Aug. 1, 2007 Poll only 3% approve of Congress handling of the war...


Staff member

Just 24% give the president favorable ratings of his performance in handling the war in Iraq, but confidence in Congress is significantly worse – only 3% give Congress positive marks for how it has handled the war. This lack of confidence in Congress cuts across all ideologies. Democrats – some of whom had hoped the now Democrat-led Congress would bring an end to the war in Iraq – expressed overwhelming displeasure with how Congress has handled the war, with 94% giving Congress a negative rating in its handling specifically of that issue.

It appears that all branches of the government, except maybe the judicial, are full of phail right now....
People don't like this war. They expected Congress to do something about it. That covers Independents and Democrats. They're pissed.

The Republicans disapprove because it's a Democratic Congress.

I know a lot of people who are blaming Congress for not getting us out of Iraq. It's interesting.
People don't like this war. They expected Congress to do something about it. That covers Independents and Democrats. They're pissed.

The Republicans disapprove because it's a Democratic Congress.

I know a lot of people who are blaming Congress for not getting us out of Iraq. It's interesting.
It was an interesting story. Only 18% believe that Congress should defund the war, etc.
The expectations that Congress could end the war in 6 months are amazing to me.

I'm as antiwar as can be, but I don't want Congress to withold funding. They need a veto-proof majority, and they simply don't have one.
Too many who want the gummit to fix it and will not be satisified with any souloution and it is all the other partys fault.
Ironically, with all the disproval of the way the democrats in congress are NOT getting us out of Iraq, it still hasn't improved republican chances for winning the White House or returning anither republican congress in '08.
The expectations that Congress could end the war in 6 months are amazing to me.

I'm as antiwar as can be, but I don't want Congress to withold funding. They need a veto-proof majority, and they simply don't have one.
Well, at least in the Senate, the Dems might be able to get that kind of majority; not sure about the House.

The Senate prospects for the GOP in '08 are bleak; more seats are in play, and more are vulnerable.

They're hating it right now...
I think one repub Senate seat in AK will be open soon.
I hope McConnel loses in KY. I am dong what I can to help that along. Have actually been to a couple of republican rallies and asked hard questions.
they accused me of being a demoncrat ? Had to show my voters registration card :D