and domesticated, because that's the way humans selectively bred them from their wild fowl ancestors thousands of years ago.

Alright, that explains chickens and their pea-sized brains Cypress. Now, do you have an explanation for Dixie?
A better example would have been the honey bee ...

Not really. I assumed domestic honey bees are a result of human breeding techniques - and I doubled checked from an expert source (below). Domestic honey bees aren't products of natural evolution or natural selection. They have been selectively bred by humans, for certain characteristics:

Texas A & M University - Department of Entomology:

"The domestic bee has lived in harmony with human beings for hundreds of years. It has been bred for gentleness and good honey production."
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Basically, if you don't want to read Dixie's long winded rant, here is a synopsis:

'Dixie versus Science"

-THE DIXIE ARGUMENT: "How can evolution explain chickens and honey bees? These are very simple and efficient animals, who don't appear to occupy any natural ecological niche. They aren't really capable of surviving outside a domesticated environment, and almost miraculously they appear to exist mainly as an efficient source of protein and food for humans and other animals. How can evolution explain this??!!! Why, its almost as if these simple creatures -- who don't really have a role in any ecological niche in the wild -- are divinely inspired!"

-THE SCIENTIFIC ARGUMENT: Chickens and honey bees are NOT products of natural evolution, or natural selection. These animals are products of selective breeding by humans over thousands of years, from their wild fowl and anthropod ancestors. Humans, over the course of many centuries, have bred these domestic animals by selecting for various physical characteristics and for docility, gentleness, and honey and egg production efficiency.
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Prissy, you act like human breeding somehow trumps evolution. In several instances, you even state... chickens aren't products of evolution. I don't understand this... so, we have some things that have evolved, and some things that can't? I guess I just assumed chickens evolved from a single cell like everything else, I wasn't aware they were an original creature.

Yes, man has domesticated many animals, that doesn't mean these animals never evolved. Yes, mankind bred chickens to be what they are, it doesn't mean, without men, chickens would have been nuclear physicists. Of course, that probably bursts your balloon to find out.
Prissy, you act like human breeding somehow trumps evolution. In several instances, you even state... chickens aren't products of evolution. I don't understand this... so, we have some things that have evolved, and some things that can't? I guess I just assumed chickens evolved from a single cell like everything else, I wasn't aware they were an original creature.

Yes, man has domesticated many animals, that doesn't mean these animals never evolved. Yes, mankind bred chickens to be what they are, it doesn't mean, without men, chickens would have been nuclear physicists. Of course, that probably bursts your balloon to find out.

you act like human breeding somehow trumps evolution. In several instances, you even state... chickens aren't products of evolution. I don't understand this...

Do you honestly need me to teach you basic science? I'm going to half to charge by the hour if you do -- what did they teach you in alabama schools?

I specifically said domesticated animals, like chickens, are not a product of natural evolution / natural selection.

Natural selection is the very process by which natural evolution occurs.

You stupidly wondered how natural selection could have created a chicken. I pointed out that natural selection had NOTHING to do with it -- humans BRED them for specific physcial characterics we deemed desirable. The aren't creatures that evolved NATURALLY.
Natural selection is the very process by which natural evolution occurs.
You stupidly wondered how natural selection could have created a chicken.

I understand this, I am talking about it. I am asking, how did the alleles decide to form into a fowl capable of doing nothing but consuming protein and being a good food source for other species? What made them decide to take that route, instead of forming into something more important? It almost seems as if it were 'by design' that chickens exist.

I'm going to half to charge by the hour if you do -- what did they teach you in alabama schools?

They taught us the difference between "half" and "have". What did they teach at your school?
Natural selection is the very process by which natural evolution occurs.
You stupidly wondered how natural selection could have created a chicken.

I understand this, I am talking about it. I am asking, how did the alleles decide to form into a fowl capable of doing nothing but consuming protein and being a good food source for other species? What made them decide to take that route, instead of forming into something more important? It almost seems as if it were 'by design' that chickens exist.

I'm going to half to charge by the hour if you do -- what did they teach you in alabama schools?

They taught us the difference between "half" and "have". What did they teach at your school?

so...maybe you got a "C" in grammar and spelling, but you obviously flunked biology. fucking moron.
so...maybe you got a "C" in grammar and spelling, but you obviously flunked biology. fucking moron.

I did quite well in biology, as I said, it's the basis and fundamental of my argument against abortion, and you can't find a flaw in it, because biological facts don't lie. I have schooled you on this, and now you want to make a sarcastic comment like this? Ha! As if!

I guess in Maine, they teach that biological life forms have to arbitrarily decide if they are going to "make it" or not, before they become what they are? A biological being can only exist once it has achieved self-awareness, before that, it doesn't really exist as a being? Biological life can change when it "get's ready" and not require any change in structure or compositional element?

You are one smart cookie on biology, Maine... and so unorthodox!
I tried to coat a recently fertilized chicken egg with batter and deep fry it, but amazingly didn't taste anything like fried chicken. Maybe Dixie could explain that to me... and explain, while you're at it, why you failed to acknowledge your total fuckup regarding human selectibve breeding of species versus natural selection.... typical for you..when someone calls you on something particularly boneheaded you say, you just bluster on as if they had not said anything.
I tried to coat a recently fertilized chicken egg with batter and deep fry it, but amazingly didn't taste anything like fried chicken. Maybe Dixie could explain that to me...

Sure... you didn't wait long enough. If you had waited for the matter in question to fully mature, it would have produced favorable results. The fact that you would use this particular analogy and distinction between an egg and a chicken, is evidence you understand the matter doesn't change what it is. A chicken egg will eventually produce chickens, it can produce nothing else. Therefore, it is a chicken life form, and nothing else. In your example, you chose to use the chicken life form at an early stage, if you had waited, the life form would have tasted like chicken and not egg, but the life form itself, never changed.

and explain, while you're at it, why you failed to acknowledge your total fuckup regarding human selectibve breeding of species versus natural selection....

I didn't fuck up, I never mentioned human selective breeding vs. natural selection. Since you bring it up, isn't it interesting that mankind had this naturally selected convenient food source to domesticate? Imagine the luck of that... all these random alleles just fell into place to form a perfect protein consuming machine, which produces such an incredibly efficient food source?
a chicken egg will eventually produce a chicken.... and a human fetus may eventually produce a human being. your point?

a fertized chicken egg is not yet a chicken... a human fetus is not yet a human being.

actually, what a chicken is today is the result of human selective breeding...a chicken undomesticated would have relatively very little edible protein.....