Basking in the glory of a clusterfuck


Due to my relocation, New job Training and the holidays.., Over the past few weeks I have not been able to do much posting or better yet...partaking in active discussion. I basically have been throwing a post here and there to this and the other board ....and return 8 or 9 hours later to read or respond.

But one thing that I have noticed... is this arrogance dripping from the mouths of the left .... basking in the glory of a failed War policy and the inconceivable notion they are suddenly right about everything ...and Conservative Principles are out the door.

Yes they were right about Iraq.... and for the most part....Bush has been a miserable the very least and most importantly on the World front.... but somehow this translates to we (Liberals) are right about everything and you Conservatives.. which means the entire ball of wax that encompasses any thinikng to the right of Joe Lieberman .... are cave dwellars and are out of the mainstream .... suddenly the mind of the Liberal ... Conservative Politics is out of the American Mainstream....
I see a terrible blunder in the making... a repeat of 1972 when Liberals were basking in the glory of another Neo-Con failure that time they thought they had the American Mainstram by the balls.... A failed War Policy and President with Questionable Ethics ..... shoot .."we are the mainstream" was the liberal chant. So what did they do.... they nominated the most Far Left Candidate they could find...because after all ... America has had enough and America embraces the far left. Well..we all know what happened.... place another check next to the phrase landslide victory. Another vote against far left ideology compliments of the American Mainstream.
4 years later....The dems look south of the Mason–Dixon Line ...... and find a Peach in a Govna from Georgia .....a supposed Moderate who also happens to be a self avowed Born again Christian... but what makes him cool is his ability to admit that he lusts after a pretty gal now and then. A SOuthern Born Again Christian... can you imagine someone with that tag gaining approval from the left in this day in age? Well...he wins and spends the next 4 years of his Presidency approving every regulatory measure under the sun.., and also instituting and FDR like Jobs Program that proves absolutely worthless. Out the door and in with the old/new. Another landslide in 1980.

Whats my point? The point is this.... yes the Libs were right about Iraq... but lets get something straight...the Victory this past Nov. was not against Conservative... or for Liberals.... it was against Iraq...., thats why a majority of Dems who gained office were self described Moderates.....

Throw a Far lefty up in 2008 and you will see another check mark next to the phrase "landslide victory". Gov. Warner and Senator Evan Bayh ...two Middle of the Road technocrats who would do well in a general election have dropped out of the Democrat Primary because of lack of Party Base support...this tells me the Dems are moving way too left in 2008.
Well the Repubs moved way to far to the right and an overcorrection is the natural response.
Not necessarially the correct one, but the expected response.
which means the entire ball of wax that encompasses any thinikng to the right of Joe Lieberman .... are cave dwellars and are out of the mainstream

Yeah. That sounds about right. Good to see you're finally catching up.
Well the Repubs moved way to far to the right and an overcorrection is the natural response.
Not necessarially the correct one, but the expected response.

I guess you missed the point.... If the Dems throw a far lefty into the general Election... against America's MAyor or the Old Man (Mccain)they'll get their asses handed to them in a basket .....
I guess you missed the point.... If the Dems throw a far lefty into the general Election... against America's MAyor or the Old Man (Mccain)they'll get their asses handed to them in a basket .....

Perhaps, we still have a couple more years of Bush screwups to go till the election.....
By that time the general consesus might be anyone but a republican.
You seem to be assuming that the Iraq and ME situation is as bad as it is going to get.....
I am basking in the glory of America waking up and finally not following lock stock and barrel in the footsteps of an idiotic idelogue madman!
THe last election and Americans waking up to the reality of this war is not an endorsement of LIberalism... Clearly.

It is a repudiation and rejection of the blind nationalism that inspired the following of Bush and the Religous right down this crazy UnAmerican path!
THe last election and Americans waking up to the reality of this war is not an endorsement of LIberalism... Clearly.

It is a repudiation and rejection of the blind nationalism that inspired the following of Bush and the Religous right down this crazy UnAmerican path!
Amen Brother, you tell em.

Perhaps the fear driven following that tipped the scales for the republicans is over. I sure hope so.
Weak ..very weak... , you can do better than this .... :rolleyes:

I don't have to do better. You summed it up quite nicely:

#1) Liberals were/are right about Bush and the war. Turns out our ABB outlook was justified as the writing was on the wall.

#2) The neocon agenda is flawed

#3) Conservatives did you put it?

Oh yeah

klaatu said:
are cave dwellars and are out of the mainstream

No need to out do that. :thup:

As a matter of fact I appaud you: :hand:
Seriously Klaatu, you need to stake out one story and stick with it.

On these message boards, I'll read a republican say on one day:

"Democrats are veering wildly to the extreme left! They've purged all the moderates!"

And then I'll come back another day to see the exact same republican poster write:

"Well, so many moderate blue-dog democrats were elected on November 7, that Nancy Pelosi won't be able to pass her communist agenda anayway!"

You dudes need to pick one talking point and stick with it ;)

BTW: I don't see Hillary, Tom Vilsack, Bill Richardson, and John Edwards as "far left" Dems. Aren't these the only ones who have formally announced?
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SOuthern Born Again Christian... can you imagine someone with that tag gaining approval from the left in this day in age? Well...he wins and spends the next 4 years of his Presidency approving every regulatory measure under the sun...

