Bad Week


Worst gambler ever
2 deaths in the family, one was my cousin, only 48, healthy, vibrant, she died of breast cancer, and left her 7 year old kid and husband. She lived the healthiest lifestyle of anyone I've ever known, and had access to the best medical care, and her own body killed her.

The other was my aunt, who died of colon cancer. Same deal. My pop's sister. She was awesome and she couldn't fight it off. My dad's devastated, as are the rest of us, but she was his sister, and he's old. I worry that it will cause him ill.

And I found out that my uncle has terminal cancer as well.

This world can be cold.

What matters besides health? Does anything else really matter?

2 deaths in the family, one was my cousin, only 48, healthy, vibrant, she died of breast cancer, and left her 7 year old kid and husband. She lived the healthiest lifestyle of anyone I've ever known, and had access to the best medical care, and her own body killed her.

The other was my aunt, who died of colon cancer. Same deal. My pop's sister. She was awesome and she couldn't fight it off. My dad's devastated, as are the rest of us, but she was his sister, and he's old. I worry that it will cause him ill.

And I found out that my uncle has terminal cancer as well.

This world can be cold.

What matters besides health? Does anything else really matter?

all I can say is life is a bitch...then ya marry one promised us a rose garden...just remember the good things about them ...then move on...if ya are a believer all will be well...if not only remorse will follow!;)
all I can say is life is a bitch...then ya marry one promised us a rose garden...just remember the good things about them ...then move on...if ya are a believer all will be well...if not only remorse will follow!;)

Yeah. Thanks for that.
2 deaths in the family, one was my cousin, only 48, healthy, vibrant, she died of breast cancer, and left her 7 year old kid and husband. She lived the healthiest lifestyle of anyone I've ever known, and had access to the best medical care, and her own body killed her.

The other was my aunt, who died of colon cancer. Same deal. My pop's sister. She was awesome and she couldn't fight it off. My dad's devastated, as are the rest of us, but she was his sister, and he's old. I worry that it will cause him ill.

And I found out that my uncle has terminal cancer as well.

This world can be cold.

What matters besides health? Does anything else really matter?
My condolences to you and your family. That certainly was an 'awful week.' I hope there is comfort for you dad, your cousin's husband and daughter.
This sucks beefy. My condolences.

There's no telling who cancer is going to take. It's like the most insidious disease I can imagine. It cut my brother down, in the prime of his life, and he was a total health freak. Marathon bike racer, organic foods, and all that. It's weird. Cancer is about the worst way to go unfortunately, so the only thing of comfort I can think of, is that at least your relatives' suffering is over. As for the spouses, I hope they seek grief counseling if they need it. Losing a loving spouse in the prime of life, is one of the cruelest fate's imaginable. My sister-in-law was completely devastated, and hasn't ever recovered completely, I don't think. She actually turned to alcohol unfortunately; and chronic depression is a possibility for surviving spouses. So, keep an eye on the surviving in-laws and support them.
How horrible Beefy.

Im so sorry you and your family have so much pain to endure this year.

Life is health and its pretty hard to be happy and move on without your health.

Make sure you take care of yourself ,eat well, sleep well and remember we all arround here care about you and want the best for your life.

If they had not taken as good of care of themselfs they may have gone earlier. They would want you and all the family to still try to treat your body right.

Again so sorry to hear of your pain. Life is so precious.
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2 deaths in the family, one was my cousin, only 48, healthy, vibrant, she died of breast cancer, and left her 7 year old kid and husband. She lived the healthiest lifestyle of anyone I've ever known, and had access to the best medical care, and her own body killed her.

The other was my aunt, who died of colon cancer. Same deal. My pop's sister. She was awesome and she couldn't fight it off. My dad's devastated, as are the rest of us, but she was his sister, and he's old. I worry that it will cause him ill.

And I found out that my uncle has terminal cancer as well.

This world can be cold.

What matters besides health? Does anything else really matter?

I'm very sorry.

If you have your health, everything else matters. If you don't have it, nothing else does, so it really depends I guess.
all I can say is life is a bitch...then ya marry one promised us a rose garden...just remember the good things about them ...then move on...if ya are a believer all will be well...if not only remorse will follow!;)

You have absolutely NO redeeming qualities as a human being.

You have absolutely NO redeeming qualities as a human being.

You have not a clue what I have gone thru in my life...what I said to beefy was man talk...I tried to cheer him up rather than depress him are so busy sticking your nose into what everyone else says on this board that you fail to see anything redeeming in anyone who does not cater to your political thinking...stuff it Ms.false outrage!
You stuff it also desh................!

can you chill that bullshit and start you own fight thread BB

I addressed beefy's thread...darla stuck her big nose in just like you are doing!
You and darla should take your own advice...'chill out' quit starting the fights!Ms.false outrage!
2 deaths in the family, one was my cousin, only 48, healthy, vibrant, she died of breast cancer, and left her 7 year old kid and husband. She lived the healthiest lifestyle of anyone I've ever known, and had access to the best medical care, and her own body killed her.

The other was my aunt, who died of colon cancer. Same deal. My pop's sister. She was awesome and she couldn't fight it off. My dad's devastated, as are the rest of us, but she was his sister, and he's old. I worry that it will cause him ill.

And I found out that my uncle has terminal cancer as well.

This world can be cold.

What matters besides health? Does anything else really matter?

Helath and family and friends are the most important things in life. Many think money and status is tops uintil it is too late.

Support to ya dude, hang in there.
It really is a heart wrenching disease. As a kid I spent time in the kids cancer ward in Farmington Ct. I lost a lot of friends I made there over a couple years.

My condolences to your loses.
I'm sorry to hear that Beefy.

My grandfather died yesterday and he was 93 years old. It's always hard to lose family and friends.
Sorry to hear that Epi, Its hard even when they have had a full life.

He was surrounded by the people he loved and he left us in peace and comfort after a long, full life.

I can't ask for anymore than that.

Thanks for your sympathies desh.