Baptists are against dancing and drinking


The remora of JPP
Should the Baptist politicians outlaw dancing and drinking?

In the same vein, should they outlaw abortion?

Q: Why do Baptists forbid having sex while standing up?
A: It might lead to dancing.
Should the Baptist politicians outlaw dancing and drinking?

In the same vein, should they outlaw abortion?

Q: Why do Baptists forbid having sex while standing up?
A: It might lead to dancing.

There's town in Nothern WA called Ferndale. Years ago, during my lifetime, dancing in Ferndale was illegal. Our joke about Ferndale was that sex was outlawed in Ferndale because it might be a "gateway drug" to dancing.
“Jews don’t recognize Jesus, Protestants don’t recognize the Pope, and Baptists don’t recognize one another in the liquor store.”
Here's some context to my thread.

President Biden and Pelosi are devout Catholics. Posters here claim that they support abortion, contrary to their Catholic doctrine.

They do not support abortion personally. But they do not believe that for the rest of Americans.
when I was a kid we had a joke......"why are our parents against having sex while standing up?"......"because it may lead to dancing"......

oh sorry, if I did'nt have APL on ignore I would have seen he already used that one......
Should the Baptist politicians outlaw dancing and drinking?

In the same vein, should they outlaw abortion?

Q: Why do Baptists forbid having sex while standing up?
A: It might lead to dancing.

Church and State! It's absolutely NOT the government's job to enforce ANY churches rules!
“Jews don’t recognize Jesus, Protestants don’t recognize the Pope, and Baptists don’t recognize one another in the liquor store.”

And as the Saudis say, "Allah doesn't see outside the kingdom!" (They would say that while drinking and dancing with the band girls in Bahrain)

A Catholic priest, a Baptist minister and a rabbi are camping together

Around the campfire they each claim to be the best at winning converts to their respective faiths. To settle the friendly dispute they decide to seek out a bear and try to convert it. The next day they fan out in different directions into the woods, planning to meet back at the campsite in twelve hours.

That night they gather around the fire again. "Well," said the Baptist, "how did you do?"

"After a few hours I came upon a bear foraging for berries," the priest said. "I read to him from our Catechism and we talked about theology, and I'm happy to report I signed him up to start our conversion education."

"Good," the Baptist said. "I found a black bear in a creek. I laid out God's plan for salvation for him. He prayed the sinner's prayer and I baptized him right there in that creek!"

They then both turned the rabbi, who they now noticed had scratches on his face, torn clothes and blood across his belly. He took a long, deep breath and said: "If I could do it over again, I would not start with circumcision."
A Baptist preacher sits next to a cowboy on a flight. After the plane takes off, the cowboy asks for a whiskey and soda, which is promptly brought and placed before him.

The flight attendant then asks the preacher if he would like a drink.

Appalled, the preacher replies, "I'd rather be tied up and taken advantage of
by women of ill-repute, than let liquor touch my lips."

The cowboy then hands his drink back to the attendant and says, "Me too, I
didn't know we had a choice."
Baptists vs. Beer

If you go fishing with one Baptist they'll drink all your beer.

If you go fishing with two Baptists neither of them will drink your beer.
Should the Baptist politicians outlaw dancing and drinking?

In the same vein, should they outlaw abortion?

Q: Why do Baptists forbid having sex while standing up?
A: It might lead to dancing.

The outright capitulation of the Christians to the WOKE has doomed us all.

I am not interested in ANY Happy Horseshit.

Do U Understand?
A Southern Baptist minister was addressing his congregation.
‘Today I am a sad man. And I’m gonna tell you why I am a sad
man. I am a sad man because a member of this church has
been spreading the word that I am a member of the Ku Klux
Klan. That person has not had the courage to speak this
falsehood to my face, so I call upon them to stand up now
before you all and tell me why they have been peddling such
malicious lies.’
An attractive blonde woman stood up nervously.
‘You?’ said the minister, shocked. ‘My own sister-in-law?
How could you say such things about me?’
‘I didn’t mean any harm,’ said the woman. ‘It was all a
terrible misunderstanding. All I did was tell my friend you were
a wizard beneath the sheets!’