APP - Ayn Rand Is Not a Good Example for Humanity



...From what I understood of [my father's] favorite capitalist champion [Ayn Rand], any form of altruism was evil. But how could that kind of blanket self-interest extend to his own children, the people he was legally and morally bound to take care of? What was I supposed to do, fend for myself?

The answer to my question came on an autumn weekend during my sophomore year in high school. I was hosting a Harry Potter-themed float party in our driveway, a normal ritual to prepare decorations for my high school quad the week of homecoming. As I was painting a cardboard owl, my father asked me to come inside the house. He and his new wife sat me down at the dinner table with grave faces.

“We were wondering if you would petition to be emancipated,” he said in his lawyer voice.

“What does that mean?” I asked, picking at the mauve paint on my hands. I later discovered that for most kids, declaring emancipation is an extreme measure — something you do if your parents are crack addicts or deadbeats.

“You would need to become financially independent,” he said. “You could work for me at my law firm and pay rent to live here.”

This was my moment of truth as an objectivist. If I believed in the glory of the individual, I would’ve signed the petition papers then and there. But as much as Rand’s novels had taught me to believe in meritocracy, they had not prepared me to go it alone financially and emotionally. I began to cry and refused.

Hardcore objectivists often criticize liberals for basing decisions on emotion, rather than reason. My father saw our family politics no differently. In his mind, it was reasonable to ask that I emancipate myself and work for a living. To me, it felt like he was asking me to sacrifice my childhood so he didn’t have to pay child support. To me, it felt like abandonment...
The woman grew up in the USSR. Obviously she was going to have some problems, no matter how far she drifted from international socialism.

...From what I understood of [my father's] favorite capitalist champion [Ayn Rand], any form of altruism was evil. But how could that kind of blanket self-interest extend to his own children, the people he was legally and morally bound to take care of? What was I supposed to do, fend for myself?

The answer to my question came on an autumn weekend during my sophomore year in high school. I was hosting a Harry Potter-themed float party in our driveway, a normal ritual to prepare decorations for my high school quad the week of homecoming. As I was painting a cardboard owl, my father asked me to come inside the house. He and his new wife sat me down at the dinner table with grave faces.

“We were wondering if you would petition to be emancipated,” he said in his lawyer voice.

“What does that mean?” I asked, picking at the mauve paint on my hands. I later discovered that for most kids, declaring emancipation is an extreme measure — something you do if your parents are crack addicts or deadbeats.

“You would need to become financially independent,” he said. “You could work for me at my law firm and pay rent to live here.”

This was my moment of truth as an objectivist. If I believed in the glory of the individual, I would’ve signed the petition papers then and there. But as much as Rand’s novels had taught me to believe in meritocracy, they had not prepared me to go it alone financially and emotionally. I began to cry and refused.

Hardcore objectivists often criticize liberals for basing decisions on emotion, rather than reason. My father saw our family politics no differently. In his mind, it was reasonable to ask that I emancipate myself and work for a living. To me, it felt like he was asking me to sacrifice my childhood so he didn’t have to pay child support. To me, it felt like abandonment...

I am constantly amused by the arrogance displayed by Liberals that they know what is good for humanity, and therefore, should also be the arbiters of what is fair and equal outcomes.

What I have found with Leftists is that they exist in a pretend world wallowing in blissful economic ignorance insulated from reality. It is as fascinating as the dullard belief exhibited by Keynsian economists and Obama that one can spend their way out of a ressesion with money they don't have. If only the real world worked that simply and easily. If it were true, we would never have economic cycles or corresponding recessions again. Governments could just "SPEND" their way out of them.

But alas, the real world simply does not work that way as evidenced by the efforts of the Obama Administration to do so, much like many third world dictatorships of past and present.

Such socialist gobbledeygook doesn't even work for a homgenous oil rich nation like Venezeula. At least Venezeulans have an excuse, most are very uneducated and simple farmers; what is the excuse in Western nations with presumably higher education systems?

What kind of psychosis is entailed with ideologues who have a history of failure implementing their views and yet, will argue we need more of it?

Communism, the eventual outcome of Socialism as evidenced by history, is a profound failure. We don't need to invent new reasons to try it. Centralized economic systems cannot and do not work.

As stated by a character in the movie Plattoon, "you have to be rich to think that way in the first place."

