Banjo and Populism


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I've decided to devote my life to bluegrass/folk/hobo music, learn banjo and play melancholy odes regarding our lost innocence. Who's with me?

I seriously did start playing the banjo this weekend. The Scruggs roll is awesome.

I've decided to devote my life to bluegrass/folk/hobo music, learn banjo and play melancholy odes regarding our lost innocence. Who's with me?

I seriously did start playing the banjo this weekend. The Scruggs roll is awesome.

Just don't start singing ...'Tiny Bubbles'..leave that to beefy in Hawaii!:cof1:
I've decided to devote my life to bluegrass/folk/hobo music, learn banjo and play melancholy odes regarding our lost innocence. Who's with me?

I seriously did start playing the banjo this weekend. The Scruggs roll is awesome.

Are you using fingerpicks? Is it a 4 or 5 string banjo. Its one of my favorite instruments of all time. I think its the most mood evoking string instrument of all the strings.
Are you using fingerpicks? Is it a 4 or 5 string banjo. Its one of my favorite instruments of all time. I think its the most mood evoking string instrument of all the strings.

At first I was just using my fingers naked, then my thumb started hurting and I bought protection.

I love the music too. the pattern tesselations of the picking are mesmerizing, the content of the music is quite stirring. the pain and emotion etc...
Populism is taking care of people. Liberalism has become convincing westerners they deserve to have their socities destroyed through destructive business practices.
Populism is taking care of people. Liberalism has become convincing westerners they deserve to have their socities destroyed through destructive business practices.


"Populism" is ignorance propped up by a belief that your position is "suported by the people", which it clearly is not since few fascists are in office.

"Populism" is ignorance propped up by a belief that your position is "suported by the people", which it clearly is not since few fascists are in office.

No. Populism is what is actually "good" for people, not corporate fatcats and the environment.

Populism is a much smeared term by elitists who are trying to convince people they deserve to die, or that it's good to be optimized out of the world economy.
More for you watermark. Coporate culture has been decidedly hostile towards the concepts of human dignity, individuality, freedom, or self directedness. This goes back to the beginnings of the "scientific management" movement and it's various precepts, most of which I find objectionable.

I don't agree with "scientific" management either. It treats humans as machines rather than individuals. But as we've moved towards the service industries sector it's becoming less important anyway.
It's really more how you play the instrument, than the instrument itself. People have found all kinds of ways to play the guitar and make it sound completely different each time. But humanity hasn't spent much time on the banjo. Though the fingerpicking style does sound good, there's just so much more in the instrument that could be done with it.

I've always wondered why the banjo was never more popular than it was, though. Whenever I played it, I didn't know much about fingerpicking. I made it sound kind of like an indie rock guitar (I was really into indie rock back then).
I don't agree with "scientific" management either. It treats humans as machines rather than individuals. But as we've moved towards the service industries sector it's becoming less important anyway.

The very mindset of scientific management is still the pervasive ethos in coporate culture.

Maybe you'll find out when you grow up.
The only real fingerpicking song I know is "These Days" by Nico (written by Jackson Brown). I'm not very good at it and haven't explored it much, although I've always wanted to.
It's really more how you play the instrument, than the instrument itself. People have found all kinds of ways to play the guitar and make it sound completely different each time. But humanity hasn't spent much time on the banjo. Though the fingerpicking style does sound good, there's just so much more in the instrument that could be done with it.

I've always wondered why the banjo was never more popular than it was, though. Whenever I played it, I didn't know much about fingerpicking. I made it sound kind of like an indie rock guitar (I was really into indie rock back then).

I was considered too Hillbilly and retrograde for college bound people. It's part of the villification of all things white.
The very mindset of scientific management is still the pervasive ethos in coporate culture.

Maybe you'll find out when you grow up.

I am grown up.

I hate corporations just as much as the other guy. I think that the entire corporate system needs to be reformed completely. But that really isn't a product of liberalism anyway.
I am grown up.

I hate corporations just as much as the other guy. I think that the entire corporate system needs to be reformed completely. But that really isn't a product of liberalism anyway.

But liberalism (anti white, anti-western, lie-based dementia) has been twisted for use as a club to pound down anyone who criticizes the impact globalization is having. You're either a nationalist, which is nearly a nazi, or a racist, which is nearly a nazi.

According to elite thought, there is no rational acceptable basis for objecting to their plans.