
Well-known member
FORD and MCCLASKIL and WEBB all call on Kerry to apologise... Its the perfect opertunity for these Democratic canidates in Conservative states to distance themselves from the Liberal core of the Democratic party thus clearing the way for them to appear as the HEALTHY alternative to the FAILED Bush policies of the past 6 years!
you are being intentionally obtuse.... aren't you damo?

(I know that toby is just stupid but you are most definitely not)

Do you not see the complete difference between saying that Kerry does not need to apologize on one hand and the political capital to be made by other democrats in tight races demanding that he do so?
No, I am now discussing the politics of it. I dont think he needs to apologise... but WEBB, MCCLASKIL, and FORD are calling on him to do it.

If you cant see the difference Toby, you are dumber than I thought...

As for you Damo, come on, you have better reading comprenhension than that!
If you don't think kerry should apologise why would you support someone who thinks he should apologise?
If you don't think kerry should apologise why would you support someone who thinks he should apologise?

I dont support them on this issue, but this is only a small small issue. Where did I say I did? Unlike you, I know those I support are flawed, I dont necessarly support everything they do! I support them for election because on ballance they are closer to my way of thinking than the other guy.
Are libs are concerned about it winning, not what is right and what is wrong, but as Maine says what the POLITICAL CAPITAL is.
Not much of a "joke" Damo, I guess you botched it, but Ill give you the bene of the doubt!
LOL. Yeah, suddenly speaking of the "uneducated" President who did better in college... That makes more sense!

Such spin.
Its clear to me... Undeniable!
Right, somehow the person who did better, and got the education, was the "uneducated" person he was talking about.

Undeniably silly, silly spin from spinmaster D....

Truly one of the easiest to see through that I have ever seen!
Right, somehow the person who did better, and got the education, was the "uneducated" person he was talking about.

Undeniably silly, silly spin from spinmaster D....

Truly one of the easiest to see through that I have ever seen!

Everyone knows, and Kerry harped on it... that Bush did VERY POORLY in school and everyone knows Bush (in a political sense) is stuck in Iraq!
Bush didn't have good grades, but Kerry had worse grades.

But that was not the thread topic. You claimed that Republicans lies about what Kerry said and now you think its a good thing when dems say the same thing.
Everyone knows, and Kerry harped on it... that Bush did VERY POORLY in school and everyone knows Bush (in a political sense) is stuck in Iraq!
And everybody knows that Kerry did even more poorly. Unless Kerry was saying that he himself is uneducated it wasn't Bush he was speaking of.
It is nice to see some dems saying they disagree with the dem liberal platform. That is a good start to getting away from the left wing agenda that is distorting the political process with slime.