Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan

Alik Bahshi

Verified User
Tomorrow May 28 Azerbaijan marks an important historical date of 100 years since the day of the proclamation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, although independence was lost two years later, after Moscow sent an army under the command of Kirov, whose monument with a symbolically extended hand towered over Baku until it was were demolished in 1991. Since then, newly independent Azerbaijan has made significant progress, despite the constant military provocations of Armenia, behind which Russia stands.

Alik Bahshi

Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan

Can soul from heart be stolen? Never!
You are my breath; you are my bread and water!
Your cities have opened wide before me.
I am totally yours. Devoted to you forever in sons!
Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan!

Samad Vurgun

If, twice repeating the name of the country, the poet heightens the sense of his enthusiastic love of it, then as the article title I want to reflect the distress of the people of Azerbaijan, chipped in two inter-state border.
Hard fate fell on the colonial peoples of the Russian Empire. Not many were able to break free from the collapse of the Soviet Union. But those who gained their freedom, is still experiencing the effects of staying in the "prison of nations", in fact, a threat to be back in it is very real: for example, if it were not for the requirement to stop the advance of the West Russian tank columns to Tbilisi in 2008, and Do not get caught American frigate off the coast of Georgia and Georgians to be logged twice voluntarily under the protection of the people of Moscow. How can you not mention, I would say, unique ability to liberate the people from the Russian indispensable subsequent accession to the empire. This feature of the Russian bestow the freedom of peoples, has a long tradition that goes red (read bloody) thread, which is sewn patchwork empire, and recorded in the history books of the USSR, and even though, in the case of Afghanistan, it has slightly weakened, but in the long run none of neighboring peoples of the Russian Empire is not guaranteed by Russian manic desire to free them from the heavy burden of freedom. For example, hearing about this, especially Russian, in due time came to Turkistan, and in 1865 was invited by Russian residents of Tashkent to release them from their lives. However, Tashkent stubbornly resisted the release, probably because of his masochistic tendencies, and after the capture of the city were mercifully killed, including women and children, giving them the opportunity to voluntarily join posthumously to the Russian Empire. Another example: Moscow has met and satisfied the plea Fatali Khan Derbent Khanate of Azerbaijan to become a vassal. This glorious act of voluntary reunification with Russia was particularly marked after the fact that the Kremlin cartographers entered Dagestan (translated from Turkish - a country of mountains) in the Russian Federation, to which the inhabitants of the former territory of Azerbaijan were overly excited and still express their gratitude to Russian, saluting volleys and explosions of houses in Buynaksk, and in some cases are so overwhelmed with joy to their souls that can not stand the emotional stress, they undermine themselves by engaging in an instantaneous movement in the surrounding paradise, of course voluntarily joined the celebration of the soul, similar to the voluntary will of the people to join Russia and get rid of ... Somehow, being in Soviet Lithuania, heard from a native phrase, uttered with an enthusiastic sarcasm that will be remembered forever, "Russian came and freed us from the meat and butter." So Lithuanian expressed his personal thanks to the "big brother" for his concern about the health of the people of Lithuania. In fact, what could be better diet for longevity!

I must say, the people of Azerbaijan (more properly called the Azerbaijani Turks, as it defines itself by the people of South Azerbaijan, and the Turkish Turks, Iranians and Armenians), more than any other, has received special favors Russian. For example, in a series of "voluntary" connections peoples of the Caucasus, Azerbaijan was divided into northern Azerbaijan in the Russian Empire and Southern Azerbaijan in Iran, where Azerbaijanis live in two times more than in the northern part. Since ancient times, probably in gratitude for the Baku oil, and perhaps for purely altruistic motives, Moscow's concern about the Azerbaijani people continued without stopping, and apart from the territory of Dagestan (Derbent Khanate) Azerbaijani people was also released from the territory of Zangezur district, which was given to Armenia , on the grounds that there due to far-sighted national policy of Moscow, based on the principle of "friendship of peoples" (ie ethnic cleansing), significantly increased the number of fraternal Armenian people. Thus, the territory of the former Nagorno-Karabakh khanate of Azerbaijan, previously inhabited by Armenians from Iran and Turkey, has received and then under Soviet rule and the status of an autonomous region in the years 1989-1991 after a full deportation and extermination of the Azerbaijani population in this age-old Azerbaijani land, the home of popular poets and musicians, Moscow actually gave the entire Armenian Karabakh and the surrounding areas, which were also released from the Azerbaijani population. As a result of the Karabakh conflict, Azerbaijan has lost 20 percent of its territory.

