Austerity is an utter failure as a policy


Well-known member
Austerity programs have failed time after time in country after country. The UK has seen cuts to programs for their most vulnerable citizens as a result of the last five disastrous prime ministers. Greece is now implementing a six day work week. Austerity has also failed spectacularly in Iceland, Ireland, Spain, and Portugal.

Why do ultra right conservatives endorse this policy which has failed over and over again? Perhaps it has something to do with rich corporate donors. But somehow, this bill of goods has been sold to the very people that will be hurt by it most. Are these people that ignorant of history?

Austerity programs have failed time after time in country after country. The UK has seen cuts to programs for their most vulnerable citizens as a result of the last five disastrous prime ministers. Greece is now implementing a six day work week. Austerity has also failed spectacularly in Iceland, Ireland, Spain, and Portugal.

Why do ultra right conservatives endorse this policy which has failed over and over again? Perhaps it has something to do with rich corporate donors. But somehow, this bill of goods has been sold to the very people that will be hurt by it most. Are these people that ignorant of history?

green austerity also.

attacking farmers for green reasons will only starve humanity.

do you want to starve humanity or is green austerity ALSO a bad policy?

please be honest.

your eternal soul depends on you.
green austerity also.

attacking farmers for green reasons will only starve humanity.

do you want to starve humanity or is green austerity ALSO a bad policy?

please be honest.

your eternal soul depends on you.
ROTFLFMAO!!!! I don't have an eternal soul. What a stupid statement. Your post has absolutely nothing to do with this topic. Zero. Nil. Nada. Feel free to start your own thread and discuss to your hearts content. Obviously, you are not educated enough to discus FISCAL austerity. You should read something.
The ultra wealthy LOVE a boom and bust economy

They seek those failures

Only idiot cult voters get talked into this right wing stupidity