Basket Of Deplorables Object To Being Called Deplorable - part deux


How absurd, for people who divide America and malign and make disgusting comments American minorities, to whine about themselves being maligned as if it's "dividing America". This is what you get for your racist comments against Muslims, Mexicans, and blacks. You get called racist. That's what fucking happens. Actions have consequences. These people think they should be free to say all the shit they want about minorities, but God forbid you say anything against them. What whiny fucking entitled pricks.

You sure are being really hard on the liberals with your accusations, LORD OF COCKS.
Furthermore, rather than being maligned merely for how you look as Trump supporters do, Trump supporters themselves are being maligned for their actual deeds and beliefs. They deserve to be maligned, unlike Muslims, Mexicans, African Americans, and women. They are definitionally a cancerous presence on the American landscape, you can't honestly entertain the idea of voting Trump without deeply held racist and bigoted beliefs.

And all of this coming from someone who not only stay employed; but remains a leech on society, because he can't become employed.

Physician, heal thyself. :D
It is possible to be a Muslim without being an Islamist. In fact, Islamism in America is practically non-existent among patriotic, America loving Muslim-Americans. In contrast, all Trump supporters are definitionally terrorists, bigoted, and racist undesirable elements. They are a basket of deplorables. No one who is not a racist could ever even consider voting for Trump. Saying "I support Trump" is, in all respects, equivalent to saying "I am a bigot!"

But you can't accuse them of being leeches, like you are.