From the beginning, the arrival of Russian in the Caucasus, Russia has pursued a policy of ethnic squeezing the Turkic people from the vicinity of Turkey and Iran, and the occupation of these lands by Armenians, encouraging migration from neighboring countries. These heinous acts against the people of Azerbaijan reflect the real picture matches up to a point of strategic objectives and the Moscow Armenian Nazis who dream of Great Armenia from sea to sea. Yes, yes it is "from sea to sea" and not otherwise, for how can one explain the massacre in 1918, arranged by the Armenians in Baku and other cities of Azerbaijan. Secretly having supplied weapons large Armenian diaspora dashnaks produced unprecedented brutality of treacherous revolt. For many years, lived side by side with the Azerbaijani Armenians were suddenly burst into the house and literally cut the unarmed population of the city, not sparing neither children nor women. Residents fled to organize armed resistance Outrages of the killers had no chance. In pursuit of refugees, the bandits rushed to the suburban towns.

I will allow myself a short digression. The house was a large photograph of an old grandfather, as a small child, I noticed that the portrait in the chest has stopped up the hole. When asked about the origin of the pope replied briefly, "from the saber." He did not like to talk about the war, although it went through the war from beginning to end, commanding the anti-aircraft battery. Details at a mature age, I learned from my mother: In Balakhany survived the terrible news of the atrocities of the Armenians, the people, taking children and food on the night hurriedly left the village. Especially there was nowhere to run, with the neighboring villages of Baku is located on the peninsula. Their flight was interrupted deserted shore of the Caspian Sea. Fortunately Armenians did not occur to move to the sea. A few days later, when the family returned to his grandfather, the house they found the broken dishes and punctured his sword portrait, colorful hint of what awaited them, catching Armenian family in the house.

In Azerbaijan, the Armenians have used the same tactics of ethnic cleansing territory under the alleged Armenian state, as in Turkey in 1915, with the only difference being that in Turkey, the action is carried out by the imperial authorities, and Azerbaijan with the support of the Communists. The then head of the Armenian military Andronnik telegraphed to the Kremlin about the glorious victory over the enemy. But the joy was short-lived. Turkey, despite the desperate situation at the fronts, sent to rescue a military unit in Baku. (Turks and Armenians are one nation, by analogy with the Germans and Austrians). By breaking down on the outskirts of the city organized by the Dashnak defense, the Turks entered the city, which, apparently, according to the plans of the invaders was to enrich the Greater Armenia oil.
Dashnak hoped that Russian will help them to create a Greater Armenia, but deeply miscalculated. By organizing in place of Yerevan Khanate (one of the khanate of Azerbaijan) Armenian Socialist Republic, the Kremlin communists both buried all hope of Armenian Nazis to independence, responded that many years later conducted a series of re-fledgling Dashnak Party terrorist attacks in the form of utyatnitsu bombings in the Moscow metro and trains.

However, the important thing is that, in my opinion, does not take into account the Dashnak ideologues who plan to construct a chimeric state - this is the mentality of the Armenian people.
It is appropriate to point out the feature in the mentality of the Armenian people, namely the desire to migrate to the economic development of the area as a rule the city, creating pockets of compact residence there. For example, the eloquent fact - at the time of the conquest of Georgia in Tbilisi Russian Armenians lived more than Georgians themselves. In Baku, a city district called Armenikend solely with the Armenian population. By the way, in the Soviet time, the number of Armenians make up the population of Baku exceeded the number of Armenians living around Karabakh. Nothing else, just the difference in mentality can be explained by the fact that the Azerbaijani refugees from Armenia and the occupied territories fled to Azerbaijan, while the Armenian refugees were anywhere but not in Armenia. Those few who were still at home, soon left her with only one thought never to return. But it was after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when it seemed that there was little reason not to come to a free and coveted Armenia, a significant number of them appeared in the rich U.S. state of California. Not if they went in the footsteps of the Jews so by creating the Armenian lobby in the strongest power in the world, to solve their problems hands of American taxpayers, and even the lives of American soldiers for the implementation of the Dashnak ideology to create a Greater Armenia. The reason for the lack of traction for the country can be sought in the fact that today Armenia is an artificial creation of the resettled from Turkey, Iran and Lebanon's Armenians, as a consequence of implementation with the support of Moscow's ideology of the extreme nationalist Dashnak party.

