Ayn Rand In The 21st Century

cancel2 2022

This is one of the reasons why I lean toward libertarianism. The attacks made on them are far more prolish than on anyone else. Ayn Rand had to deal with this level of debate her entire career, and its appropriate that this snipe goes in the Whatever Goes. Even the professors at my college were childish when it came to libertarianism and, specifically, objectivism.
This is one of the reasons why I lean toward libertarianism. The attacks made on them are far more prolish than on anyone else. Ayn Rand had to deal with this level of debate her entire career, and its appropriate that this snipe goes in the Whatever Goes. Even the professors at my college were childish when it came to libertarianism and, specifically, objectivism.

No doubt you will be looking forward to the film release of Atlas Shrugged.

Atlas Shrugged (2011) - IMDb@@AMEPARAM@@http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTIxMDE0MjkxMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODk0MzU1MQ@@._V1._SX100_SY138_.jpg@@AMEPARAM@@BMTIxMDE0MjkxMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODk0MzU1MQ@@@@AMEPARAM@@SX100@@AMEPARAM@@SY138
This is one of the reasons why I lean toward libertarianism. The attacks made on them are far more prolish than on anyone else. Ayn Rand had to deal with this level of debate her entire career, and its appropriate that this snipe goes in the Whatever Goes. Even the professors at my college were childish when it came to libertarianism and, specifically, objectivism.

Though the main purpose of Atlas Shrugged is to outline her philosophy of objectivism it serves better as a treatise on the pittfals of economics based upon dialectic philosophy. Objectivism it'self has a great deal of flaws when viewed as a philosophy. Objectivism's indictment of utilitrianism is specious to say the least. It is also contradictory and inconsistent as hell about property rights and we all know what Rand thought about both property rights and contradictions.
I dunno...what may have worked in a book won't necessarily work in a movie. Rand did more then belabor a point, she killed the horse, beat it, beat it again and yet again, rode it around the block, shot it in the head, whipped it some more, jumped on it a dozen or more times and then for good measure repeated that all again and again and again. Unless the screenwriter takes extreme liberties with her novel the movie will be dull as hell. John Galt's speech will have to be reduced by 1/100th or the theater will be littered with people in permanent comas!