Klaatu, I'm not sure if you were even alive during the Carter admin, but Carter was a moderate Democrat who began the trend of deregulation, which continued under reagan. Carter deregulated the oil industry, the airline industry, and the trucking industry:

Official White House Website:

"Carter could point to a number of achievements in domestic affairs. He dealt with the energy shortage by establishing a national energy policy and by decontrolling domestic petroleum prices to stimulate production. He prompted Government efficiency through civil service reform and proceeded with deregulation of the trucking and airline industries. He sought to improve the environment."

I guess you missed the point.... If the Dems throw a far lefty into the general Election... against America's MAyor or the Old Man (Mccain)they'll get their asses handed to them in a basket .....

although I don't agree with John on all least he stays the course and says it like he feels it...kudos to you!
They have been trying for the last thirty years, as they saw the communist threat going away to create a new demon...liberalism!

That was followed by terrorism.

Most Americans keep getting sucked in...
Throw a Far lefty up in 2008 and you will see another check mark next to the phrase "landslide victory". Gov. Warner and Senator Evan Bayh ...two Middle of the Road technocrats who would do well in a general election have dropped out of the Democrat Primary because of lack of Party Base support...this tells me the Dems are moving way too left in 2008.
Once upon a time -- though not so very long ago or far away -- many people said the very same thing about the Republicans and far righty evangelicals. Nominate a born again, anti-abortion, anti-freedom extremist and they're toast.

And then came Dubya.

No, it's all about personality and timing, Klaatu. What you think of as "far left" isn't really, and could easily be made palatible to the heartland in an attractive enough package.

The Correction has barely begun. Get used to it. :D
They have been trying for the last thirty years, as they saw the communist threat going away to create a new demon...liberalism!

That was followed by terrorism.

Most Americans keep getting sucked in...
Froggie! Welcome back! Long time, no see, comrade.

Seriously Klaatu, you need to stake out one story and stick with it.

On these message boards, I'll read a republican say on one day:

"Democrats are veering wildly to the extreme left! They've purged all the moderates!"

And then I'll come back another day to see the exact same republican poster write:

"Well, so many moderate blue-dog democrats were elected on November 7, that Nancy Pelosi won't be able to pass her communist agenda anayway!"

You dudes need to pick one talking point and stick with it ;)

BTW: I don't see Hillary, Tom Vilsack, Bill Richardson, and John Edwards as "far left" Dems. Aren't these the only ones who have formally announced?

Its all about electability in the general election... Gov. Warner and Senator Evan Bayh were the two that can cross the line and gain enough votes to win. Govs Bill Richardson and Tom Vilsack ? Maybe .... but considering what happened to Warner and Bayh... I suspect they will also get flushed out by the party base.
SOuthern Born Again Christian... can you imagine someone with that tag gaining approval from the left in this day in age? Well...he wins and spends the next 4 years of his Presidency approving every regulatory measure under the sun...

Klaatu, I'm not sure if you were even alive during the Carter admin, but Carter was a moderate Democrat who began the trend of deregulation, which continued under reagan. Carter deregulated the oil industry, the airline industry, and the trucking industry:

Official White House Website:

"Carter could point to a number of achievements in domestic affairs. He dealt with the energy shortage by establishing a national energy policy and by decontrolling domestic petroleum prices to stimulate production. He prompted Government efficiency through civil service reform and proceeded with deregulation of the trucking and airline industries. He sought to improve the environment."

Uhmm...alive and well during the Carter a matter of fact Carter was the first President I ever voted for ... back when I was a young Democrat.
As I said in my opening ...Carter went in as a moderate .... but left office as a Big Gov'mt lib. He was a visionary as far as Energy and the environment...but his policies were too much too quick for the time...especially the stagnent 70's .. too much tax burden...that combined with the superfund (bloated with over regulation) and his midnight Executive orders sent the Midlands and North East reeling into a long economic recsession.
Once upon a time -- though not so very long ago or far away -- many people said the very same thing about the Republicans and far righty evangelicals. Nominate a born again, anti-abortion, anti-freedom extremist and they're toast.

And then came Dubya.

No, it's all about personality and timing, Klaatu. What you think of as "far left" isn't really, and could easily be made palatible to the heartland in an attractive enough package.

The Correction has barely begun. Get used to it. :D

Far left Gov'mnt is Solicialism ...plain and simple.

The far Left Agenda is this:

Universal Health Care (Nationalized)
More Federal Government Control of Education....increase the spending and the size... (Nationalized);
Raise Taxes On the Wealthy...this means anyone making over 75,000. a year;
Raise Taxes on the Dead ...;
Raise Social Security Taxes (instead of redesiging)..another attempt to keep an out of date social program alive;
Spend millions on publishing Goverment Manuals dictating whats offensive and what isnt offensive.
Mandate that all who Smoke must designate a room within their home and install an Air Cleaning system...(we wouldnt want those deadly fumes to escape into the outdoors) so a few years later the law can change again...yet even more restrictive;
By executive order The Name of the National Holiday Christmas will be deemed Offensive... thus it will offically be changed to Obamamas Day;

Of course this is far left.... Im not accusing the enitre Democrat Party of this kind of extreme ...
And the Neo-Cons are no better ...

but it is an example of a territory where Americas heartland doesnt want anything to do with.....