APP - Ballots ballots everywhere



Broward County is a complete clown show. Literally. They manufacture votes like clowns getting out of a car at a circus.

If it isn't close, they can't cheat.

Republicans have to blow out elections in order to keep the democrat party from cheating.

Ever notice that whenever votes are found they ALWAYS benefit the democrat? Remember Franken defeating Norm Coleman? A judge found that was due to fraud. Of course we all remember Florida 2000. Just happened in Arizona and the State Ag race in Florida. And it goes on and on and on.

The Deep State is full throttle. They don't even care anymore. They aren't even going to hide their antipathy to the American people anymore. They want their power back and they will do ANYTHING to get it. ANYTHING
The count had not changed that much since the first couple of days. Come on they are counting provisional and absentee ballots. Military ballots haven't even come in yet, that will favor DeSantis.
The late count tends to benefit democrats due to provisional ballots, as well as the fact that it's simply more difficult to run a vote counting operation on a large urban area. Usually it only moves the margin a fraction of a percentage point. That happens to be enough to trigger a recount here. Stop whining. Florida GOP has control of the prosecutors office, they can investigate any fraud. Trump has control of the justice department, he can do the same. Indeed if there was any fraud on the part of Democrat's in this election, it is my sincerest wish that they be investigated and brought to justice.