Barack Obama's father was a Muslam.


Well-known member
Barack a self professed Christian was educated, at least partally, in a Muslam School.

Who better to lead the fight against Islamofacism, someone who at least has some basic understanding of them!

Do these facts make you more or less likely to support Obama?

Me, More!
It wont make any difference to some that bring up things like bush's grandpappy dealt with Hitler and old man Kennedy was a rumrunner....
Don't care. My father was an atheist, my mother is a christian, I am a Buddhist and none of that really matters in the big picture.
I think the fact that he has more insight into Islam than the average person would be an advantage.
I think the fact that he has more insight into Islam than the average person would be an advantage.

Yes, as long as he does not do fir the people of Islam as some of our leaders with Jewish heritage have done and try to shape our government to favor the Jews....
Yes, as long as he does not do fir the people of Islam as some of our leaders with Jewish heritage have done and try to shape our government to favor the Jews....

See, I would think he would not do that because he is a Christian who understands Islam.... Not a Muslam who wants to promote Islam.
Then he is an apostite who is subject to fatwah. Anyone that leaves islam is sentenced to death.

Could be a muslim disguising himself as a christian in order to get into a powerful position. The mecca canidate so to speak.
See, I would think he would not do that because he is a Christian who understands Islam.... Not a Muslam who wants to promote Islam.
Yes it will work if he can seperate his family background from his job. the question is if...
And I don't know nearly enough about the guy to make that call.
Then he is an apostite who is subject to fatwah. Anyone that leaves islam is sentenced to death.

Could be a muslim disguising himself as a christian in order to get into a powerful position. The mecca canidate so to speak.
Naaah, you got that guy confused with Bush ;)
Then he is an apostite who is subject to fatwah. Anyone that leaves islam is sentenced to death.

Could be a muslim disguising himself as a christian in order to get into a powerful position. The mecca canidate so to speak.

He was never a Muslam... His father once was.

Talk about conspiracy theories....
Don't care. My father was an atheist, my mother is a christian, I am a Buddhist and none of that really matters in the big picture.

Same here ('cept I'm not a Buddhist). It was really funny because when I was high school, at one point my dad would go to the track on Wednesdays and my mom would go to Bible study. I thought that was hilarious.
He was never a Muslam... His father once was.

Talk about conspiracy theories....

well you brought it up.

how much schooling did he have in the muslim school? Just because he went to a muslim school for a while doesn't make him an expert on the ME.
Then he is an apostite who is subject to fatwah. Anyone that leaves islam is sentenced to death.

Could be a muslim disguising himself as a christian in order to get into a powerful position. The mecca canidate so to speak.

"Could be a muslim disguising himself as a christian in order to get into a powerful position. The mecca canidate so to speak"

Yeah, you've got credibility on this board.
how much schooling did he have in the muslim school? Just because he went to a muslim school for a while doesn't make him an expert on the ME.

Yeah, that's pretty much right. So he has a Muslim background. So what?
Well, see? Somebody goes to a Muslim school for a while and it makes him at least as expert as, say, the RR who have gone to church for a lifetime, on a different religion that he doesn't claim as his own... so... He has magic insight into a religion that isn't his because he spent some time at a school.

Just like, everybody thinks I am an expert on Catholicism because I went to a year of Catholic HS... So that really gives me magical insight into Catholicism. ...
Well you do have more insight into Cahtolics that I do Damo, Many Catholics in the hills of eastern KY. But I might have the knowledge lead over you on holy rollerism ;)
Well you do have more insight into Cahtolics that I do Damo, Many Catholics in the hills of eastern KY. But I might have the knowledge lead over you on holy rollerism ;)
Nah... I got that in spades... I actually was forced to go to a holy roller church from 3 until 16 three times a week, I was on the Israeli Dance team, the Prison Ministry, and the Art ministry as well... My mother thought she could cure my atheism through more exposure I guess...

I'd say that I have some knowledge of Catholicism, but not enough to give me any insight, honestly the only exposure I had was that one year in a Catholic HS...
Darn! Did they actually do the holy roller thing in the aisles, speak in tounges and such ?
Yup. They called it "Slain in the Spirit" and it is when the Holy Spirit comes over you... The Tongues thing always interested me. In the Bible everybody could understand those who spoke in Tongues, in modern day nobody can understand them...