Bag boys teeth


Verified User

Pretty bad must of smoked a lot of crack to get that way.

Kinds looks like the idiot had a double barrel shot gun jammed in his mouth and he tried to talk after they told him to stfu.

Kinds like what the Russian mafia likes to do , lol he was dealing with a Russian who had contacts to the mob in Russia .

I bet hunter is a coward also he would fold up like a cheap blanket in a cheap hotel .
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Consider the source....

Consider the source....


Yes indeed I am a hillbilly, proud of that. Being a hillbilly lol most people dont really know what that really means.
Im at peace with nature and love it .
When a neighbor got hurt or was getting up in age you cut fire wood for them maybe killed a few deer for their table if they liked deer meat , give em a ride to the store or doctor and so much more.

We keep a eye on each others kids and try to steer them in the right way snitch them out to parents if its bad enough .

Some times you willl see familys together with 4 generations in one house family thwere means something.

hillbillysn can be the kindest gentlest people you ever met , they might have little to to nothing but will help. If your smart don't piss us off either

Pretty bad must of smoked a lot of crack to get that way.

Kinds looks like the idiot had a double barrel shot gun jammed in his mouth and he tried to talk after they told him to stfu.

Kinds like what the Russian mafia likes to do , lol he was dealing with a Russian who had contacts to the mob in Russia .

I bet hunter is a coward also he would fold up like a cheap blanket in a cheap hotel .

That’s not Mr Biden
That’s not Mr Biden

Ok now you claim the picture is fake and thats not lol hunter, its not MISTER Biden the crack head and bag man aka whore monger .

Look Im not tying to say you need glasses or need to stop lying or doing a excessive amount of mind altering drugs that turn your mind into mush .But clearly theres something seriously fucked up with you that needs fixed if you think thats not hunter.