Ban the sun!



[SIZE=+1]To: The World[/SIZE] The Sun. It gives us life and a healthy atmosphere.

But what about the things that teachers DON'T tell you? Did you know the Sun gives off harmful UV rays, or ultra-violet radiation, which, if exposed to over long periods of time (15 minutes or more) will give you cancer? Did you also know that you cannot lay your eyes upon the sun, as if it were some godly figure with an uptight ego? If you stare at it too long, it burns your cornea out to the point of blindess, only after long periods of time (15 minutes or more).

The Sun also heats the roads that we drive upon which causes something called the "greenhouse affect" which heats up our planet even further due to clouds. This can kill you after a certain period of time (15 minutes or more) due to carbon monoxide poisoning and over-heating of your body (150 degrees or more).

The Sun may be a giver, but that's just a facade to hide its true, dark, cold-hearted figure. The figure of a murderer.
The Undersigned
So first we bomb the moon and now you want to ban the sun? What's next? Land troops on Venus? Annex Pluto?