Bad news for Democrats


Let's go Brandon!
President Trump is delivering better economic news for black Americans, Hispanics and women than any other president in the past century. That’s bad news for Democrats, who are counting on strong support from all three groups in the midterm elections.

Under President Obama, from 2009 to 2015 the incomes of black Americans fell by more than $900 per family, adjusted for inflation.

According to Sentier Research, when President Obama left office the median household income for all Americans was $58,056. Under President Trump, the rising tide of median household incomes rose to $62,175 by June – a jump of more than $4,000. And income for black Americans has been lifted as well.

Under President Trump, black employment has grown by an average of nearly 40,000 each month. In January 2017, the black unemployment rate stood at 7.8 percent. It’s now at 6.6 percent.

The number of black Americans with a job has risen by 708,000 from last year. Not only are black wages and incomes up since the election of Donald Trump – black employment has repeatedly hit historic highs.

And it isn’t just black Americans who owe President Trump a vote of thanks. Employment among Hispanics and among women – even those with only a high school diploma – has hit the same kind of record-breaking highs.

Trump won barely 8 percent of the black vote in 2016. Yet today the NAACP’s own polls show his approval rating among African-Americans standing almost three times as high, at 21 percent.

Not surprisingly, the response from President Trump’s critics has been more of the same – tired identity politics. But it looks like the minority groups themselves are getting as tired of identity politics as the majority.

The latest poll report from the NAACP spares no effort to join in calling Trump racist, but the numbers tell a different story.

Trump won barely 8 percent of the black vote in 2016. Yet today the NAACP’s own polls show his approval rating among African-Americans standing almost three times as high, at 21 percent.

Rasmussen – the polling organization that came closest to calling the 2016 presidential election results – polls a wider and less politicized community. It announced on Twitter that black approval for Trump is now 36 percent – if not higher.
Yep, Dark Hole has it all figured out. The minorities will vote for Trump because he is such a fine man and the greatest president of all time. He has a poll. That proves it.
Yep, Dark Hole has it all figured out. The minorities will vote for Trump because he is such a fine man and the greatest president of all time. He has a poll. That proves it.

Even regardless of the fact that his favorite scapegoats are often minorities favored in their own communities, that will win them over