Ban Big Macs

Can't stand big macs, they put gherkins in them and they always look like shite compared to the picture.

Now sausage and egg mcmuffins are a different matter.... lol
The only good thing about Mickydees is that the food is the same at everyone of them, equally crappy ;)

For $1 less than a Bacon egg and cheese biscuit at MC donalds I get one at the local country store on a big "homemeade" biscuit and a genuine cackle berry just fresh from the shell, with local bacon and imported cheese.
Or homemade Biscuits and gravy for $.88 less money for more food as well...
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Yea, uscitizen, at our local convenience store we get the same as you describe and the cackle berries are even local....very local. You can see the chickens that produced them right across the road from the store. :)
Yep good country food :)

I eat our perhaps once a week at a typical fast food "restaurant", the rest is either fully home cooked or home cooked style. Since the food at the store is not really home cooked. Yesterday lunch special was pinto beans, fried taters , corn bread, and tomatoes. Yummy good :) And cost less than a "value meal" at a burger joint. btw they make great burgers too, from real ground round or chuck.
I get my cackleberrys from a neighbor for $.75 /dz, they only asked for .50, but I said that is too cheap.
I can no longer handle the straight real cows milk though....But great for baking and such.