ATT Lili with what I assume are bolt on Tits.

I am nobody's my dreams I am licking Lilie's from ATT's cunt regardless of what she has done with it.

how classy. i guess because you are so unsure of your sexual identity, you have to act like a slobbering sexist pig to try and make people think you are not gay.
hell, other women eat pussy, probably better than you. you just want to taste the man meat and man gravy that was inside the pussy- be honest.

I always tell to truth....and Me understanding women and me telling the truth always was one of my best ideas ever.

You I am sure have no idea.
Who knows (other than her), and who cares? Accept what you have been granted visually.

They're real IMO. She's been a hotty for over a decade. On a side note, the best advice I've heard for celebrities is to not engage on social media because, like JPP, the trolls and idiots have equal access and, worse, are much more vocal than normal, sane Americans.

When Hawkeye gets drunk his sexually perverse and (even more) disgusting side comes out. He's fucking insane. Just ignore him.