AVG Software

FYI: Years ago I downloaded AVG virus protection or used one of their scans. Don't recall which. Anyway, when removed a few things stayed behind and played havoc with Norton. I had a problem with CCSVCHST which is found in Windows Task Manager/Processes. It took forever for my computer to load.

Norton customer assistance found the problem after NINE hours on line with them over two days.

The computer buzzes along just great now. Patience is truly a virtue. :)
Wow, that made almost no sense, and no, never hand Norton any money. The fact that they took 9 hours to fix somethings that should've taken 30 minutes at most is just one more reason Norton is going to be destroyed in the Socialist Revolution.
Symantec has a decent enterprise AV offering, but I stopped using Norton about six years ago as the product line became increasingly resource hungry. I use NOD32 on my Windows 7 workstation and Trend Micro AV on my Exchange server. Both are decent. Best AV is called Mac OS X, though. :)

Glad to hear it's working better!
FYI: Years ago I downloaded AVG virus protection or used one of their scans. Don't recall which. Anyway, when removed a few things stayed behind and played havoc with Norton. I had a problem with CCSVCHST which is found in Windows Task Manager/Processes. It took forever for my computer to load.

Norton customer assistance found the problem after NINE hours on line with them over two days.

The computer buzzes along just great now. Patience is truly a virtue. :)

that's what you get for installing Norton....
Wow, that made almost no sense, and no, never hand Norton any money. The fact that they took 9 hours to fix somethings that should've taken 30 minutes at most is just one more reason Norton is going to be destroyed in the Socialist Revolution.

The guy tried and tried until he switched me to a supervisor.

They did give me an extra 60 days on my subscription for being patient.

Once I was cut off and they actually phoned me back! That was a shocker!

I think the first guy screwed things up worse, thus, the time taken to find the problem.

As the old saying goes, All's well that ends well."
Norton is terrible. I will personally burn their headquarters to the ground during the Rising.
Avast! is the only AV program to use.
I've only ever had 1 issue with Avast, and that's because I chose to ignore it's preemptive warning. Of course these days there is only ONE way to kill your computer.
Used Norton once upon a time and it did not protect me. Used MS SE and it did not protect me. I have used AVG now for the last 3 years and NEVER had a problem.