It's no secret, the Armenians had great influence in the Kremlin under the Communists (Mikoyan), creating a powerful diaspora in Moscow, otherwise how can you explain that of all the Soviet republics of Armenia only became more and more mono-and this despite the fact that the Armenian population in the most Armenia has not increased because of the continuous migration of Armenians in the central Russian city, and the resort towns of the Black Sea coast and the North Caucasus. Armenia is gradually squeezed out of not only the Azerbaijani population, but even the Russian, whose number is constantly growing in all the other Soviet republics, Armenia at the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union almost gone. By the way, push the Karabakh conflict was the forced deportation of Azerbaijanis from Armenia. It was a well-planned insidious campaign. (Let me say that deceit on the part of the Armenians was repeatedly mentioned in the story). At the first stage, in Azerbaijan there were refugees from Kapan. And it's in the Soviet Union, in time of peace! Kicked out of their homes by Armenian militants, they went to Baku, intending to seek protection and justice from the official authorities, who were in complete indecision, for all inquiries responsible party comrades from Baku remained unanswered. Moscow kept a stubborn silence. General Secretary Gorbachev took no action to stop the illegality committed by the in Armenia. What is the reason for this strange behavior of the person in whose hands are concentrated all power in the face of such a totalitarian state like the Soviet Union? Not to recall the time of Gorbachev's visit to France, he met with representatives of the Armenian Diaspora. One can only guess at what they were able to tie the hands of Gorbachev. The only thing that has made a cowardly republicanism rather than beat all the bells a blatant arbitrariness of the Armenian nationalists, is to prevent the emergence of Kapan refugees in Baku. Next Sumgait they were not allowed. Time passed, and the homeless refugees remained alone with their problems in an artificially created an information vacuum. For them, the government has not established even a campground. And then there were provocateurs, as it turned out, two Armenians, who took advantage of an artificially created a dangerous situation that prompted the desperate people on the massacre of Armenians in Sumgait. The action was so carefully planned and, most importantly, at the same moment documented and surprisingly quickly, in just a few hours later film about the vandalism of Azerbaijanis, breaking the state border, that the Soviet Union is nonsense, was abroad. Note that in those days the common people did not have cameras, and the more professional cameras. It is hard to imagine that all of a sudden in a timely manner and to the place appeared. But even harder to imagine that this could happen at all in such a totalitarian state like the Soviet Union! In a state in which, not that tank, and each cartridge has been registered, and in fact all of a sudden it was in the hands of Armenian militants who began open hostilities against Azerbaijan. Planned Sumgait tragedy has given legitimacy to the expulsion of Azerbaijanis from Armenia, Karabakh and then capture. As I said, Moscow remained silent on the illegality of the Armenian authorities, it seemed that, hidden behind the Kremlin wall, the all-powerful secretary-general is afraid to restore order in the country. No, apparently the same, there is reason for this omission, which can only be guessed at. For the first time in the Soviet Union after the war there were thousands of refugees, direct evidence that the Soviet authorities in the territory of the Armenian Socialist Republic ceased to exist. However, when the reciprocal expulsion of Armenians from Baku, Gorbachev sent troops without delay to restore Soviet power in Azerbaijan and it is against the background of the fact that in Soviet Armenia itself practically did not exist. Actually, counting the collapse of the Soviet empire can be taken at the beginning of the Karabakh conflict.

