Attack Of The Limos


Junior Member
The UK under heavy attack by Muslims. Why? Because they coddle the Muslim population and let them preach their hate.

>>"The principal object [was] to kill hundreds if not thousands of innocent people without warning, but there were other subsidiary and collateral objectives - to cause maximum damage to property, injure and terrorise people and at minimum to cause widespread disruption and subsequent economic loss."

The US bombings were planned before 9/11 and shelved owing to the success of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, but they were then resurrected and were still being worked on as late as February 2004.

Mr Lawson said: "Various methods of attack were raised for consideration including parking limousines packed with explosives next to or underneath buildings or driving them into underground car parks.

Another method considered was "arson, by means of hijacked petrol possible use of an aeroplaneî, he added. "The plans involved giving no warning and were designed to kill as many innocent civilians as possible."

A second scheme, described by Mr Lawson as "a culmination of Barot's murderous plans", was the "Gas Limos" project. He said: "The principal attack involved packing three limousines with gas cylinders, explosive, shrapnel, etc., and then detonating the devices in underground car parks. Barot indicated having specific targets in mind but did not identify them.