APP - Bad news for dems coming out of Florida and Arizona

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

All we keep hearing from the Democrat Media Industrial Complex is that there is going to be this BIG blue wave coming in November that is going to wipe out Republicans and send a message to President Trump. It is inevitable they say. All the passion is on the side of the democrat party they say. The polls are in their favor they say.


What does actual voting show?

The story is that the three Republicans combined for 498,803 votes (56.1%) to the combined Democrats’ total of 390,236 (43.9%). The 108,000 margin is massive. With 1.1 million independents in Arizona, it means that Sinema would have to carry indies by the whopping (and likely unattainable) margin of 55-45 just to pull even. McSally and Ward alone came within a hair of outpolling Sinema and the other marginal Democrat, even without Joe’s 90,000 votes.

If turnout for the general holds, the democrats don't have a chance to flip the seat

Now what about Florida?

The governor’s race in FL was even more shocking to the Democrats. Republicans held a total vote turnout average of 109,718 in a state adding about 6,000 Republican new registrations per month. Even more stark was the difference between the top two candidates on each side: Ron DeSantis (the winner) and Adam Putnam (runner-up) amassed 1,505,466 while the socialist Democrat (but I repeat myself) Andrew Gillum and runner-up Gwen Graham totaled 989,849. Even adding the third place candidate Philip Levine’s 306,481, the GOP edge only drops to 209,000!

Remember when all these Puerto Ricans were gonna overwhelm Florida voting rolls and turn the state blue? What happened?