The Communists, in fact, continued the tsarist policy of resettlement of Armenians in the Muslim Turkic population of Azerbaijan, hence the deliberately created the Karabakh problem, through which Russia now has the opportunity to influence the political situation strategically important Caucasus region. Russia, whose economy has traditionally rests exclusively on the sale of energy, will by all means to obstruct, to prevent a competitor to the European market, which is the Azerbaijan. By the way, the failed Russian intervention in Georgia provided to block the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline. Armed Russian Armenia just waiting for a visual signal of the Kremlin to take military action to further annexation of neighboring Azerbaijan and Georgia under the Great Armenia - program objective resurgent extreme nationalist Dashnak party, the party guilty of the tragedy of Armenians in Turkey in 1915, when the Dashnak with Russian, have taken the extermination of ethnic Turks to build on vacant land Armenian state. At the time when the Turkish Army was heavy fighting with Russian troops Armenians raised a bloody revolt in the rear is not against the Turkish regular army and the civilian population to cause a general panic and facilitate the promotion of Russian troops deep into Turkish territory. The atrocity committed by the Dashnak spontaneously aroused mass popular resistance, and instilled in enormous casualties among the Armenians. Accuse Turkey of genocide totally unfounded, because, unlike the Jewish in Germany, no genocide by the Turkish authorities were not planned and carried out by the army, what happened, it was a spontaneous popular response retribution, organized by the Armenian Dashnak extermination of the civilian population.
Over the period of the Ottoman Empire, Armenians lived happily among the Muslim population and no oppression nor national, nor on religious grounds were noted. Having failed in Turkey, Dashnak have left his venture and took a similar insidious campaign in 1918 in Azerbaijan, as having failed. But the most important thing is that in their insidious plans dashnaks to achieve political goals each time, playing a kind of "Armenian Gambit", if you follow chess terms, substituted for the Armenian people, as happened in Turkey in 1915, in Baku in 1918 year, and so it happened in Sumgait in 1988.

Taking care of "big brother" has affected not only by reducing the territory of Azerbaijan, but also in culture: the people of Azerbaijan, of course, by their voluntary consent, a special order of Moscow, has twice been stripped of the alphabet, that is, suddenly became illiterate, was first introduced Latin script and then woke up and was transferred to the Russian alphabet. By the way, failure to comply with the decree was tantamount to anti-Soviet activities and severely punished. It is as if the Russian was obliged to use the Japanese alphabet, and after, say five years, the Chinese. I wonder how would look Pushkin's poems in Chinese characters! Who would read Pushkin and Dostoevsky by continuous sudden illiteracy Russian population. This is exactly what happened in Azerbaijan. In the best case, if someone heard that there were such poets Nizami, Khagani, let alone read them, there was no real possibility. In schools, instead of the national literature was imposed study of creativity purely Russian writers and poets, and, of course, how can we not mention the masterpiece of Soviet literature, "How the Steel Was Tempered". Frankly, the author of this masterpiece works somehow forgot partially.

With independence, the Northern Azerbaijan adopted a democratic constitution, but the people's mentality and corruption do not allow us to take advantage of its benefits, is present here, and the fact that the people had no experience of democracy, which, as it were self-evident gift suddenly fell on him. Of course, take time, and until the country develops economically, Baku obtains the face of modern metropolis, which combine the beauty of ancient architecture with bold architectural projects of skyscrapers and the only dangerous moment remain aggressive intentions of the Armenian Dashnak with their chimerical dream to build a "Armenia from sea to sea . "

Today, Azerbaijan is a place where crossed the strategic and economic interests of Russia and Putin's Tehran obscurantist, which are, first, to prevent the world market of energy resources from the Caspian Basin, and secondly, the union of North and South Azerbaijan, and a smoldering Karabakh conflict is a good primer for the start of military action that has the potential to develop into a large-scale regional war, and even, God forbid, and in the Third World.

Dude, that's a lot of words to read. The JPPers here have a lot of excess time on their hands, but probably not THAT much time.
Start out short and catchy. Throw in some hot Azerbaijani babes. Build some interest. THEN ... go into more detail.
Dude, that's a lot of words to read. The JPPers here have a lot of excess time on their hands, but probably not THAT much time.
Start out short and catchy. Throw in some hot Azerbaijani babes. Build some interest. THEN ... go into more detail.

And you can without instructions. Nobody forces you to read the text. I, for example, do not read your posts, you can also do without it.
Best regards Alik Bahshi
And you can without instructions. Nobody forces you to read the text. I, for example, do not read your posts, you can also do without it.
Best regards Alik Bahshi

I see your next attempt is less verbose. You may actually get some Readers. Good Luck, Jack.