Ban all government funding and support for bigoted organizations


The Boy Scouts do not allow homosexuals or nontheists to join their ranks. The Freemasons do not allow nontheists to join their ranks. Why should they be allowed to recruit in churches or meet in any government space? March in parades? Etc... etc... Why should any organization at all that doesn't permit homosexuals or nontheistic members be allowed to have access to any government functions at all? Government should have absolutely no relation to either of these disgusting organizations. The theistic Ku Klux Klan should be squashed unless they choose to reform.
Imagine the outrage their would be if any organization that had as a rule "no niggers plz" were allowed to march in government organized parades or to recruit in schools? Just goes to show that atheists are still the one belief that it's still cool to discriminate against in the modern age. Fuck America. Fucking bigots.
Try putting this:


to your mouth, loading it, and pulling the trigger, SMY. I think this treatment would be highly effective for treating your condition.
All of the other evil (IE conservative) people here should at least attempt similar measures. Use multiple times as necessary; have someone on hand to clean up any discharge that results.