audible book recomendations?

I used to drive hours to visit clients and my fave was Michael Connelly. I like his books, so I guess you have to like him first. For me, the narration was always grade A. Some books have crap narration, but none of his did.

I tried Steven King, don't like most of his books, however, the narration is excellent.

I found that I actually liked some books narrative vs reading. Surprise yourself, I did.
i have an audible book to get. let me know what it should be.

What type of literature do you like? The thing about audiobooks is the reader. A bad reader can make the best book suck. I sometimes find new listens by following certain readers. Beware of books read by the author, one major exception is Anthony Bourdain. Hey, there's a good one, Medium Raw. Kitchen Confidential is good too.
What type of literature do you like? The thing about audiobooks is the reader. A bad reader can make the best book suck. I sometimes find new listens by following certain readers. Beware of books read by the author, one major exception is Anthony Bourdain. Hey, there's a good one, Medium Raw. Kitchen Confidential is good too.

Absolutely correct about the reader. I liked this one author while reading, listened to on audio while traveling, nope, not, ever.
Absolutely correct about the reader. I liked this one author while reading, listened to on audio while traveling, nope, not, ever.

It's a shame really, they should leave it to the pros. Happened to me with Bongino's first book. I couldn't even get through it. Now, his second book is coming out, and he read the audiobook himself again. Bummer.
It's almost impossible to give any good book recommendation w/o knowing what genres you like.

Here's one Grind might enjoy, lol.

i actually don't read a lot of books.

i guess I like sci fi? and non fiction/science in general, um.... i don't know really.

The cool thing about Audible is, you can listen to a sample of the book before you commit. That way you can see if you like the reader. Reviews only go so far in judging a book, because some people just cannot be pleased with anything.
i actually don't read a lot of books.

i guess I like sci fi? and non fiction/science in general, um.... i don't know really.

I checked the Internet, there are a lot of audio books for Ray Bradbury's work. I'd suggest Something Wicked This Way Comes, The Martian Chronicles, Fahrenheit 451 and The Illustrated Man - these are MY favorite books by Bradbury.
i actually don't read a lot of books.

i guess I like sci fi? and non fiction/science in general, um.... i don't know really.

I'll give you this rec then. It's Sci-Fi. It's gritty, tough, includes war, weapons, bad language, heroes, etc. It's about as bad-ass as sci-fi comes. It comes highly-recommended because I've read all of this author's books, loved every single one of them, and the author is also a personal friend. You can't go wrong with this one.