Barack Obama: 'I Inhaled — That Was The Point'


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That was what Illinois Senator Barack Obama, currently on a book tour that may or may not segue into a run for the 2008 presidency, said to New Yorker editor David Remnick, after he asked Obama whether or not his admission of drug use in the book would become problematic if he does run.

More at link...
These things are always problematic for Democrats.

If a Republican does it, then it's a 'youthful mistake' Adds a bit of color and charm to their resumes.

Even if they were in their 40's at the time.

Ah, to have the youthful span of a Republican politico. Why I'd be just a child. Jailbait really.
At last honesty on at least one item from a politico. Very refreshing I will have to look harder at that guy.
I can't really believe anyone who says yes they smoked pot but did not inhale, liars....
I always found it funny how Democrat politicians nowadays chastise and wage war against smoking tobacco, but smoke something that's illegal or mind-numbing and they love that.

It's thoughts like that, that really reinforce the fact to me that Liberal Dems are really not reachable by logic or reason...
I always found it funny how Democrat politicians nowadays chastise and wage war against smoking tobacco, but smoke something that's illegal or mind-numbing and they love that.

It's thoughts like that, that really reinforce the fact to me that Liberal Dems are really not reachable by logic or reason...

well, from what I have read about Cigarettes vs pot that the Cigarettes are manipulated in production by the tobacco companies to cause greater harm to the individual....and leads to cancer....

There was a research article not long ago that says pot smokers have an advantage of NOT GETTING was kinda funny to read this...because pot smokers tend to have alzheimer's SYMPTOMS when they are partying....yet this stuff prevents it from occurring to them in the future! :D
well, from what I have read about Cigarettes vs pot that the Cigarettes are manipulated in production by the tobacco companies to cause greater harm to the individual....and leads to cancer....

There was a research article not long ago that says pot smokers have an advantage of NOT GETTING was kinda funny to read this...because pot smokers tend to have alzheimer's SYMPTOMS when they are partying....yet this stuff prevents it from occurring to them in the future! :D
Cigarette smokers also have the benefit of a 20% less chance of getting alzheimers... It is one of the few "benefits" of cigarettes.

It does take a bit of pretense to assume that MJ smoking is good for the lungs and has no carcinogens...
I always found it funny how Democrat politicians nowadays chastise and wage war against smoking tobacco, but smoke something that's illegal or mind-numbing and they love that.

It's thoughts like that, that really reinforce the fact to me that Liberal Dems are really not reachable by logic or reason...

LOL, Not only Demoncrats Dano, Repbutlikens as well.