This story has nothing to do with Ayn Rand, capitalism or economics; but rather an extremely dysfunctional broken family and a narcicistic selfish father. He probably was a liberal.
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I am constantly amused by the arrogance displayed by Liberals that they know what is good for humanity, and therefore, should also be the arbiters of what is fair and equal outcomes.

What I have found with Leftists is that they exist in a pretend world wallowing in blissful economic ignorance insulated from reality. It is as fascinating as the dullard belief exhibited by Keynsian economists and Obama that one can spend their way out of a ressesion with money they don't have. If only the real world worked that simply and easily. If it were true, we would never have economic cycles or corresponding recessions again. Governments could just "SPEND" their way out of them.

But alas, the real world simply does not work that way as evidenced by the efforts of the Obama Administration to do so, much like many third world dictatorships of past and present.

Such socialist gobbledeygook doesn't even work for a homgenous oil rich nation like Venezeula. At least Venezeulans have an excuse, most are very uneducated and simple farmers; what is the excuse in Western nations with presumably higher education systems?

What kind of psychosis is entailed with ideologues who have a history of failure implementing their views and yet, will argue we need more of it?

Communism, the eventual outcome of Socialism as evidenced by history, is a profound failure. We don't need to invent new reasons to try it. Centralized economic systems cannot and do not work.

As stated by a character in the movie Plattoon, "you have to be rich to think that way in the first place."

This story has nothing to do with Ayn Rand, capitalism or economics; but rather an extremely dysfunctional broken family and a narcicistic selfish father. He probably was a liberal.

So much drivel, so little time! Suffice to say you are full of shit for so many reasons that I don't wish to waste my own precious time articulating them all!
I am constantly amused by the arrogance displayed by Liberals that they know what is good for humanity, and therefore, should also be the arbiters of what is fair and equal outcomes.

I don't know a single liberal, anywhere, who is in favor of equality of outcome. So unless you can cite a source for this claim, I'm going to assume that this is more derp from a known source of epic amounts of derp.

What I have found with Leftists is that they exist in a pretend world wallowing in blissful economic ignorance insulated from reality. It is as fascinating as the dullard belief exhibited by Keynsian economists and Obama that one can spend their way out of a ressesion with money they don't have. If only the real world worked that simply and easily. If it were true, we would never have economic cycles or corresponding recessions again. Governments could just "SPEND" their way out of them.

And this is exactly why I know that everything you say is derp. You literally took a story about philosophy and parental responsibility, and transparently avoided everything relevant to the story to streeeetch the context out and over the political story that you actually care about. The fact that you DON'T care about parental responsibility and social obligations enough to actually comment on the story as given tells us everything we need to know about you in the context of this story.

This story has nothing to do with Ayn Rand, capitalism or economics; but rather an extremely dysfunctional broken family and a narcicistic selfish father. He probably was a liberal.

He was an Objectivist. Objectivism doesn't agree with either one of the 'wings' in American politics. Once again, your insistence on trying to turn this into an example of the one conflict your tiny little brain understands tells us a lot more about you than it tells us about the story at hand.
If the author of the Salon article had been aborted by her objectivist parents, then it would have been a victory for objectivism. Pick your narcissism. :cof1:
I am constantly amused by the arrogance displayed by Liberals that they know what is good for humanity, and therefore, should also be the arbiters of what is fair and equal outcomes.

What I have found with Leftists is that they exist in a pretend world wallowing in blissful economic ignorance insulated from reality. It is as fascinating as the dullard belief exhibited by Keynsian economists and Obama that one can spend their way out of a ressesion with money they don't have. If only the real world worked that simply and easily. If it were true, we would never have economic cycles or corresponding recessions again. Governments could just "SPEND" their way out of them.

But alas, the real world simply does not work that way as evidenced by the efforts of the Obama Administration to do so, much like many third world dictatorships of past and present.

Such socialist gobbledeygook doesn't even work for a homgenous oil rich nation like Venezeula. At least Venezeulans have an excuse, most are very uneducated and simple farmers; what is the excuse in Western nations with presumably higher education systems?

What kind of psychosis is entailed with ideologues who have a history of failure implementing their views and yet, will argue we need more of it?

Communism, the eventual outcome of Socialism as evidenced by history, is a profound failure. We don't need to invent new reasons to try it. Centralized economic systems cannot and do not work.

