Basically Trump supporters

Once in Poland, some people were angry at losing their privilege, and so allied with Russia against their own nation hoping to reverse the progress they as a society had made. This eventually lead to the erasure of their country from the map for 100 years.

Geez does this story remind you at all of some group in America? Hmmmm...

YEP; liberals and you in particular. :good4u:
Keeping Hillary out of office and causing you mental anguish felt great

I wonder if any of the polish traitors justified their treason, after their actions had brought about the elimination of their nation, in a similar fashion? "Oh taking away the May constitution from those peasants felt so good, I don't care if Poland was erased because of it."
I wonder if any of the polish traitors justified their treason, after their actions had brought about the elimination of their nation, in a similar fashion? "Oh taking away the May constitution from those peasants felt so good, I don't care if Poland was erased because of it."

And now you're showing those same feelings for the US. :palm:
Keeping Hillary out of office and causing you mental anguish felt great

Thankfully the pasty face christstains like you will be a long forgetting memory and your spawn will not have an easy time

