APP - Bats win, people lose

Wrong-o. Natural gas, clean coal, geothermal, nukes, biodiesel from waste oils, methane from landfills, co-gen, more efficient engines and buildings, even PV and wind have a use. There is no one solution, only "all above".
Wrong-o. Natural gas, clean coal, geothermal, nukes, biodiesel from waste oils, methane from landfills, co-gen, more efficient engines and buildings, even PV and wind have a use. There is no one solution, only "all above".

none of which you can put in your republitard pickup truck
You dummy. Natural gas, hydrogen from nukes, biodiesel from waste oils, methane from landfills, and more efficient engines can all be used in vehicles.
Alcohol is a great way to power your vehicle, since it's easy enough to make at home. And I'm a firm supporter of nuclear energy.
Bats win, people lose!

More teabagging ignorance of basic facts about science, technology, and environment.

YOUR ARTICLE: “The court ruled that if it wants to complete the project, Invenergy must seek a federal "incidental take permit," which sets out conditions to mitigate possible harm to an endangered species. The permit, for instance, could restrict the times turbines operate to avoid the bat migration season, bar turbines in the most sensitive areas or require the company to take other steps to protect the bat population.”

No one is “stopping” them from building their project. They are merely requiring that the company work out mitigation measures to limit the impact on an endangered species.

Lazy, under educated, whiny teabaggers might throw up their hands and quit.

Sensible and intelligent people can figure out ways to operate a technological enterprise with a minimal environmental footprint.
More teabagging ignorance of basic facts about science, technology, and environment.

No one is “stopping” them from building their project. They are merely requiring that the company work out mitigation measures to limit the impact on an endangered species.

Lazy, under educated, whiny teabaggers might throw up their hands and quit.

Sensible and intelligent people can figure out ways to operate a technological enterprise with a minimal environmental footprint.

You obviously never worked on a project where environmental permits have to be issued. They never say "no", they just make it as costly as hell and increase the risk that you will be delayed forever.
I know how hydrogen is separated from water. I'm having trouble figuring out how nukes got involved.
They make electricity at a constant rate and cities use it at a varying rate. During the off-peak hours the excess electricity can be used to store energy by pumping water into a high reservoir or simply making hydrogen.