As stated by a character in the movie Plattoon, "you have to be rich to think that way in the first place."

This story has nothing to do with Ayn Rand, capitalism or economics; but rather an extremely dysfunctional broken family and a narcicistic selfish father. He probably was a liberal.
You've never read Atlas Shrugged or The Fountainhead, have you?
I don't know a single liberal, anywhere, who is in favor of equality of outcome.

Putting all else aside, this is about the stupidest statement I've seen in awhile.....equality of outcome is the essence of liberalism and the Democrat doctrine of today.....
and not realizing that shows your ignorance.

Truth Detector said:
This story has nothing to do with Ayn Rand, capitalism or economics; but rather an extremely dysfunctional broken family and a narcicistic selfish father. He probably was a liberal.

Again, putting all else aside, this statement is absolute fact concerning the op story.....and the conclusion of "an extremely dysfunctional broken family and a narcicistic selfish father"
could not have been stated with greater accuracy.....
Well it was obvious from your response that you didn't know what you're talking about.

Well its obvious from your response that you don't know what I am talking about or the false premise of this thread.

But that is because you are a simple minded dimwit leftist who cannot think for himself.

Run along troll; time is too short for stupid.
Putting all else aside, this is about the stupidest statement I've seen in awhile.....equality of outcome is the essence of liberalism and the Democrat doctrine of today.....
and not realizing that shows your ignorance.

Again, putting all else aside, this statement is absolute fact concerning the op story.....and the conclusion of "an extremely dysfunctional broken family and a narcicistic selfish father" could not have been stated with greater accuracy.....

The inaccurate part is that he was probably a liberal.

...From what I understood of [my father's] favorite capitalist champion [Ayn Rand], any form of altruism was evil. But how could that kind of blanket self-interest extend to his own children, the people he was legally and morally bound to take care of? What was I supposed to do, fend for myself?

The answer to my question came on an autumn weekend during my sophomore year in high school. I was hosting a Harry Potter-themed float party in our driveway, a normal ritual to prepare decorations for my high school quad the week of homecoming. As I was painting a cardboard owl, my father asked me to come inside the house. He and his new wife sat me down at the dinner table with grave faces.

“We were wondering if you would petition to be emancipated,” he said in his lawyer voice.

“What does that mean?” I asked, picking at the mauve paint on my hands. I later discovered that for most kids, declaring emancipation is an extreme measure — something you do if your parents are crack addicts or deadbeats.

“You would need to become financially independent,” he said. “You could work for me at my law firm and pay rent to live here.”

This was my moment of truth as an objectivist. If I believed in the glory of the individual, I would’ve signed the petition papers then and there. But as much as Rand’s novels had taught me to believe in meritocracy, they had not prepared me to go it alone financially and emotionally. I began to cry and refused.

Hardcore objectivists often criticize liberals for basing decisions on emotion, rather than reason. My father saw our family politics no differently. In his mind, it was reasonable to ask that I emancipate myself and work for a living. To me, it felt like he was asking me to sacrifice my childhood so he didn’t have to pay child support. To me, it felt like abandonment...

ayn rand is mentally ill, her publications demonstrate that statement
Hi Don. How are you doing?

i still have miles to go before i sleep, however, i still long to return to over the rainbow, but duty still calls, about two decades...oh well

i hope that all is well with you and yours and wish you all love, health, joy and happiness

how goes things with you?
i still have miles to go before i sleep, however, i still long to return to over the rainbow, but duty still calls, about two decades...oh well

i hope that all is well with you and yours and wish you all love, health, joy and happiness

how goes things with you?

:( Don I wish I could give you a hug, several of them. A cyber hug will have to do. (((Don)))

Just know that your friends here care and we're holding you in our hearts.

Everything's fine with me.
Excruciating turgid prose!

I watched the Fountainhead once many moons ago, there was a lot of symbolism going on as I remember. I believe that Gary Cooper was too old for the part as he was pushing fifty whereas Howard Roark, the character he played, was supposed to be in his early twenties. Haven't read the book but the film is fairly close to it apparently bearing in mind the constraints of film.
I still remember when Watermark started a thread after first reading Fountainhead. Not sure if it was FP or here, but it was titled "The Fountainhead Blew." I was still unfamiliar with Rand, and that was the first discussion of her I was ever involved in.