Audit: Bush reading program beset by favoritism, mismanagement


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A scorching internal review of the Bush administration's reading program says the Education Department ignored the law and ethical standards to steer money how it wanted.

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I am so SICK of this CORRUPT administration and I am SICK of them using my tax dollars to support ONLY A REPUBLICAN AGENDA....

The Culture of Corruption is alive and well in the whitehouse.....

I really have to FIGHT not harboring HATRED for these is the hardest thing I have had to do in my life as a Christian! :(
A scorching internal review of the Bush administration's reading program says the Education Department ignored the law and ethical standards to steer money how it wanted.

More at link...

WOW this is something you almost never see in a Republican administration, mostly because they are the party of honesty and integrity and personal responsibility and hard work and bootstraps and honesty and integrity and the Ten Commandments and Christian principles and honesty and integrity and so things like CORRUPTION and CRONYISM are foreign to them, but I guess every once in a while just a little bit of this has to seep in somewhere around the edges and it's always such a shock when it does because they are so damn honest and these things will happen even to the party of honesty and integrity, but it's not their fault really, it's the system that rewards greed and avarice and fraud and the devil, who never yeah, it's really sad because they are trying so hard to be self-righteous....
Let's see. An internal review puts an end to corruption... Hmmm... Sounds like it is actually not as corrupt as people want to make out. They check, find out friends are doing bad things, then end that action.

Yep. I can see how people might mistake them for not being corrupt throughout.... ;)
Bush hasn't fired anybody.

I doubt he will.

An internal report is not a law enforcement activity.