Bannon: Sanctions On China


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Bannon: We Will Be in a Kinetic War with China
If We Don’t Win the Information and Economic War

By Fiona Yang May 29, 2020

Beijing is poised to pass a national security law for Hong Kong that could drastically undermine civil liberties in the semi-autonomous city.

In this interview with Zooming In’s Simone Gao, Steve Bannon called the Chinese leader Xi Jinping a criminal. He believes the United States will be in a kinetic war with China if it doesn’t win the information and economic war now. He also believes the trade deal with China is finished and there are forces in Washington DC pushing the United States to establish formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

Simone Gao: Thank you, Mr. Bannon, for being with us today.

Steve Bannon: Thanks, Simone, for having me.

Ms. Gao: As we speak, Beijing has reached a decision to implement national security law for Hong Kong despite the protest on Hong Kong street and international pressure. Beijing is very bold and very determined this time compared to 2003 when they tried to push the Hong Kong Basic Law Article 23, and also last year, the extradition law. Both times are targeting dissidents in Hong Kong, but this time is different. They didn’t even try to pass the law in Hong Kong. They did it themselves. So what is on Xi Jinping’s mind, and why are they so determined and so bold this time?

Mr. Bannon: I think it’s very simple why he’s so bold this time. He’s a criminal, he thinks like a criminal, and he’s gotten caught. The whole world now realizes through the great reporting at Epoch Times and New Tang Dynasty TV, and others, we think war room pandemic’s been part of that, that they’ve been exposed that regardless of whether it came out of a lab or not, which overall I think it’s pretty convincing it did, regardless of whether it’s part of their bioweapons program, which a lot of people think it is, that there’s an exact chain of title. For one, they understood there was human transmission and communities spread back to late December of 2019. And so Xi understands the game’s up. He understands the internet national community is going to close in on them, I think in a relatively short period of time, but what their culpability is, he understand that they’re going to be found guilty of tens of trillions of dollars of damages throughout the world, and also, obviously, hundreds of thousands if not millions of deaths, and that’s with the Chinese people and the rest of the world. And so I think he’s just saying, “Hey, what we’re going to do is start to roll up various territories that we’ve been thinking about for a while,” and that’s why I think he just even gone away from the the facade of having any type of rule of law, if it’s going to foreclose on Hong Kong and take it over, and just take the treaty everybody signed [and] agreed to in 1992 and did the transition in 1997, and just tear it up.

Ms. Gao: The assessment of Hong Kong’s economic and political status according to the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act is almost due. I think it’s due by the end of this month. Do you think America will revoke Hong Kong special status if this law is going to pass, and what else is America going to do?

Mr. Bannon: I think America is going to … Revoke the underlying trade agreement, the underlying ability to have this free trading zone with Hong Kong in the United States. We’re actually going to [toughen their sanctions]. I believe they’re going to be sanctions on China. I think there may be even sanctions on individuals. I think even [making a Magnitsky Act] and things like that, and maybe even stopping the flow of dollars. I think … The United States may start to actually focus on the Hong Kong dollars as a currency for exchange with the Chinese communist, allowing them to get dollars. I think United States is going to do a lot and I think the West is going to join them. I don’t think that CCP cares. I think Beijing’s made a decision that no matter what the economic consequences, the showing freedom and democracy in Hong Kong is more of a problem to them right now than the financial losses they will take. There’ll be substantial financial hit to the CCP and the Beijing, and I don’t think they care. I think they feel that with everything that’s going on inside of China how bad they handled the coronavirus, how bad they’ve handled the CCP virus, the deaths, the economic destruction—I think they don’t care. I think they feel they have to shut down democracy and freedom anywhere Chinese people have it. Otherwise, that could spread to the mainland. So I think they’re going to take a big financial hit, and I think they’re telling the world, “We don’t care. We don’t care if you think we’re outlaws, we don’t care if you think we don’t live with our treaties, we don’t care if you think we need you financial-economically—we don’t care. We want control of not just Hong Kong, we want control fo those Chinese people.”

Ms. Gao: They can say they don’t care but do they actually? If Hong Kong is gone, how big of a financial impact will be on the CCP?

Mr. Bannon: It’s a huge impact and they don’t care—that the world has to start to understand. We have to hit them. They’re engaged in a hot economic war with the West. We have to engage in a hot economic war, and I keep telling people, this is like 1938 with the Nazis in Czechoslovakia when you didn’t cap it. We have to stand firm. If we don’t stand firm, they’re going to be terrible consequences. But I think the world’s got to understand something: I believe we will hit back hard, economically and financially. The Chinese Communist Party, I think, maybe it would be beyond that right now, … I think they’re telling the world, “We don’t care if you think we’re lawless; we don’t care if you think we’re barbarians; we don’t care if you think we’re dictators. It doesn’t matter. What matters is our control of the apparatus and we’re going to take control.”

Ms. Gao: Very alarming. Are you aware of a newspaper called, “Xing Dao”?

Mr. Bannon: Yes.

Ms. Gao: It’s one of the biggest newspaper. It’s originated in Hong Kong but it has a big presence in the United States. The chairman of Sing Dao News Corporation in Hong Kong, his name is Charles Ho (Ho Tsu Kwok). He recently published an op-ed on his own newspaper commenting on the national security law that Beijing is going to introduce. The title of the article is, “The Law is Totally Legitimate.” It has big capital letters on the newspaper. This newspaper is one of the largest Chinese newspapers distributed in America. I know the Trump administration is identifying foreign agents acting like a media in America, but these more traditional media organizations who have deep ties with the CCP and are toeing the CCP lies, they are left out and there are a lot of them. America has freedom of speech. How do you balance this and guarantee the Chinese Americans in this American soil get truthful information?

Mr. Bannon: Yeah, I think we have freedom of speech and remember, it’s the first amendment. It’s the first amendment because it was so important. However, we’re not in a situation that allows pure propaganda from state institutions. This individual you talked about that, that piece that was in the Hong Kong page, he’s a running dog of the CCP. Everything in that piece was a lie. … We’ve already done it with the state controlled apparatuses, which I think that Secretary of State Pompeo should be acknowledged for taking a very bold and courageous move. I believe there needs to be full investigation immediately of all these different Chinese media outlets that particularly print in Chinese. They’re trying to influence Chinese Americans and expatriate trainees that are here in the United States. I think there needs to be a total review, and if they have any ties whatsoever—financial ties, business ties, political ties, the CCP—they have to have the same type of ban and the same type of designation as the official state media, so people know that you’re hearing pure propaganda. If you haven’t noticed, I’m a Hawk.

Ms. Gao: I happened to notice that just a few moments ago. About the same time when they first let out the news that they were considering implementing the national security law for Hong Kong, the CCP also had some aggressive statements about Taiwan—”Forceful unification with Taiwan,” and stuff like that. And now they went ahead with the law for Hong Kong. Does that mean their threat to Taiwan will be just lip servicing or does that mean they are determined to take Taiwan as well?
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