Auto Correct vs Spell Checker

Which is the Superior Feature?

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Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
Auto Correct is such a garbage feature. I should never have a word changed if it is technically spelled correctly, however absurd the word selection may seem to a primitive AI or retarded programmer. Especially given that auto correct algorithms often seem to think that more obscure words are more probable than the much more common words that I chose to correctly spell-out.
Auto Correct is such a garbage feature. I should never have a word changed if it is technically spelled correctly, however absurd the word selection may seem to a primitive AI or retarded programmer. Especially given that auto correct algorithms often seem to think that more obscure words are more probable than the much more common words that I chose to correctly spell-out.

Auto-correct is a pile of ship.
They aren't really alternatives? Autocorrect is built into soft keyboards and word processors have a spell checker. Autocorrect does cause me nearly as much trouble as it fixes tbh. Worse it's often not as obvious, the spell checker would highlight a mistake, but random word substitutions fly through.
Auto Correct is such a garbage feature. I should never have a word changed if it is technically spelled correctly, however absurd the word selection may seem to a primitive AI or retarded programmer. Especially given that auto correct algorithms often seem to think that more obscure words are more probable than the much more common words that I chose to correctly spell-out.

My autocorrect is turned off. I would rather have a typo, and I do plenty by fatfingering on my phone, than some unintelligible auto correct.
My autocorrect is turned off. I would rather have a typo, and I do plenty by fatfingering on my phone, than some unintelligible auto correct.

So you OK with knowingly making mistakes?
As usual you blame something other than your incompetence.
Auto Correct is such a garbage feature. I should never have a word changed if it is technically spelled correctly, however absurd the word selection may seem to a primitive AI or retarded programmer. Especially given that auto correct algorithms often seem to think that more obscure words are more probable than the much more common words that I chose to correctly spell-out.

Depends on the device for me. I find auto-correct a useful feature on a lap top or desk top device but it's a pain in the ass on a hand held smart device.
My wife just sent me an email about her “Morgan” tomorrow.


Turns out to be mammogram. :rofl2:

I can understand typos much better than that kind of shit.
Auto Correct is such a garbage feature. I should never have a word changed if it is technically spelled correctly, however absurd the word selection may seem to a primitive AI or retarded programmer. Especially given that auto correct algorithms often seem to think that more obscure words are more probable than the much more common words that I chose to correctly spell-out.

Your modern day problems are heart wrenching. How do you ever get through the day?
My wife just sent me an email about her “Morgan” tomorrow.


Turns out to be mammogram. :rofl2:

I can understand typos much better than that kind of shit.

First I hope she has breast cancer

Second nobody gives a fuck about the fact your dumb cunt of a wife can’t type.

Tell the stupid twat to read before she hits send.
First I hope she has breast cancer

Second nobody gives a fuck about the fact your dumb cunt of a wife can’t type.

Tell the stupid twat to read before she hits send.


Laughable fucking shitstain. Give it your best, cunt. Your posts are meaningless for me, whore.

