Automation. Why should Business rely on Humans?


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"Bosses Speed Up Automation As Virus Keeps Workers Home"

"Almost half of company bosses in 45 countries are speeding up plans to automate their businesses as workers are forced to stay at home during the coronavirus outbreak.
Some 41% of respondents in a survey by the auditing firm EY said they were investing in accelerating automation as businesses prepared for a post-crisis world."

Will any of the PC Fascists here at JPP change their minds about importing MORE Third World Labor into the US?
We have basically adopted the UBI (Universal Basic Income) and are sending people Checks.
Anyone think sending Checks to newly imported Third World People is a good idea?
In the Age of Automation, anyone think importing MORE Basket Weavers is a good idea?
"Some technology groups are already experimenting with retail outlets that will not require human-run checkouts or cashiers. Amazon, which has expanded into grocery selling, has a supermarket in Seattle with no checkout assistants, relying instead on sensors to track what shoppers removed from shelves, using “just walk out” technology to bill customers and end queues. McDonald’s is shifting to self-ordering kiosks in its restaurants, removing the need for customers to speak to workers at the counter."
"Women are most likely to lose out, the ONS said. “The analysis showed a higher proportion of roles currently filled by women are at risk of automation. In 2017, 70.2% of high-risk jobs were held by women.”