Ballance of Power - Sennate -


Well-known member
The ballance of power in the Sennate is currently

55 (R)-44(D)-1(I)... with the one independent voting with the Democrats.

How close does it have to get before the Democrats take power... I assume if the Democrats get close there will be at least one maybe two defectors from the Republican party to the Democratic party...

Remember if Lieberman is elected he is largely expected to vote with the Democrats.
The ballance of power in the Sennate is currently

55 (R)-44(D)-1(I)... with the one independent voting with the Democrats.

How close does it have to get before the Democrats take power... I assume if the Democrats get close there will be at least one maybe two defectors from the Republican party to the Democratic party...

Remember if Lieberman is elected he is largely expected to vote with the Democrats.

So you like Lieberman?
After his problems in the primary you think Lieberaman if elected will still support the demoncrats ?
After his problems in the primary you think Lieberaman if elected will still support the demoncrats ?

On leadership issues and most policy issues I feel sure he would be with the Democrats.

On the war and some other issues he will likely be with the Repug's.

Otherwise he is a hypocrate!
I think some of this opinions might have moved some after the way the Ds treated him.

How was he treated badly, other than by loosing an election? The party supported him till he did not win the primary? Is not choosing an incumbent for reelection really treating him badly? Thats how elections work, sometimes you loose.
How was he treated badly, other than by loosing an election? The party supported him till he did not win the primary? Is not choosing an incumbent for reelection really treating him badly? Thats how elections work, sometimes you loose.
The Party did not support him until... Some in the party did. Then, before the election was over, they called him self-centered, etc. because he was going to run as an Independant if he lost. They trashed him long before that election was run, they donated huge amounts to his Primary opponent and ran ads (not the party itself, but members of his party) also trashing him over such things....

Saying that internal Party battles don't leave some jaundiced is a weak argument. I have seen it happen with my own eyes.
The Party did not support him until... Some in the party did. Then, before the election was over, they called him self-centered, etc. because he was going to run as an Independant if he lost. They trashed him long before that election was run, they donated huge amounts to his Primary opponent and ran ads (not the party itself, but members of his party) also trashing him over such things....

Saying that internal Party battles don't leave some jaundiced is a weak argument. I have seen it happen with my own eyes.

Sure but thats elected politics... If he wants to blame the Democrats for his failure to connect with the party voters he has that right.. but it wont serve him well. The party leaders, both Clintons, and others supported him. He would not be welcome in the Republican party with the vast majority of his policy stances other than the war.

I feel sure if elected as an independent he would do the smart and honorable thing and vote with the leadership of the party whose platform he agrees with on 90% of the issues.

I resent the idea that just because he was the incumbent he deserved or should have had a pass on the nomination or the party money!