Baghdad covered in snow for second time this century

We are seeing record rises in ocean and land temperatures, sea levels, greenhouse gas concentrations, and extreme weather events.

But the Climate Denier Clowns find time to giggle like little girls about a dusting of snow in the Middle East.

The last remaining Dead Enders - average age of Climate Deniers:
We are seeing record rises in ocean and land temperatures, sea levels, greenhouse gas concentrations, and extreme weather events.

But the Climate Denier Clowns find time to giggle like little girls about a dusting of snow in the Middle East.

The last remaining Dead Enders - average age of Climate Deniers:

People that know better are laughing at idiots like you that haven't made an accurate prediction related to the hoax in 50 years.
We are seeing record rises in ocean and land temperatures, sea levels, greenhouse gas concentrations, and extreme weather events.

But the Climate Denier Clowns find time to giggle like little girls about a dusting of snow in the Middle East.

The last remaining Dead Enders - average age of Climate Deniers:

Bullshit on steroids!