Battlestar Galactica

That is too bad Dam, it is a good program. Try it sometime when you have a spare hour or a repeat is on for your regularly scheduled program. LOL
I agree with Toby! (it almost hurts to say) :)

Battlestar is crazy good. Especially last week. There's only 4 shows I watch. Battlestar, Weeds, Heroes, and Dexter.

Oh and the Office..guess that is 5. Anyway, Battlestar is soo good.
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Ok this is for fun>>

In BG the religious right stole the election and then gave it back to the progressives lead by Baytar. The progressives took the human race to the new planet and almost destroyed the entire human race.

is there a moral here for us? LOL
Okay a bit more>> the cylons are like the terrorist.

the right will torture them to get info
The progressives hide them

They all will fuck them! LOL
Nah, the Cylons turned normal peace loving people into terrorists by their subjugation and ill treatment of them.

The cylons created terrorists. hmm.....

George Bush created the cylons duh!

Anyways I thought it was the coolest thing in the show so far when the Galactica jumped into orbit and launched all the ships before it pancaked then jumped back out. Good effects for a tv show.